import workerFarm from "worker-farm" import * as env from "../environment" export const ThreadType = { QUERY: "query", AUTOMATION: "automation", } function typeToFile(type: any) { let filename = null switch (type) { case ThreadType.QUERY: filename = "./query" break case ThreadType.AUTOMATION: filename = "./automation" break default: throw "Unknown thread type" } // have to use require here, to make it work with worker-farm return require.resolve(filename) } export class Thread { type: any count: any workers: any timeoutMs: any disableThreading: boolean static workerRefs: any[] = [] constructor(type: any, opts: any = { timeoutMs: null, count: 1 }) { this.type = type this.count = opts.count ? opts.count : 1 this.disableThreading = this.shouldDisableThreading() if (!this.disableThreading) { const workerOpts: any = { autoStart: true, maxConcurrentWorkers: this.count, } if (opts.timeoutMs) { this.timeoutMs = opts.timeoutMs workerOpts.maxCallTime = opts.timeoutMs } this.workers = workerFarm(workerOpts, typeToFile(type), ["execute"]) Thread.workerRefs.push(this.workers) } } shouldDisableThreading(): boolean { return !!( env.isTest() || env.DISABLE_THREADING || this.count === 0 || env.isInThread() ) } run(data: any) { const timeout = this.timeoutMs return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { function fire(worker: any) { worker.execute(data, (err: any, response: any) => { if (err && err.type === "TimeoutError") { reject( new Error(`Query response time exceeded ${timeout}ms timeout.`) ) } else if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve(response) } }) } // if in test then don't use threading if (this.disableThreading) { import(typeToFile(this.type)).then((thread: any) => { fire(thread) }) } else { fire(this.workers) } }) } static stopThreads() { return new Promise(resolve => { if (Thread.workerRefs.length === 0) { resolve() } let count = 0 function complete() { count++ if (count >= Thread.workerRefs.length) { resolve() } } for (let worker of Thread.workerRefs) { workerFarm.end(worker, complete) } Thread.workerRefs = [] }) } static async shutdown() { await Thread.stopThreads() } }