import { generateMakeRequest, MakeRequestResponse, } from "../api/routes/public/tests/utils" import * as setup from "../api/routes/tests/utilities" import { Datasource, FieldType, RelationshipTypes, Row, SourceName, Table, } from "@budibase/types" import _ from "lodash" import { generator } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests" import { utils } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { GenericContainer } from "testcontainers" const config = setup.getConfig()! jest.setTimeout(30000) jest.unmock("pg") interface RandomForeignKeyConfig { createOne2Many?: boolean createMany2One?: number createMany2Many?: number } describe("row api - postgres", () => { let makeRequest: MakeRequestResponse, postgresDatasource: Datasource, primaryPostgresTable: Table, o2mInfo: { table: Table; fieldName: string }, m2oInfo: { table: Table; fieldName: string }, m2mInfo: { table: Table; fieldName: string } let host: string let port: number beforeAll(async () => { const container = await new GenericContainer("postgres") .withExposedPorts(5432) .withEnv("POSTGRES_PASSWORD", "password") .start() host = container.getContainerIpAddress() port = container.getMappedPort(5432) await config.init() const apiKey = await config.generateApiKey() makeRequest = generateMakeRequest(apiKey, true) }) beforeEach(async () => { postgresDatasource = await config.createDatasource({ datasource: { type: "datasource", source: SourceName.POSTGRES, plus: true, config: { host, port, database: "postgres", user: "postgres", password: "password", schema: "public", ssl: false, rejectUnauthorized: false, ca: false, }, }, }) async function createAuxTable(prefix: string) { return await config.createTable({ name: `${prefix}_${generator.word({ length: 6 })}`, type: "external", primary: ["id"], schema: { id: { name: "id", type: FieldType.AUTO, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, title: { name: "title", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, }, sourceId: postgresDatasource._id, }) } o2mInfo = { table: await createAuxTable("o2m"), fieldName: "oneToManyRelation", } m2oInfo = { table: await createAuxTable("m2o"), fieldName: "manyToOneRelation", } m2mInfo = { table: await createAuxTable("m2m"), fieldName: "manyToManyRelation", } primaryPostgresTable = await config.createTable({ name: `p_${generator.word({ length: 6 })}`, type: "external", primary: ["id"], schema: { id: { name: "id", type: FieldType.AUTO, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, description: { name: "description", type: FieldType.STRING, }, value: { name: "value", type: FieldType.NUMBER, }, oneToManyRelation: { type: FieldType.LINK, constraints: { type: "array", presence: false, }, fieldName: o2mInfo.fieldName, name: "oneToManyRelation", relationshipType: RelationshipTypes.ONE_TO_MANY, tableId: o2mInfo.table._id, }, manyToOneRelation: { type: FieldType.LINK, constraints: { type: "array", presence: false, }, fieldName: m2oInfo.fieldName, name: "manyToOneRelation", relationshipType: RelationshipTypes.MANY_TO_ONE, tableId: m2oInfo.table._id, }, manyToManyRelation: { type: FieldType.LINK, constraints: { type: "array", presence: false, }, fieldName: m2mInfo.fieldName, name: "manyToManyRelation", relationshipType: RelationshipTypes.MANY_TO_MANY, tableId: m2mInfo.table._id, }, }, sourceId: postgresDatasource._id, }) }) afterAll(config.end) function generateRandomPrimaryRowData() { return { name:, description: generator.paragraph(), value: generator.age(), } } type PrimaryRowData = { name: string description: string value: number } async function createPrimaryRow(opts: { rowData: PrimaryRowData createForeignRows?: RandomForeignKeyConfig }) { let { rowData } = opts let foreignRow: Row | undefined if (opts?.createForeignRows?.createOne2Many) { foreignRow = await config.createRow({ tableId: o2mInfo.table._id, title:, }) rowData = { ...rowData, [`fk_${}_${o2mInfo.fieldName}`]:, } } const row = await config.createRow({ tableId: primaryPostgresTable._id, ...rowData, }) return { row, foreignRow } } async function createDefaultPgTable() { return await config.createTable({ name: generator.word({ length: 10 }), type: "external", primary: ["id"], schema: { id: { name: "id", type: FieldType.AUTO, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, }, sourceId: postgresDatasource._id, }) } async function populatePrimaryRows( count: number, opts?: RandomForeignKeyConfig ) { return await Promise.all( Array(count) .fill({}) .map(async () => { const rowData = generateRandomPrimaryRowData() return { rowData, ...