const swaggerJsdoc = require("swagger-jsdoc") const { join } = require("path") const { writeFileSync } = require("fs") const VARIABLES = {} const options = { definition: { openapi: "3.0.0", info: { title: "Budibase API", description: "The public API for Budibase apps and its services.", version: "1.0.0", }, servers: [ { url: "", description: "Budibase Cloud API", }, { url: "{protocol}://{hostname}:10000/api/public/v1", description: "Budibase self hosted API", }, ], components: { examples: { row: { value: { _id: "ro_ta_5b1649e42a5b41dea4ef7742a36a7a70_e6dc7e38cf1343b2b56760265201cda4", type: "row", tableId: "ta_5b1649e42a5b41dea4ef7742a36a7a70", name: "Mike", age: 30, relationship: [ { primaryDisplay: "Joe", _id: "ro_ta_...", }, ], }, }, table: { value: { _id: "ta_5b1649e42a5b41dea4ef7742a36a7a70", name: "People", schema: { name: { type: "string", name: "name", }, age: { type: "number", name: "age", }, relationship: { type: "link", name: "relationship", tableId: "ta_...", fieldName: "relatedColumn", relationshipType: "many-to-many", }, }, }, }, }, }, }, format: ".json", apis: [join(__dirname, "..", "src", "api", "routes", "public", "*.js")], } function writeFile(output, { isJson } = {}) { try { const filename = isJson ? "openapi.json" : "openapi.yaml" const path = join(__dirname, filename) let spec = output if (isJson) { spec = JSON.stringify(output, null, 2) } // input the static variables for (let [key, replacement] of Object.entries(VARIABLES)) { spec = spec.replace(new RegExp(`{${key}}`, "g"), replacement) } writeFileSync(path, spec) console.log(`Wrote spec to ${path}`) } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } const outputJSON = swaggerJsdoc(options) options.format = ".yaml" const outputYAML = swaggerJsdoc(options) writeFile(outputJSON, { isJson: true }) writeFile(outputYAML)