import { Thread, ThreadType } from "../threads" import { definitions } from "./triggerInfo" import { automationQueue } from "./bullboard" import newid from "../db/newid" import { updateEntityMetadata } from "../utilities" import { MetadataTypes } from "../constants" import { db as dbCore, context } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { getAutomationMetadataParams } from "../db/utils" import { cloneDeep } from "lodash/fp" import { quotas } from "@budibase/pro" import { Automation, WebhookActionType } from "@budibase/types" import sdk from "../sdk" const REBOOT_CRON = "@reboot" const WH_STEP_ID = definitions.WEBHOOK.stepId const CRON_STEP_ID = definitions.CRON.stepId const Runner = new Thread(ThreadType.AUTOMATION) const jobMessage = (job: any, message: string) => { return `app=${} automation=${} jobId=${} trigger=${} : ${message}` } export async function processEvent(job: any) { try { const automationId = console.log(jobMessage(job, "running")) // need to actually await these so that an error can be captured properly return await context.doInContext(, async () => { const runFn = () => return quotas.addAutomation(runFn, { automationId, }) }) } catch (err) { const errJson = JSON.stringify(err) console.error(jobMessage(job, `was unable to run - ${errJson}`)) console.trace(err) return { err } } } export async function updateTestHistory( appId: any, automation: any, history: any ) { return updateEntityMetadata( MetadataTypes.AUTOMATION_TEST_HISTORY, automation._id, (metadata: any) => { if (metadata && Array.isArray(metadata.history)) { metadata.history.push(history) } else { metadata = { history: [history], } } return metadata } ) } export function removeDeprecated(definitions: any) { const base = cloneDeep(definitions) for (let key of Object.keys(base)) { if (base[key].deprecated) { delete base[key] } } return base } // end the repetition and the job itself export async function disableAllCrons(appId: any) { const promises = [] const jobs = await automationQueue.getRepeatableJobs() for (let job of jobs) { if (job.key.includes(`${appId}_cron`)) { promises.push(automationQueue.removeRepeatableByKey(job.key)) if ( { promises.push(automationQueue.removeJobs( } } } return Promise.all(promises) } export async function disableCronById(jobId: number | string) { const repeatJobs = await automationQueue.getRepeatableJobs() for (let repeatJob of repeatJobs) { if ( === jobId) { await automationQueue.removeRepeatableByKey(repeatJob.key) } } console.log(`jobId=${jobId} disabled`) } export async function clearMetadata() { const db = context.getProdAppDB() const automationMetadata = ( await db.allDocs( getAutomationMetadataParams({ include_docs: true, }) ) ) any) => row.doc) for (let metadata of automationMetadata) { metadata._deleted = true } await db.bulkDocs(automationMetadata) } export function isCronTrigger(auto: Automation) { return ( auto && auto.definition.trigger && auto.definition.trigger.stepId === CRON_STEP_ID ) } export function isRebootTrigger(auto: Automation) { const trigger = auto ? auto.definition.trigger : null return isCronTrigger(auto) && trigger?.inputs.cron === REBOOT_CRON } /** * This function handles checking of any cron jobs that need to be enabled/updated. * @param {string} appId The ID of the app in which we are checking for webhooks * @param {object|undefined} automation The automation object to be updated. */ export async function enableCronTrigger(appId: any, automation: Automation) { const trigger = automation ? automation.definition.trigger : null // need to create cron job if ( isCronTrigger(automation) && !isRebootTrigger(automation) && trigger?.inputs.cron ) { // make a job id rather than letting Bull decide, makes it easier to handle on way out const jobId = `${appId}_cron_${newid()}` const job: any = await automationQueue.add( { automation, event: { appId, timestamp: }, }, { repeat: { cron: trigger.inputs.cron }, jobId } ) // Assign cron job ID from bull so we can remove it later if the cron trigger is removed trigger.cronJobId = // can't use getAppDB here as this is likely to be called from dev app, // but this call could be for dev app or prod app, need to just use what // was passed in await dbCore.doWithDB(appId, async (db: any) => { const response = await db.put(automation) automation._id = automation._rev = response.rev }) } return automation } /** * This function handles checking if any webhooks need to be created or deleted for automations. * @param {string} appId The ID of the app in which we are checking for webhooks * @param {object|undefined} oldAuto The old automation object if updating/deleting * @param {object|undefined} newAuto The new automation object if creating/updating * @returns {Promise<object|undefined>} After this is complete the new automation object may have been updated and should be * written to DB (this does not write to DB as it would be wasteful to repeat). */ export async function checkForWebhooks({ oldAuto, newAuto }: any) { const appId = context.getAppId() if (!appId) { throw new Error("Unable to check webhooks - no app ID in context.") } const oldTrigger = oldAuto ? oldAuto.definition.trigger : null const newTrigger = newAuto ? newAuto.definition.trigger : null const triggerChanged = oldTrigger && newTrigger && !== function isWebhookTrigger(auto: any) { return ( auto && auto.definition.trigger && auto.definition.trigger.stepId === WH_STEP_ID ) } // need to delete webhook if ( isWebhookTrigger(oldAuto) && (!isWebhookTrigger(newAuto) || triggerChanged) && oldTrigger.webhookId ) { try { let db = context.getAppDB() // need to get the webhook to get the rev const webhook = await db.get(oldTrigger.webhookId) // might be updating - reset the inputs to remove the URLs if (newTrigger) { delete newTrigger.webhookId newTrigger.inputs = {} } await sdk.automations.webhook.destroy(webhook._id, webhook._rev) } catch (err) { // don't worry about not being able to delete, if it doesn't exist all good } } // need to create webhook if ( (!isWebhookTrigger(oldAuto) || triggerChanged) && isWebhookTrigger(newAuto) ) { const webhook = await sdk.automations.webhook.newDoc( "Automation webhook", WebhookActionType.AUTOMATION, newAuto._id ) ) const id = webhook._id newTrigger.webhookId = id // the app ID has to be development for this endpoint // it can only be used when building the app // but the trigger endpoint will always be used in production const prodAppId = dbCore.getProdAppID(appId) newTrigger.inputs = { schemaUrl: `api/webhooks/schema/${appId}/${id}`, triggerUrl: `api/webhooks/trigger/${prodAppId}/${id}`, } } return newAuto } /** * When removing an app/unpublishing it need to make sure automations are cleaned up (cron). * @param appId {string} the app that is being removed. * @return {Promise<void>} clean is complete if this succeeds. */ export async function cleanupAutomations(appId: any) { await disableAllCrons(appId) } /** * Checks if the supplied automation is of a recurring type. * @param automation The automation to check. * @return {boolean} if it is recurring (cron). */ export function isRecurring(automation: Automation) { return automation.definition.trigger.stepId === definitions.CRON.stepId } export function isErrorInOutput(output: { steps: { outputs?: { success: boolean } }[] }) { let first = true, error = false for (let step of output.steps) { // skip the trigger, its always successful if automation ran if (first) { first = false continue } if (!step.outputs?.success) { error = true } } return error }