(await createPrimaryRow({ rowData, createForeignRows: opts, })), } }) ) } it("validate table schema", async () => { const res = await makeRequest( "get", `/api/datasources/${postgresDatasource._id}` ) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body).toEqual({ config: { ca: false, database: "postgres", host, password: "--secret-value--", port, rejectUnauthorized: false, schema: "public", ssl: false, user: "postgres", }, plus: true, source: "POSTGRES", type: "datasource", _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), createdAt: expect.any(String), updatedAt: expect.any(String), entities: expect.any(Object), }) }) describe("POST /api/:tableId/rows", () => { const createRow = (tableId: string | undefined, body: object) => makeRequest("post", `/api/${tableId}/rows`, body) describe("given than no row exists", () => { it("adding a new one persists it", async () => { const newRow = generateRandomPrimaryRowData() const res = await createRow(primaryPostgresTable._id, newRow) expect(res.status).toBe(200) const persistedRows = await config.getRows(primaryPostgresTable._id!) expect(persistedRows).toHaveLength(1) const expected = { ...res.body, ...newRow, } expect(persistedRows).toEqual([expect.objectContaining(expected)]) }) it("multiple rows can be persisted", async () => { const numberOfRows = 10 const newRows = Array(numberOfRows).fill(generateRandomPrimaryRowData()) for (const newRow of newRows) { const res = await createRow(primaryPostgresTable._id, newRow) expect(res.status).toBe(200) } const persistedRows = await config.getRows(primaryPostgresTable._id!) expect(persistedRows).toHaveLength(numberOfRows) expect(persistedRows).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( ) }) }) }) describe("PATCH /api/:tableId/rows", () => { const updateRow = (tableId: string | undefined, body: Row) => makeRequest("patch", `/api/${tableId}/rows`, body) describe("given than a row exists", () => { let row: Row beforeEach(async () => { let rowResponse = _.sample(await populatePrimaryRows(1))! row = rowResponse.row }) it("updating it persists it", async () => { const newName = const newValue = generator.age() const updatedRow = { ...row, name: newName, value: newValue, } const res = await updateRow(primaryPostgresTable._id, updatedRow) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body).toEqual(updatedRow) const persistedRow = await config.getRow( primaryPostgresTable._id!, ) expect(persistedRow).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ id:, name: newName, value: newValue, }) ) }) }) }) describe("DELETE /api/:tableId/rows", () => { const deleteRow = ( tableId: string | undefined, body: Row | { rows: Row[] } ) => makeRequest("delete", `/api/${tableId}/rows`, body) describe("given than multiple row exist", () => { const numberOfInitialRows = 5 let rows: Row[] beforeEach(async () => { rows = (await populatePrimaryRows(numberOfInitialRows)).map(x => x.row) }) it("delete request removes it", async () => { const row = _.sample(rows)! const res = await deleteRow(primaryPostgresTable._id, row) expect(res.status).toBe(200) const persistedRows = await config.getRows(primaryPostgresTable._id!) expect(persistedRows).toHaveLength(numberOfInitialRows - 1) expect( expect(persistedRows).not.toContain( expect.objectContaining({ _id: }) ) }) it("multiple rows can be removed at once", async () => { let rowsToDelete = _.sampleSize(rows, 3)! const res = await deleteRow(primaryPostgresTable._id, { rows: rowsToDelete, }) expect(res.status).toBe(200) const persistedRows = await config.getRows(primaryPostgresTable._id!) expect(persistedRows).toHaveLength(numberOfInitialRows - 3) for (const row of rowsToDelete) { expect(persistedRows).not.toContain( expect.objectContaining({ _id: }) ) } }) }) }) describe("GET /api/:tableId/rows/:rowId", () => { const getRow = (tableId: string | undefined, rowId?: string | undefined) => makeRequest("get", `/api/${tableId}/rows/${rowId}`) describe("given than a table have a single row", () => { let rowData: PrimaryRowData, row: Row beforeEach(async () => { const [createdRow] = await populatePrimaryRows(1) rowData = createdRow.rowData row = createdRow.row }) it("the row can be retrieved successfully", async () => { const res = await getRow(primaryPostgresTable._id, expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(rowData)) }) }) describe("given than a table have a multiple rows", () => { let rows: { row: Row; rowData: PrimaryRowData }[] beforeEach(async () => { rows = await populatePrimaryRows(10) }) it("a single row can be retrieved successfully", async () => { const { rowData, row } = _.sample(rows)! const res = await getRow(primaryPostgresTable._id, expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body).toEqual(expect.objectContaining(rowData)) }) }) describe("given a row with relation data", () => { let row: Row let foreignRow: Row beforeEach(async () => { let [createdRow] = await populatePrimaryRows(1, { createOne2Many: true, }) row = createdRow.row foreignRow = createdRow.foreignRow! }) it("only foreign keys are retrieved", async () => { const res = await getRow(primaryPostgresTable._id, expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body).toEqual({ ...row, _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), [`fk_${}_${o2mInfo.fieldName}`]:, }) expect(res.body[o2mInfo.fieldName]).toBeUndefined() }) }) }) describe("POST /api/:tableId/search", () => { const search = (tableId: string | undefined, body?: object) => makeRequest("post", `/api/${tableId}/search`, body) describe("search without parameters", () => { describe("given than a table has no rows", () => { it("search without query returns empty", async () => { const res = await search(primaryPostgresTable._id) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body).toEqual({ rows: [], bookmark: null, hasNextPage: false, }) }) }) describe("given than a table has multiple rows", () => { const rowsCount = 6 let rows: { row: Row rowData: PrimaryRowData }[] beforeEach(async () => { rows = await populatePrimaryRows(rowsCount) }) it("search without query returns all of them", async () => { const res = await search(primaryPostgresTable._id) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining( => expect.objectContaining(r.rowData)) ), bookmark: null, hasNextPage: false, }) expect(res.body.rows).toHaveLength(rowsCount) }) }) describe("given than multiple tables have multiple rows", () => { const rowsCount = 6 beforeEach(async () => { const createRandomTableWithRows = async () => await config.createRow({ tableId: (await createDefaultPgTable())._id, title:, }) await createRandomTableWithRows() await createRandomTableWithRows() await populatePrimaryRows(rowsCount) await createRandomTableWithRows() }) it("search only return the requested ones", async () => { const res = await search(primaryPostgresTable._id) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body.rows).toHaveLength(rowsCount) }) }) }) it("Querying by a string field returns the rows with field containing or starting by that value", async () => { const name = const rowsToFilter = [ ...Array(2).fill({ name, description: generator.paragraph(), value: generator.age(), }), ...Array(2).fill({ name: `${name}${utils.newid()}`, description: generator.paragraph(), value: generator.age(), }), ] await populatePrimaryRows(3) for (const row of rowsToFilter) { await createPrimaryRow({ rowData: row, }) } await populatePrimaryRows(1) const res = await search(primaryPostgresTable._id, { query: { string: { name, }, }, }) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining(, bookmark: null, hasNextPage: false, }) expect(res.body.rows).toHaveLength(4) }) it("Querying respects the limit fields", async () => { await populatePrimaryRows(6) const res = await search(primaryPostgresTable._id, { limit: 2, }) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body.rows).toHaveLength(2) }) describe("sort", () => { beforeEach(async () => { const defaultValue = generateRandomPrimaryRowData() await createPrimaryRow({ rowData: { ...defaultValue, name: "d", value: 3, }, }) await createPrimaryRow({ rowData: { ...defaultValue, name: "aaa", value: 40 }, }) await createPrimaryRow({ rowData: { ...defaultValue, name: "ccccc", value: -5 }, }) await createPrimaryRow({ rowData: { ...defaultValue, name: "bb", value: 0 }, }) }) it("Querying respects the sort order when sorting ascending by a string value", async () => { const res = await search(primaryPostgresTable._id, { sort: "name", sortOrder: "ascending", sortType: "string", }) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body.rows).