const CouchDB = require("../../db") const actions = require("../../automations/actions") const logic = require("../../automations/logic") const triggers = require("../../automations/triggers") const webhooks = require("./webhook") const { getAutomationParams, generateAutomationID } = require("../../db/utils") const WH_STEP_ID = triggers.BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS.WEBHOOK.stepId /************************* * * * BUILDER FUNCTIONS * * * *************************/ function cleanAutomationInputs(automation) { if (automation == null) { return automation } let steps = automation.definition.steps let trigger = automation.definition.trigger let allSteps = [...steps, trigger] for (let step of allSteps) { if (step == null) { continue } for (let inputName of Object.keys(step.inputs)) { if (!step.inputs[inputName] || step.inputs[inputName] === "") { delete step.inputs[inputName] } } } return automation } /** * This function handles checking if any webhooks need to be created or deleted for automations. * @param {object} user The user object, including all auth info * @param {object|undefined} oldAuto The old automation object if updating/deleting * @param {object|undefined} newAuto The new automation object if creating/updating * @returns {Promise} After this is complete the new automation object may have been updated and should be * written to DB (this does not write to DB as it would be wasteful to repeat). */ async function checkForWebhooks({ user, oldAuto, newAuto }) { function isWebhookTrigger(auto) { return ( auto && auto.definition.trigger && auto.definition.trigger.stepId === WH_STEP_ID ) } // need to delete webhook if ( isWebhookTrigger(oldAuto) && !isWebhookTrigger(newAuto) && oldAuto.definition.trigger.webhook ) { const ctx = { user, params: { id:, rev: oldAuto.definition.trigger.webhook.rev, }, } // reset the inputs to remove the URLs if (newAuto && newAuto.definition.trigger) { const trigger = newAuto.definition.trigger delete trigger.webhook delete trigger.inputs.schemaUrl delete trigger.inputs.triggerUrl } await webhooks.destroy(ctx) } // need to create webhook else if (!isWebhookTrigger(oldAuto) && isWebhookTrigger(newAuto)) { const ctx = { user, request: { body: new webhooks.Webhook( "Automation webhook", webhooks.WebhookType.AUTOMATION, newAuto._id ), }, } await const id = ctx.body.webhook._id, rev = ctx.body.webhook._rev newAuto.definition.trigger.webhook = { id, rev } newAuto.definition.trigger.inputs = { schemaUrl: `api/webhooks/schema/${user.instanceId}/${id}`, triggerUrl: `api/webhooks/trigger/${user.instanceId}/${id}`, } } return newAuto } exports.create = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.instanceId) let automation = ctx.request.body automation.appId = ctx.user.appId automation._id = generateAutomationID() automation.type = "automation" automation = cleanAutomationInputs(automation) automation = await checkForWebhooks({ user: ctx.user, newAuto: automation }) const response = await db.put(automation) automation._rev = response.rev ctx.status = 200 ctx.body = { message: "Automation created successfully", automation: { ...automation, ...response, }, } } exports.update = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.instanceId) let automation = ctx.request.body automation.appId = ctx.user.appId const oldAutomation = await db.get(automation._id) automation = cleanAutomationInputs(automation) automation = await checkForWebhooks({ user: ctx.user, oldAuto: oldAutomation, newAuto: automation, }) const response = await db.put(automation) automation._rev = response.rev ctx.status = 200 ctx.body = { message: `Automation ${automation._id} updated successfully.`, automation: { ...automation, _rev: response.rev, _id:, }, } } exports.fetch = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.instanceId) const response = await db.allDocs( getAutomationParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) ctx.body = => row.doc) } exports.find = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.instanceId) ctx.body = await db.get( } exports.destroy = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.instanceId) const oldAutomation = await db.get( await checkForWebhooks({ user: ctx.user, oldAuto: oldAutomation }) ctx.body = await db.remove(, ctx.params.rev) } exports.getActionList = async function(ctx) { ctx.body = actions.DEFINITIONS } exports.getTriggerList = async function(ctx) { ctx.body = triggers.BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS } exports.getLogicList = async function(ctx) { ctx.body = logic.BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS } module.exports.getDefinitionList = async function(ctx) { ctx.body = { logic: logic.BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS, trigger: triggers.BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS, action: actions.DEFINITIONS, } } /********************* * * * API FUNCTIONS * * * *********************/ exports.trigger = async function(ctx) { const db = new CouchDB(ctx.user.instanceId) let automation = await db.get( await triggers.externalTrigger(automation, { ...ctx.request.body, instanceId: ctx.user.instanceId, }) ctx.status = 200 ctx.body = { message: `Automation ${automation._id} has been triggered.`, automation, } }