const { lookpath } = require("lookpath") const fs = require("fs") const makeFiles = require("./makeFiles") const { logErrorToFile, downloadFile } = require("../utils") const yaml = require("yaml") const ERROR_FILE = "docker-error.log" const FILE_URLS = [ "", ] exports.downloadFiles = async () => { const promises = [] for (let url of FILE_URLS) { const fileName = url.split("/").slice(-1)[0] promises.push(downloadFile(url, `./${fileName}`)) } await Promise.all(promises) } exports.checkDockerConfigured = async () => { const error = "docker/docker-compose has not been installed, please follow instructions at:" const docker = await lookpath("docker") const compose = await lookpath("docker-compose") if (!docker || !compose) { throw error } } exports.checkInitComplete = () => { if ( !fs.existsSync(makeFiles.ENV_PATH) && !fs.existsSync(makeFiles.COMPOSE_PATH) ) { throw "Please run the hosting --init command before any other hosting command." } } exports.handleError = async func => { try { await func() } catch (err) { if (err && err.err) { logErrorToFile(ERROR_FILE, err.err) } throw `Failed to start - logs written to file: ${ERROR_FILE}` } } exports.getServices = path => { const dockerYaml = fs.readFileSync(path, "utf8") const parsedYaml = yaml.parse(dockerYaml) return { yaml: parsedYaml, services: } } exports.getAppService = path => { const { yaml, services } = exports.getServices(path), serviceList = Object.keys(services) let service if (services["app-service"]) { service = services["app-service"] } else if (serviceList.length === 1) { service = services[serviceList[0]] } return { yaml, service } }