/** * Operator options for lucene queries */ export { OperatorOptions, SqlNumberTypeRangeMap } from "@budibase/shared-core" export { Feature as Features } from "@budibase/types" import { BpmCorrelationKey } from "@budibase/shared-core" // Cookie names export const Cookies = { Auth: "budibase:auth", CurrentApp: "budibase:currentapp", ReturnUrl: "budibase:returnurl", AccountReturnUrl: "budibase:account:returnurl", OnboardingProcessCorrelationKey: BpmCorrelationKey.ONBOARDING, } // Table names export const TableNames = { USERS: "ta_users", } export const BudibaseRoles = { AppUser: "appUser", Developer: "developer", Creator: "creator", Admin: "admin", } export const BudibaseRoleOptionsOld = [ { label: "Developer", value: BudibaseRoles.Developer, }, ] export const BudibaseRoleOptions = [ { label: "Account admin", value: BudibaseRoles.Admin, subtitle: "Has full access to all apps and settings in your account", }, { label: "Creator", value: BudibaseRoles.Creator, subtitle: "Can create and edit apps they have access to", }, { label: "App user", value: BudibaseRoles.AppUser, subtitle: "Can only use published apps they have access to", }, ] export const PlanType = { FREE: "free", TEAM: "team", PRO: "pro", BUSINESS: "business", ENTERPRISE: "enterprise", } /** * API version header attached to all requests. * Version changelog: * v1: * - Coerce types for search endpoint */ export const ApiVersion = "1" // Role IDs export const Roles = { ADMIN: "ADMIN", POWER: "POWER", BASIC: "BASIC", PUBLIC: "PUBLIC", BUILDER: "BUILDER", CREATOR: "CREATOR", } export const Themes = [ { class: "lightest", name: "Lightest", }, { class: "light", name: "Light", }, { class: "dark", name: "Dark", }, { class: "darkest", name: "Darkest", }, { class: "nord", name: "Nord", base: "darkest", }, { class: "midnight", name: "Midnight", base: "darkest", }, ] export const EventPublishType = { ENV_VAR_UPGRADE_PANEL_OPENED: "environment_variable_upgrade_panel_opened", } export const ContextScopes = { Local: "local", Global: "global", }