import { filter, union, constant, map, flatten, every, uniqBy, some, includes, isEmpty, has } from 'lodash/fp'; import { compileExpression, compileCode } from '@nx-js/compiler-util'; import { $, isSomething, switchCase, anyTrue, isNonEmptyArray, executesWithoutException, isNonEmptyString, defaultCase, } from '../common'; import { isRecord, isRoot, isaggregateGroup, isIndex, getFlattenedHierarchy, } from './hierarchy'; import { eventsList } from '../common/events'; import { validateAllFields } from './fields'; import { applyRuleSet, makerule, stringNotEmpty, validationError, } from '../common/validationCommon'; import { indexRuleSet } from './indexes'; import { validateAllAggregates } from './validateAggregate'; export const ruleSet = (...sets) => constant(flatten([...sets])); const commonRules = [ makerule('name', 'node name is not set', node => stringNotEmpty(, makerule('type', 'node type not recognised', anyTrue(isRecord, isRoot, isIndex, isaggregateGroup)), ]; const recordRules = [ makerule('fields', 'no fields have been added to the record', node => isNonEmptyArray(node.fields)), makerule('validationRules', "validation rule is missing a 'messageWhenValid' member", node => every(r => has('messageWhenInvalid')(r))(node.validationRules)), makerule('validationRules', "validation rule is missing a 'expressionWhenValid' member", node => every(r => has('expressionWhenValid')(r))(node.validationRules)), ]; const aggregateGroupRules = [ makerule('condition', 'condition does not compile', a => isEmpty(a.condition) || executesWithoutException( () => compileExpression(a.condition), )), ]; const getRuleSet = node => switchCase( [isRecord, ruleSet( commonRules, recordRules, )], [isIndex, ruleSet( commonRules, indexRuleSet, )], [isaggregateGroup, ruleSet( commonRules, aggregateGroupRules, )], [defaultCase, ruleSet(commonRules, [])], )(node); export const validateNode = node => applyRuleSet(getRuleSet(node))(node); export const validateAll = (appHierarchy) => { const flattened = getFlattenedHierarchy( appHierarchy, ); const duplicateNameRule = makerule( 'name', 'node names must be unique under shared parent', n => filter(f => f.parent() === n.parent() && === === 1, ); const duplicateNodeKeyErrors = $(flattened, [ map(n => applyRuleSet([duplicateNameRule])(n)), filter(isSomething), flatten, ]); const fieldErrors = $(flattened, [ filter(isRecord), map(validateAllFields), flatten, ]); const aggregateErrors = $(flattened, [ filter(isaggregateGroup), map(s => validateAllAggregates( s.aggregates, )), flatten, ]); return $(flattened, [ map(validateNode), flatten, union(duplicateNodeKeyErrors), union(fieldErrors), union(aggregateErrors), ]); }; const actionRules = [ makerule('name', 'action must have a name', a => isNonEmptyString(, makerule('behaviourName', 'must supply a behaviour name to the action', a => isNonEmptyString(a.behaviourName)), makerule('behaviourSource', 'must supply a behaviour source for the action', a => isNonEmptyString(a.behaviourSource)), ]; const duplicateActionRule = makerule('', 'action name must be unique', () => {}); const validateAction = action => applyRuleSet(actionRules)(action); export const validateActions = (allActions) => { const duplicateActions = $(allActions, [ filter(a => filter(a2 => === > 1), map(a => validationError(duplicateActionRule, a)), ]); const errors = $(allActions, [ map(validateAction), flatten, union(duplicateActions), uniqBy('name'), ]); return errors; }; const triggerRules = actions => ([ makerule('actionName', 'must specify an action', t => isNonEmptyString(t.actionName)), makerule('eventName', 'must specify and event', t => isNonEmptyString(t.eventName)), makerule('actionName', 'specified action not supplied', t => !t.actionName || some(a => === t.actionName)(actions)), makerule('eventName', 'invalid Event Name', t => !t.eventName || includes(t.eventName)(eventsList)), makerule('optionsCreator', 'Options Creator does not compile - check your expression', (t) => { if (!t.optionsCreator) return true; try { compileCode(t.optionsCreator); return true; } catch (_) { return false; } }), makerule('condition', 'Trigger condition does not compile - check your expression', (t) => { if (!t.condition) return true; try { compileExpression(t.condition); return true; } catch (_) { return false; } }), ]); export const validateTrigger = (trigger, allActions) => { const errors = applyRuleSet(triggerRules(allActions))(trigger); return errors; }; export const validateTriggers = (triggers, allActions) => $(triggers, [ map(t => validateTrigger(t, allActions)), flatten, ]);