const fs = require("fs") const { join } = require("../../../utilities/centralPath") const AWS = require("aws-sdk") const fetch = require("node-fetch") const sanitize = require("sanitize-s3-objectkey") const { budibaseAppsDir } = require("../../../utilities/budibaseDir") const PouchDB = require("../../../db") const env = require("../../../environment") /** * Finalises the deployment, updating the quota for the user API key * The verification process returns the levels to update to. * Calls the "deployment-success" lambda. * @param {object} quota The usage quota levels returned from the verifyDeploy * @returns {Promise} The usage has been updated against the user API key. */ exports.updateDeploymentQuota = async function(quota) { const DEPLOYMENT_SUCCESS_URL = env.DEPLOYMENT_CREDENTIALS_URL + "deploy/success" const response = await fetch(DEPLOYMENT_SUCCESS_URL, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ apiKey: env.BUDIBASE_API_KEY, quota, }), headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json", Accept: "application/json", }, }) if (response.status !== 200) { throw new Error(`Error updating deployment quota for API Key`) } return await response.json() } /** * Verifies the users API key and * Verifies that the deployment fits within the quota of the user * Links to the "check-api-key" lambda. * @param {String} appId - appId being deployed * @param {String} appId - appId being deployed * @param {quota} quota - current quota being changed with this application */ exports.verifyDeployment = async function({ appId, quota }) { const response = await fetch(env.DEPLOYMENT_CREDENTIALS_URL, { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ apiKey: env.BUDIBASE_API_KEY, appId, quota, }), }) const json = await response.json() if (json.errors) { throw new Error(json.errors) } if (response.status !== 200) { throw new Error( `Error fetching temporary credentials for api key: ${env.BUDIBASE_API_KEY}` ) } // set credentials here, means any time we're verified we're ready to go if (json.credentials) { AWS.config.update({ accessKeyId: json.credentials.AccessKeyId, secretAccessKey: json.credentials.SecretAccessKey, sessionToken: json.credentials.SessionToken, }) } return json } const CONTENT_TYPE_MAP = { html: "text/html", css: "text/css", js: "application/javascript", } /** * Recursively walk a directory tree and execute a callback on all files. * @param {String} dirPath - Directory to traverse * @param {Function} callback - callback to execute on files */ function walkDir(dirPath, callback) { for (let filename of fs.readdirSync(dirPath)) { const filePath = `${dirPath}/${filename}` const stat = fs.lstatSync(filePath) if (stat.isFile()) { callback(filePath) } else { walkDir(filePath, callback) } } } async function prepareUploadForS3({ s3Key, metadata, s3, file }) { const extension = [".")].pop() const fileBytes = fs.readFileSync(file.path) const upload = await s3 .upload({ // windows filepaths need to be converted to forward slashes for s3 Key: sanitize(s3Key).replace(/\\/g, "/"), Body: fileBytes, ContentType: file.type || CONTENT_TYPE_MAP[extension.toLowerCase()], Metadata: metadata, }) .promise() return { size: file.size, name:, extension, url: upload.Location, key: upload.Key, } } exports.prepareUploadForS3 = prepareUploadForS3 exports.uploadAppAssets = async function({ appId, bucket, accountId }) { const s3 = new AWS.S3({ params: { Bucket: bucket, }, }) const appAssetsPath = join(budibaseAppsDir(), appId, "public") let uploads = [] // Upload HTML, CSS and JS of the web app walkDir(appAssetsPath, function(filePath) { const appAssetUpload = prepareUploadForS3({ file: { path: filePath, name: [...filePath.split("/")].pop(), }, s3Key: filePath.replace(appAssetsPath, `assets/${appId}`), s3, metadata: { accountId }, }) uploads.push(appAssetUpload) }) // Upload file attachments const db = new PouchDB(appId) let fileUploads try { fileUploads = await db.get("_local/fileuploads") } catch (err) { fileUploads = { _id: "_local/fileuploads", uploads: [] } } for (let file of fileUploads.uploads) { if (file.uploaded) continue const attachmentUpload = prepareUploadForS3({ file, s3Key: `assets/${appId}/attachments/${file.processedFileName}`, s3, metadata: { accountId }, }) uploads.push(attachmentUpload) // mark file as uploaded file.uploaded = true } db.put(fileUploads) try { return await Promise.all(uploads) } catch (err) { console.error("Error uploading budibase app assets to s3", err) throw err } }