import common, { isOneOf } from "../src/common"; import _ from "lodash"; const lessThan = (than) => (compare) => compare < than describe("common > switchCase", () => { test("should return on first matching case", () => { const result = common.switchCase( [lessThan(1), _.constant("first")], [lessThan(2), _.constant("second")], [lessThan(3), _.constant("third")] )(1); expect(result).toBe("second"); }); test("should return undefined if case not matched", () => { const result = common.switchCase( [lessThan(1), _.constant("first")], [lessThan(2), _.constant("second")], [lessThan(3), _.constant("third")] )(10); expect(_.isUndefined(result)).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe("common > allTrue", () => { test("should only return true when all conditions are met", () => { const result1 = common.allTrue( lessThan(3), lessThan(5), lessThan(10) )(1); expect(result1).toBeTruthy(); const result2 = common.allTrue( lessThan(3), lessThan(5), lessThan(10) )(7); expect(result2).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe("common > anyTrue", () => { test("should return true when one or more condition is met", () => { const result1 = common.anyTrue( lessThan(3), lessThan(5), lessThan(10) )(5); expect(result1).toBeTruthy(); const result2 = common.anyTrue( lessThan(3), lessThan(5), lessThan(10) )(4); expect(result2).toBeTruthy(); }); test("should return false when no conditions are met", () => { const result1 = common.anyTrue( lessThan(3), lessThan(5), lessThan(10) )(15); expect(result1).toBeFalsy(); }); }); const s = common.keySep; describe("common > getDirFromKey", () => { test("should drop the final part of the path", () => { const key = `${s}one${s}two${s}three${s}last`; const expectedDIr = `${s}one${s}two${s}three`; const result = common.getDirFomKey(key); expect(result).toBe(expectedDIr); }); test("should add leading /", () => { const key = `one${s}two${s}three${s}last`; const expectedDIr = `${s}one${s}two${s}three`; const result = common.getDirFomKey(key); expect(result).toBe(expectedDIr); }); }); describe("common > getFileFromKey", () => { test("should get the final part of the path", () => { const key = `one${s}two${s}three${s}last`; const expectedFile = "last"; const result = common.getFileFromKey(key); expect(result).toBe(expectedFile); }); }); describe("common > getIndexKeyFromFileKey", () => { test("should get the index key of the file's directory", () => { const key = `one${s}two${s}three${s}file`; const expectedFile = common.dirIndex(`one${s}two${s}three`); const result = common.getIndexKeyFromFileKey(key); expect(result).toBe(expectedFile); }); }); describe("common > somethingOrDefault", () => { test("should use value if value is something", () => { const result = common.somethingOrDefault( "something", "default" ); expect(result).toBe("something"); }); test("should use value if value is empty sting", () => { const result = common.somethingOrDefault( "", "default" ); expect(result).toBe(""); }); test("should use value if value is empty array", () => { const result = common.somethingOrDefault( [], ["default"] ); expect(result.length).toBe(0); }); test("should use default if value is null", () => { const result = common.somethingOrDefault( null, "default" ); expect(result).toBe("default"); }); test("should use default if value is undefined", () => { const result = common.somethingOrDefault( {}.notDefined, "default" ); expect(result).toBe("default"); }); }); describe("common > dirIndex", () => { it("should match /config/dir/<path>/dir.idx to path", () => { var result = common.dirIndex("some/path"); expect(result).toBe(`${s}.config${s}dir${s}some${s}path${s}dir.idx`); }); }); describe("common > joinKey", () => { it("should join an array with the key separator and leading separator", () => { var result = common.joinKey("this", "is", "a", "path"); expect(result).toBe(`${s}this${s}is${s}a${s}path`); }); }) describe("common > combinator ($$)", () => { it("combines single params functions and returns a func", () => { const f1 = str => str + " hello"; const f2 = str => str + " there"; const combined = common.$$(f1, f2); const result = combined("mike says"); expect(result).toBe("mike says hello there"); }) }) describe("common > pipe ($)", () => { it("combines single params functions and executes with given param", () => { const f1 = str => str + " hello"; const f2 = str => str + " there"; const result = common.$("mike says", [f1, f2]); expect(result).toBe("mike says hello there"); }) }) describe("common > IsOneOf", () => { it("should return true when supplied value is in list of given vals", () => { expect( common.isOneOf("odo", "make")("odo") ).toBe(true); expect( common.isOneOf(1, 33, 9)(9) ).toBe(true); expect( common.isOneOf(true, false, "")(true) ).toBe(true); }); it("should return false when supplied value is not in list of given vals", () => { expect( common.isOneOf("odo", "make")("bob") ).toBe(false); expect( common.isOneOf(1, 33, 9)(999) ).toBe(false); expect( common.isOneOf(1, false, "")(true) ).toBe(false); }); }); describe("defineError", () => { it("should prefix and exception with message, and rethrow", () => { expect(() => common.defineError(() => { throw new Error("there") }, "hello")) .toThrowError("hello : there"); }); it("should return function value when no exception", () => { const result = common.defineError(() => 1, "no error"); expect(result).toBe(1); }); }); describe("retry", () => { let counter = 0; it("should retry once", async () => { var result = await common.retry(async () => 1, 3, 50); expect(result).toBe(1); }); it("should retry twice", async () => { var result = await common.retry(async () => { counter++; if (counter < 2) throw 'error'; return counter; }, 3, 50); expect(result).toBe(2); }); it("throws error after 3 retries", async () => { expect( common.retry(async () => { counter++; throw counter; }, 3, 50) ).rejects.toThrowError(4); }); });