import { db as dbCore, encryption, objectStore } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { Database, Row, Automation, AutomationTriggerStepId, RowAttachment, } from "@budibase/types" import { getAutomationParams } from "../../../db/utils" import { budibaseTempDir } from "../../../utilities/budibaseDir" import { DB_EXPORT_FILE, GLOBAL_DB_EXPORT_FILE, ATTACHMENT_DIRECTORY, } from "./constants" import { downloadTemplate } from "../../../utilities/fileSystem" import { ObjectStoreBuckets } from "../../../constants" import { join } from "path" import fs from "fs" import fsp from "fs/promises" import sdk from "../../" import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid" import tar from "tar" type TemplateType = { file?: { type: string path: string password?: string } key?: string } function rewriteAttachmentUrl(appId: string, attachment: RowAttachment) { // URL looks like: /prod-budi-app-assets/appId/attachments/file.csv const urlParts = attachment.key.split("/") // remove the app ID urlParts.shift() // add new app ID urlParts.unshift(appId) const key = urlParts.join("/") return { ...attachment, key, url: "", // calculated on retrieval using key } } export async function updateAttachmentColumns(prodAppId: string, db: Database) { // iterate through attachment documents and update them const tables = await sdk.tables.getAllInternalTables(db) let updatedRows: Row[] = [] for (let table of tables) { const { rows, columns } = await sdk.rows.getRowsWithAttachments(, table ) updatedRows = updatedRows.concat( => { for (let column of columns) { if (Array.isArray(row[column])) { row[column] = row[column].map((attachment: RowAttachment) => rewriteAttachmentUrl(prodAppId, attachment) ) } } return row }) ) } // write back the updated attachments await db.bulkDocs(updatedRows) } async function updateAutomations(prodAppId: string, db: Database) { const automations = ( await db.allDocs( getAutomationParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) ) => row.doc) as Automation[] const devAppId = dbCore.getDevAppID(prodAppId) let toSave: Automation[] = [] for (let automation of automations) { const oldDevAppId = automation.appId, oldProdAppId = dbCore.getProdAppID(automation.appId) if ( automation.definition.trigger?.stepId === AutomationTriggerStepId.WEBHOOK ) { const old = automation.definition.trigger.inputs automation.definition.trigger.inputs = { schemaUrl: old.schemaUrl.replace(oldDevAppId, devAppId), triggerUrl: old.triggerUrl.replace(oldProdAppId, prodAppId), } } automation.appId = devAppId toSave.push(automation) } await db.bulkDocs(toSave) } /** * This function manages temporary template files which are stored by Koa. * @param template The template object retrieved from the Koa context object. * @returns Returns a fs read stream which can be loaded into the database. */ async function getTemplateStream(template: TemplateType) { if (template.file && template.file.type !== "text/plain") { throw new Error("Cannot import a non-text based file.") } if (template.file) { return fs.createReadStream(template.file.path) } else if (template.key) { const [type, name] = template.key.split("/") const tmpPath = await downloadTemplate(type, name) return fs.createReadStream(join(tmpPath, name, "db", "dump.txt")) } } export async function untarFile(file: { path: string }) { const tmpPath = join(budibaseTempDir(), uuid()) await fsp.mkdir(tmpPath) // extract the tarball await tar.extract({ cwd: tmpPath, file: file.path, }) return tmpPath } async function decryptFiles(path: string, password: string) { try { for (let file of await fsp.readdir(path)) { const inputPath = join(path, file) if (!inputPath.endsWith(ATTACHMENT_DIRECTORY)) { const outputPath = inputPath.replace(/\.enc$/, "") await encryption.decryptFile(inputPath, outputPath, password) await fsp.rm(inputPath) } } } catch (err: any) { if (err.message === "incorrect header check") { throw new Error("File cannot be imported") } throw err } } export function getGlobalDBFile(tmpPath: string) { return fs.readFileSync(join(tmpPath, GLOBAL_DB_EXPORT_FILE), "utf8") } export function getListOfAppsInMulti(tmpPath: string) { return fs.readdirSync(tmpPath).filter(dir => dir !== GLOBAL_DB_EXPORT_FILE) } export async function importApp( appId: string, db: Database, template: TemplateType, opts: { importObjStoreContents: boolean } = { importObjStoreContents: true } ) { let prodAppId = dbCore.getProdAppID(appId) let dbStream: any const isTar = template.file && template?.file?.type?.endsWith("gzip") const isDirectory = template.file && (await fsp.lstat(template.file.path)).isDirectory() let tmpPath: string | undefined = undefined if (template.file && (isTar || isDirectory)) { tmpPath = isTar ? await untarFile(template.file) : template.file.path if (isTar && template.file.password) { await decryptFiles(tmpPath, template.file.password) } const contents = await fsp.readdir(tmpPath) // have to handle object import if (contents.length && opts.importObjStoreContents) { let promises = [] let excludedFiles = [GLOBAL_DB_EXPORT_FILE, DB_EXPORT_FILE] for (let filename of contents) { const path = join(tmpPath, filename) if (excludedFiles.includes(filename)) { continue } filename = join(prodAppId, filename) if ((await fsp.lstat(path)).isDirectory()) { promises.push( objectStore.uploadDirectory(ObjectStoreBuckets.APPS, path, filename) ) } else { promises.push( objectStore.upload({ bucket: ObjectStoreBuckets.APPS, path, filename, }) ) } } await Promise.all(promises) } dbStream = fs.createReadStream(join(tmpPath, DB_EXPORT_FILE)) } else { dbStream = await getTemplateStream(template) } // @ts-ignore const { ok } = await db.load(dbStream) if (!ok) { throw "Error loading database dump from template." } await updateAttachmentColumns(prodAppId, db) await updateAutomations(prodAppId, db) // clear up afterward if (tmpPath) { await fsp.rm(tmpPath, { recursive: true, force: true }) } return ok }