const CouchDB = require("../../../db") const linkRows = require("../../../db/linkedRows") const { getRowParams, generateRowID, DocumentTypes, InternalTables, generateMemoryViewID, } = require("../../../db/utils") const userController = require("../user") const { inputProcessing, outputProcessing, processAutoColumn, } = require("../../../utilities/rowProcessor") const { FieldTypes } = require("../../../constants") const { isEqual } = require("lodash") const { validate, findRow } = require("./utils") const { fullSearch, paginatedSearch } = require("./internalSearch") const { getGlobalUsersFromMetadata } = require("../../../utilities/global") const inMemoryViews = require("../../../db/inMemoryView") const env = require("../../../environment") const { migrateToInMemoryView } = require("../view/utils") const CALCULATION_TYPES = { SUM: "sum", COUNT: "count", STATS: "stats", } async function storeResponse(ctx, db, row, oldTable, table) { row.type = "row" // don't worry about rev, tables handle rev/lastID updates // if another row has been written since processing this will // handle the auto ID clash if (!isEqual(oldTable, table)) { try { await db.put(table) } catch (err) { if (err.status === 409) { const updatedTable = await db.get(table._id) let response = processAutoColumn(null, updatedTable, row, { reprocessing: true, }) await db.put(response.table) row = response.row } else { throw err } } } const response = await db.put(row) row._rev = response.rev // process the row before return, to include relationships row = await outputProcessing(ctx, table, row, { squash: false }) return { row, table } } // doesn't do the outputProcessing async function getRawTableData(ctx, db, tableId) { let rows if (tableId === InternalTables.USER_METADATA) { await userController.fetchMetadata(ctx) rows = ctx.body } else { const response = await db.allDocs( getRowParams(tableId, null, { include_docs: true, }) ) rows = => row.doc) } return rows } async function getView(db, viewName) { let viewInfo async function getFromDesignDoc() { const designDoc = await db.get("_design/database") viewInfo = designDoc.views[viewName] return viewInfo } let migrate = false if (env.SELF_HOSTED) { viewInfo = await getFromDesignDoc() } else { try { viewInfo = await db.get(generateMemoryViewID(viewName)) if (viewInfo) { viewInfo = viewInfo.view } } catch (err) { // check if it can be retrieved from design doc (needs migrated) if (err.status !== 404) { viewInfo = null } else { viewInfo = await getFromDesignDoc() migrate = !!viewInfo } } } if (migrate) { await migrateToInMemoryView(db, viewName) } if (!viewInfo) { throw "View does not exist." } return viewInfo } exports.patch = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const db = new CouchDB(appId) const inputs = ctx.request.body const tableId = inputs.tableId const isUserTable = tableId === InternalTables.USER_METADATA let dbRow try { dbRow = await db.get(inputs._id) } catch (err) { if (isUserTable) { // don't include the rev, it'll be the global rev // this time dbRow = { _id: inputs._id, } } else { throw "Row does not exist" } } let dbTable = await db.get(tableId) // need to build up full patch fields before coerce for (let key of Object.keys(inputs)) { if (!dbTable.schema[key]) continue dbRow[key] = inputs[key] } // this returns the table and row incase they have been updated let { table, row } = inputProcessing(ctx.user, dbTable, dbRow) const validateResult = await validate({ row, table, }) if (!validateResult.valid) { throw { validation: validateResult.errors } } // returned row is cleaned and prepared for writing to DB row = await linkRows.updateLinks({ appId, eventType: linkRows.EventType.ROW_UPDATE, row, tableId: row.tableId, table, }) if (isUserTable) { // the row has been updated, need to put it into the ctx ctx.request.body = row await userController.updateMetadata(ctx) return { row: ctx.body, table } } return storeResponse(ctx, db, row, dbTable, table) } = async function (ctx) { const appId = ctx.appId const db = new CouchDB(appId) let inputs = ctx.request.body inputs.tableId = ctx.params.tableId if (!inputs._rev && !inputs._id) { inputs._id = generateRowID(inputs.tableId) } // this returns the table and row incase they have been updated const dbTable = await db.get(inputs.tableId) let { table, row } = inputProcessing(ctx.user, dbTable, inputs) const validateResult = await validate({ row, table, }) if (!validateResult.valid) { throw { validation: validateResult.errors } } // make sure link rows are up to date row = await linkRows.updateLinks({ appId, eventType: linkRows.EventType.ROW_SAVE, row, tableId: row.tableId, table, }) return storeResponse(ctx, db, row, dbTable, table) } exports.fetchView = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const viewName = ctx.params.viewName // if this is a table view being looked for just transfer to that if (viewName.startsWith(DocumentTypes.TABLE)) { ctx.params.tableId = viewName return exports.fetch(ctx) } const db = new CouchDB(appId) const { calculation, group, field } = ctx.query const viewInfo = await getView(db, viewName) let response if (env.SELF_HOSTED) { response = await