{#if mounted} { if ( !uneditable && !(linkEditDisabled && editableColumn.type === LINK_TYPE) ) { editableColumn.name = e.target.value } }} disabled={uneditable || (linkEditDisabled && editableColumn.type === LINK_TYPE)} error={errors?.name} /> {/if} {:else if editableColumn.type === FieldType.OPTIONS} {:else if editableColumn.type === FieldType.LONGFORM}
{:else if editableColumn.type === FieldType.ARRAY} {:else if editableColumn.type === FieldType.DATETIME && !editableColumn.autocolumn}
{#if datasource?.source !== SourceName.ORACLE && datasource?.source !== SourceName.SQL_SERVER && !editableColumn.dateOnly}
{/if} {:else if editableColumn.type === FieldType.NUMBER && !editableColumn.autocolumn}
{:else if editableColumn.type === FieldType.LINK} {:else if editableColumn.type === FORMULA_TYPE} {#if !table.sql}
(editableColumn.subtype = e.detail)} options={Object.entries(autoColumnOptions)} getOptionLabel={option => option[1].name} getOptionValue={option => option[0]} disabled={!availableAutoColumnKeys?.length || editableColumn.autocolumn} error={errors?.subtype} /> {/if} {#if canBeRequired || canBeDisplay}
{#if canBeRequired} {/if}
{#if !uneditable && originalName != null} {/if}
{ editableColumn.schema = detail.schema editableColumn.json = detail.json }} />

Are you sure you wish to delete the column (deleteColName = originalName)}>{originalName}? Your data will be deleted and this action cannot be undone - enter the column name to confirm.