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ name: "aaa" }), expect.objectContaining({ name: "bb" }), expect.objectContaining({ name: "ccccc" }), expect.objectContaining({ name: "d" }), ]) }) it("Querying respects the sort order when sorting descending by a string value", async () => { const res = await search(primaryPostgresTable._id, { sort: "name", sortOrder: "descending", sortType: "string", }) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body.rows).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ name: "d" }), expect.objectContaining({ name: "ccccc" }), expect.objectContaining({ name: "bb" }), expect.objectContaining({ name: "aaa" }), ]) }) it("Querying respects the sort order when sorting ascending by a numeric value", async () => { const res = await search(primaryPostgresTable._id, { sort: "value", sortOrder: "ascending", sortType: "number", }) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body.rows).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ value: -5 }), expect.objectContaining({ value: 0 }), expect.objectContaining({ value: 3 }), expect.objectContaining({ value: 40 }), ]) }) it("Querying respects the sort order when sorting descending by a numeric value", async () => { const res = await search(primaryPostgresTable._id, { sort: "value", sortOrder: "descending", sortType: "number", }) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body.rows).toEqual([ expect.objectContaining({ value: 40 }), expect.objectContaining({ value: 3 }), expect.objectContaining({ value: 0 }), expect.objectContaining({ value: -5 }), ]) }) }) }) describe("GET /api/:tableId/:rowId/enrich", () => { const getAll = (tableId: string | undefined, rowId: string | undefined) => makeRequest("get", `/api/${tableId}/${rowId}/enrich`) describe("given a row with relation data", () => { let row: Row, foreignRow: Row | undefined beforeEach(async () => { const rowsInfo = await createPrimaryRow({ rowData: generateRandomPrimaryRowData(), createForeignRows: { createOne2Many: true }, }) row = rowsInfo.row foreignRow = rowsInfo.foreignRow }) it("enrich populates the foreign field", async () => { const res = await getAll(primaryPostgresTable._id, expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(foreignRow).toBeDefined() expect(res.body).toEqual({ ...row, [o2mInfo.fieldName]: [ { ...foreignRow, }, ], }) }) }) }) describe("GET /api/:tableId/rows", () => { const getAll = (tableId: string | undefined) => makeRequest("get", `/api/${tableId}/rows`) describe("given a table with no rows", () => { it("get request returns empty", async () => { const res = await getAll(primaryPostgresTable._id) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body).toHaveLength(0) }) }) describe("given a table with multiple rows", () => { const rowsCount = 6 let rows: { row: Row foreignRow: Row | undefined rowData: PrimaryRowData }[] beforeEach(async () => { rows = await populatePrimaryRows(rowsCount) }) it("get request returns all of them", async () => { const res = await getAll(primaryPostgresTable._id) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body).toHaveLength(rowsCount) expect(res.body).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( => expect.objectContaining(r.rowData)) ) ) }) }) describe("given multiple tables with multiple rows", () => { const rowsCount = 6 beforeEach(async () => { const createRandomTableWithRows = async () => await config.createRow({ tableId: (await createDefaultPgTable())._id, title:, }) await createRandomTableWithRows() await populatePrimaryRows(rowsCount) await createRandomTableWithRows() }) it("get returns the requested ones", async () => { const res = await getAll(primaryPostgresTable._id) expect(res.status).toBe(200) expect(res.body).toHaveLength(rowsCount) }) }) }) })