const Sql = require("../base/sql") const TABLE_NAME = "test" function endpoint(table, operation) { return { datasourceId: "Postgres", operation: operation, entityId: table || TABLE_NAME, } } function generateReadJson({ table, fields, filters, sort, paginate} = {}) { return { endpoint: endpoint(table || TABLE_NAME, "READ"), resource: { fields: fields || [], }, filters: filters || {}, sort: sort || {}, paginate: paginate || {}, } } function generateCreateJson(table = TABLE_NAME, body = {}) { return { endpoint: endpoint(table, "CREATE"), body, } } function generateUpdateJson(table = TABLE_NAME, body = {}, filters = {}) { return { endpoint: endpoint(table, "UPDATE"), filters, body, } } function generateDeleteJson(table = TABLE_NAME, filters = {}) { return { endpoint: endpoint(table, "DELETE"), filters, } } describe("SQL query builder", () => { const limit = 500 const client = "pg" let sql beforeEach(() => { sql = new Sql(client, limit) }) it("should test a basic read", () => { const query = sql._query(generateReadJson()) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [limit], sql: `select * from "${TABLE_NAME}" limit $1` }) }) it("should test a read with specific columns", () => { const query = sql._query(generateReadJson({ fields: ["name", "age"] })) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [limit], sql: `select "name", "age" from "${TABLE_NAME}" limit $1` }) }) it("should test a where string starts with read", () => { const query = sql._query(generateReadJson({ filters: { string: { name: "John", } } })) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: ["John%", limit], sql: `select * from "${TABLE_NAME}" where "name" like $1 limit $2` }) }) it("should test a where range read", () => { const query = sql._query(generateReadJson({ filters: { range: { age: { low: 2, high: 10, } } } })) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [2, 10, limit], sql: `select * from "${TABLE_NAME}" where "age" between $1 and $2 limit $3` }) }) it("should test an create statement", () => { const query = sql._query(generateCreateJson(TABLE_NAME, { name: "Michael", age: 45, })) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [45, "Michael"], sql: `insert into "${TABLE_NAME}" ("age", "name") values ($1, $2)` }) }) it("should test an update statement", () => { const query = sql._query(generateUpdateJson(TABLE_NAME, { name: "John" }, { equal: { id: 1001, } })) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: ["John", 1001], sql: `update "${TABLE_NAME}" set "name" = $1 where "id" = $2` }) }) it("should test a delete statement", () => { const query = sql._query(generateDeleteJson(TABLE_NAME, { equal: { id: 1001, } })) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [1001], sql: `delete from "${TABLE_NAME}" where "id" = $1` }) }) it("should work with MS-SQL", () => { const query = new Sql("mssql", 10)._query(generateReadJson()) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [10], sql: `select top (@p0) * from [${TABLE_NAME}]` }) }) it("should work with mySQL", () => { const query = new Sql("mysql", 10)._query(generateReadJson()) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [10], sql: `select * from \`${TABLE_NAME}\` limit ?` }) }) })