import { FieldType, Operation, QueryJson, RelationshipFieldMetadata, Row, SearchFilters, RowSearchParams, SearchResponse, SortDirection, SortOrder, SortType, Table, } from "@budibase/types" import SqlQueryBuilder from "../../../../integrations/base/sql" import { SqlClient } from "../../../../integrations/utils" import { buildInternalRelationships, sqlOutputProcessing, } from "../../../../api/controllers/row/utils" import sdk from "../../../index" import { context, SQLITE_DESIGN_DOC_ID } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { CONSTANT_INTERNAL_ROW_COLS, SQS_DATASOURCE_INTERNAL, } from "../../../../db/utils" import AliasTables from "../sqlAlias" import { outputProcessing } from "../../../../utilities/rowProcessor" function buildInternalFieldList( table: Table, tables: Table[], opts: { relationships: boolean } = { relationships: true } ) { let fieldList: string[] = [] fieldList = fieldList.concat( => `${table._id}.${col}`) ) for (let col of Object.values(table.schema)) { const isRelationship = col.type === FieldType.LINK if (!opts.relationships && isRelationship) { continue } if (isRelationship) { const linkCol = col as RelationshipFieldMetadata const relatedTable = tables.find(table => table._id === linkCol.tableId)! fieldList = fieldList.concat( buildInternalFieldList(relatedTable, tables, { relationships: false }) ) } else { fieldList.push(`${table._id}.${}`) } } return fieldList } function tableInFilter(name: string) { return `:${name}.` } function cleanupFilters(filters: SearchFilters, tables: Table[]) { for (let filter of Object.values(filters)) { if (typeof filter !== "object") { continue } for (let [key, keyFilter] of Object.entries(filter)) { if (keyFilter === "") { delete filter[key] } // relationship, switch to table ID const tableRelated = tables.find( table => table.originalName && key.includes(tableInFilter(table.originalName)) ) if (tableRelated && tableRelated.originalName) { filter[ key.replace( tableInFilter(tableRelated.originalName), tableInFilter(tableRelated._id!) ) ] = filter[key] delete filter[key] } } } return filters } function buildTableMap(tables: Table[]) { const tableMap: Record = {} for (let table of tables) { // update the table name, should never query by name for SQLite table.originalName = = table._id! tableMap[table._id!] = table } return tableMap } export async function search( options: RowSearchParams, table: Table ): Promise> { const { paginate, query, ...params } = options const builder = new SqlQueryBuilder(SqlClient.SQL_LITE) const allTables = await sdk.tables.getAllInternalTables() const allTablesMap = buildTableMap(allTables) if (!table) { throw new Error("Unable to find table") } const relationships = buildInternalRelationships(table) const request: QueryJson = { endpoint: { // not important, we query ourselves datasourceId: SQS_DATASOURCE_INTERNAL, entityId: table._id!, operation: Operation.READ, }, filters: cleanupFilters(query, allTables), table, meta: { table, tables: allTablesMap, }, resource: { fields: buildInternalFieldList(table, allTables), }, relationships, } if (params.sort) { const sortField = table.schema[params.sort] const sortType = sortField.type === FieldType.NUMBER ? SortType.NUMBER : SortType.STRING const sortDirection = params.sortOrder === SortOrder.ASCENDING ? SortDirection.ASCENDING : SortDirection.DESCENDING request.sort = { []: { direction: sortDirection, type: sortType as SortType, }, } } if (paginate && params.limit) { request.paginate = { limit: params.limit, page: params.bookmark, } } try { const alias = new AliasTables( => const rows = await alias.queryWithAliasing(request, async json => { const query = builder._query(json, { disableReturning: true, }) if (Array.isArray(query)) { throw new Error("SQS cannot currently handle multiple queries") } let sql = query.sql let bindings = query.bindings // quick hack for docIds sql = sql.replace(/`doc1`.`rowId`/g, "`doc1.rowId`") sql = sql.replace(/`doc2`.`rowId`/g, "`doc2.rowId`") const db = context.getAppDB() return await db.sql(sql, bindings) }) // process from the format of tableId.column to expected format const processed = await sqlOutputProcessing( rows, table!, allTablesMap, relationships, { sqs: true, } ) return { // final row processing for response rows: await outputProcessing(table, processed, { preserveLinks: true, squash: true, }), } } catch (err: any) { const msg = typeof err === "string" ? err : err.message if (err.status === 404 && err.message?.includes(SQLITE_DESIGN_DOC_ID)) { await sdk.tables.sqs.syncDefinition() return search(options, table) } throw new Error(`Unable to search by SQL - ${msg}`, { cause: err }) } }