import { store } from "./index" /** * Recursively searches for a specific component ID */ export const findComponent = (rootComponent, id) => { return searchComponentTree(rootComponent, comp => comp._id === id) } /** * Recursively searches for a specific component type */ export const findComponentType = (rootComponent, type) => { return searchComponentTree(rootComponent, comp => comp._component === type) } /** * Recursively searches for the parent component of a specific component ID */ export const findComponentParent = (rootComponent, id, parentComponent) => { if (!rootComponent || !id) { return null } if (rootComponent._id === id) { return parentComponent } if (!rootComponent._children) { return null } for (const child of rootComponent._children) { const childResult = findComponentParent(child, id, rootComponent) if (childResult) { return childResult } } return null } /** * Recursively searches for a specific component ID and records the component * path to this component */ export const findComponentPath = (rootComponent, id, path = []) => { if (!rootComponent || !id) { return [] } if (rootComponent._id === id) { return [...path, rootComponent] } if (!rootComponent._children) { return [] } for (const child of rootComponent._children) { const newPath = [...path, rootComponent] const childResult = findComponentPath(child, id, newPath) if (childResult?.length) { return childResult } } return [] } /** * Recurses through the component tree and finds all components which match * a certain selector */ export const findAllMatchingComponents = (rootComponent, selector) => { if (!rootComponent || !selector) { return [] } let components = [] if (rootComponent._children) { rootComponent._children.forEach(child => { components = [ ...components, ...findAllMatchingComponents(child, selector), ] }) } if (selector(rootComponent)) { components.push(rootComponent) } return components.reverse() } /** * Finds the closes parent component which matches certain criteria */ export const findClosestMatchingComponent = ( rootComponent, componentId, selector ) => { if (!selector) { return null } const componentPath = findComponentPath(rootComponent, componentId).reverse() for (let component of componentPath) { if (selector(component)) { return component } } return null } /** * Recurses through a component tree evaluating a matching function against * components until a match is found */ const searchComponentTree = (rootComponent, matchComponent) => { if (!rootComponent || !matchComponent) { return null } if (matchComponent(rootComponent)) { return rootComponent } if (!rootComponent._children) { return null } for (const child of rootComponent._children) { const childResult = searchComponentTree(child, matchComponent) if (childResult) { return childResult } } return null } /** * Searches a component's definition for a setting matching a certin predicate. */ export const getComponentSettings = componentType => { const def = store.actions.components.getDefinition(componentType) if (!def) { return [] } let settings = def.settings?.filter(setting => !setting.section) ?? [] def.settings ?.filter(setting => setting.section) .forEach(section => { settings = settings.concat(section.settings || []) }) return settings }