import type { GoogleSpreadsheetWorksheet } from "google-spreadsheet" jest.mock("google-auth-library") const { OAuth2Client } = require("google-auth-library") const setCredentialsMock = jest.fn() const getAccessTokenMock = jest.fn() OAuth2Client.mockImplementation(() => { return { setCredentials: setCredentialsMock, getAccessToken: getAccessTokenMock, } }) jest.mock("google-spreadsheet") const { GoogleSpreadsheet } = require("google-spreadsheet") const sheetsByTitle: { [title: string]: GoogleSpreadsheetWorksheet } = {} GoogleSpreadsheet.mockImplementation(() => { return { useOAuth2Client: jest.fn(), loadInfo: jest.fn(), sheetsByTitle, } }) import { structures } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests" import TestConfiguration from "../../tests/utilities/TestConfiguration" import GoogleSheetsIntegration from "../googlesheets" import { FieldType, Table, TableSchema } from "../../../../types/src/documents" describe("Google Sheets Integration", () => { let integration: any, config = new TestConfiguration() beforeAll(() => { config.setGoogleAuth("test") }) afterAll(async () => { await config.end() }) beforeEach(async () => { integration = new GoogleSheetsIntegration.integration({ spreadsheetId: "randomId", auth: { appId: "appId", accessToken: "accessToken", refreshToken: "refreshToken", }, }) await config.init() }) function createBasicTable(name: string, columns: string[]): Table { return { name, schema: { ...columns.reduce((p, c) => { p[c] = { name: c, type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { type: "string", }, } return p }, {} as TableSchema), }, } } function createSheet({ headerValues, }: { headerValues: string[] }): GoogleSpreadsheetWorksheet { return { // to ignore the unmapped fields ...({} as any), loadHeaderRow: jest.fn(), headerValues, setHeaderRow: jest.fn(), } } describe("update table", () => { test("adding a new field will be adding a new header row", async () => { await config.doInContext(structures.uuid(), async () => { const tableColumns = ["name", "description", "new field"] const table = createBasicTable(structures.uuid(), tableColumns) const sheet = createSheet({ headerValues: ["name", "description"] }) sheetsByTitle[] = sheet await integration.updateTable(table) expect(sheet.loadHeaderRow).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(sheet.setHeaderRow).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(sheet.setHeaderRow).toBeCalledWith(tableColumns) }) }) test("removing an existing field will remove the header from the google sheet", async () => { const sheet = await config.doInContext(structures.uuid(), async () => { const tableColumns = ["name"] const table = createBasicTable(structures.uuid(), tableColumns) const sheet = createSheet({ headerValues: ["name", "description", "location"], }) sheetsByTitle[] = sheet await integration.updateTable(table) return sheet }) expect(sheet.loadHeaderRow).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(sheet.setHeaderRow).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(sheet.setHeaderRow).toBeCalledWith(["name"]) // No undefined are sent expect((sheet.setHeaderRow as any).mock.calls[0][0]).toHaveLength(1) }) }) })