db.query(`database/${viewName}`, { include_docs: !calculation, group: !!group, }) } else { const tableId = viewInfo.meta.tableId const data = await getRawTableData(ctx, db, tableId) response = await inMemoryViews.runView(viewInfo, calculation, group, data) } let rows if (!calculation) { response.rows = => row.doc) let table try { table = await db.get(viewInfo.meta.tableId) } catch (err) { /* istanbul ignore next */ table = { schema: {}, } } rows = await outputProcessing(ctx, table, response.rows) } if (calculation === CALCULATION_TYPES.STATS) { response.rows = => ({ group: row.key, field, ...row.value, avg: row.value.sum / row.value.count, })) rows = response.rows } if ( calculation === CALCULATION_TYPES.COUNT || calculation === CALCULATION_TYPES.SUM ) { rows = => ({ group: row.key, field, value: row.value, })) } return rows } exports.fetch = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const db = new CouchDB(appId) const tableId = ctx.params.tableId let table = await db.get(tableId) let rows = await getRawTableData(ctx, db, tableId) return outputProcessing(ctx, table, rows) } exports.find = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const db = new CouchDB(appId) const table = await db.get(ctx.params.tableId) let row = await findRow(ctx, db, ctx.params.tableId, ctx.params.rowId) row = await outputProcessing(ctx, table, row) return row } exports.destroy = async function (ctx) { const appId = ctx.appId const db = new CouchDB(appId) const { _id, _rev } = ctx.request.body let row = await db.get(_id) if (row.tableId !== ctx.params.tableId) { throw "Supplied tableId doesn't match the row's tableId" } const table = await db.get(row.tableId) // update the row to include full relationships before deleting them row = await outputProcessing(ctx, table, row, { squash: false }) // now remove the relationships await linkRows.updateLinks({ appId, eventType: linkRows.EventType.ROW_DELETE, row, tableId: row.tableId, }) let response if (ctx.params.tableId === InternalTables.USER_METADATA) { ctx.params = { id: _id, } await userController.destroyMetadata(ctx) response = ctx.body } else { response = await db.remove(_id, _rev) } return { response, row } } exports.bulkDestroy = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const db = new CouchDB(appId) const tableId = ctx.params.tableId const table = await db.get(tableId) let { rows } = ctx.request.body // before carrying out any updates, make sure the rows are ready to be returned // they need to be the full rows (including previous relationships) for automations rows = await outputProcessing(ctx, table, rows, { squash: false }) // remove the relationships first let updates = => linkRows.updateLinks({ appId, eventType: linkRows.EventType.ROW_DELETE, row, tableId: row.tableId, }) ) if (tableId === InternalTables.USER_METADATA) { updates = updates.concat( => { ctx.params = { id: row._id, } return userController.destroyMetadata(ctx) }) ) } else { await db.bulkDocs( => ({ ...row, _deleted: true }))) } await Promise.all(updates) return { response: { ok: true }, rows } } = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const { tableId } = ctx.params const db = new CouchDB(appId) const { paginate, query, ...params } = ctx.request.body params.version = ctx.version params.tableId = tableId let response if (paginate) { response = await paginatedSearch(appId, query, params) } else { response = await fullSearch(appId, query, params) } // Enrich search results with relationships if (response.rows && response.rows.length) { // enrich with global users if from users table if (tableId === InternalTables.USER_METADATA) { response.rows = await getGlobalUsersFromMetadata(appId, response.rows) } const table = await db.get(tableId) response.rows = await outputProcessing(ctx, table, response.rows) } return response } exports.validate = async ctx => { return validate({ appId: ctx.appId, tableId: ctx.params.tableId, row: ctx.request.body, }) } exports.fetchEnrichedRow = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const db = new CouchDB(appId) const tableId = ctx.params.tableId const rowId = ctx.params.rowId // need table to work out where links go in row let [table, row] = await Promise.all([ db.get(tableId), findRow(ctx, db, tableId, rowId), ]) // get the link docs const linkVals = await linkRows.getLinkDocuments({ appId, tableId, rowId, }) // look up the actual rows based on the ids const response = await db.allDocs({ include_docs: true, keys: =>, }) // need to include the IDs in these rows for any links they may have let linkedRows = await outputProcessing( ctx, table, => row.doc) ) // insert the link rows in the correct place throughout the main row for (let fieldName of Object.keys(table.schema)) { let field = table.schema[fieldName] if (field.type === FieldTypes.LINK) { // find the links that pertain to this field, get their indexes const linkIndexes = linkVals .filter(link => link.fieldName === fieldName) .map(link => linkVals.indexOf(link)) // find the rows that the links state are linked to this field row[fieldName] = linkedRows.filter((linkRow, index) => linkIndexes.includes(index) ) } } return row }