import { execSync } from "child_process"

let dockerPsResult: string | undefined

function formatDockerPsResult(serverName: string, port: number) {
  const lines = dockerPsResult?.split("\n")
  let first = true
  if (!lines) {
    return null
  for (let line of lines) {
    if (first) {
      first = false
    let toLookFor = serverName.split("-service")[0]
    if (!line.includes(toLookFor)) {
    const regex = new RegExp(`[0-9]*)->${port}`, "g")
    const found = line.match(regex)
    if (found) {
      return found[0].split(":")[1].split("->")[0]
  return null

function getTestContainerSettings(
  serverName: string,
  key: string
): string | null {
  const entry = Object.entries(global).find(
    ([k]) =>
      k.includes(`_${serverName.toUpperCase()}`) &&
  if (!entry) {
    return null
  return entry[1]

function getContainerInfo(containerName: string, port: number) {
  let assignedPort = getTestContainerSettings(
  if (!dockerPsResult) {
    try {
      const outputBuffer = execSync("docker ps")
      dockerPsResult = outputBuffer.toString("utf8")
    } catch (err) {
  const possiblePort = formatDockerPsResult(containerName, port)
  if (possiblePort) {
    assignedPort = possiblePort
  const host = getTestContainerSettings(containerName.toUpperCase(), "IP")
  return {
    port: assignedPort,
    url: host && assignedPort && `http://${host}:${assignedPort}`,

function getCouchConfig() {
  return getContainerInfo("couchdb-service", 5984)

function getMinioConfig() {
  return getContainerInfo("minio-service", 9000)

function getRedisConfig() {
  return getContainerInfo("redis-service", 6379)

export function setupEnv(...envs: any[]) {
  const couch = getCouchConfig(),
    minio = getCouchConfig(),
    redis = getRedisConfig()
  const configs = [
    { key: "COUCH_DB_PORT", value: couch.port },
    { key: "COUCH_DB_URL", value: couch.url },
    { key: "MINIO_PORT", value: minio.port },
    { key: "MINIO_URL", value: minio.url },
    { key: "REDIS_URL", value: redis.url },

  for (const config of configs.filter(x => !!x.value)) {
    for (const env of envs) {
      env._set(config.key, config.value)