import { context } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { getTableParams } from "../../../db/utils" import { breakExternalTableId, isExternalTableID, isSQL, } from "../../../integrations/utils" import { Database, INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, Table, TableResponse, TableSourceType, TableViewsResponse, } from "@budibase/types" import datasources from "../datasources" import sdk from "../../../sdk" import { ensureQueryUISet } from "../views/utils" import { isV2 } from "../views" export async function processTable(table: Table): Promise { if (!table) { return table } table = { ...table } if (table.views) { for (const [key, view] of Object.entries(table.views)) { if (!isV2(view)) { continue } table.views[key] = ensureQueryUISet(view) } } if (table._id && isExternalTableID(table._id)) { // Old created external tables via Budibase might have a missing field name breaking some UI such as filters if (table.schema["id"] && !table.schema["id"].name) { table.schema["id"].name = "id" } return { ...table, type: "table", sourceType: TableSourceType.EXTERNAL, } } else { const processed: Table = { ...table, type: "table", sourceId: table.sourceId || INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, sourceType: TableSourceType.INTERNAL, sql: true, } return processed } } export async function processTables(tables: Table[]): Promise { return await Promise.all( => processTable(table))) } async function processEntities(tables: Record) { for (let key of Object.keys(tables)) { tables[key] = await processTable(tables[key]) } return tables } export async function getAllInternalTables(db?: Database): Promise { if (!db) { db = context.getAppDB() } const internalTables = await db.allDocs
( getTableParams(null, { include_docs: true, }) ) return await processTables( => row.doc!)) } async function getAllExternalTables(): Promise { // this is all datasources, we'll need to filter out internal const datasources = await sdk.datasources.fetch({ enriched: true }) const allEntities = datasources .filter(datasource => datasource._id !== INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID) .map(datasource => datasource.entities) let final: Table[] = [] for (let entities of allEntities) { if (entities) { final = final.concat(Object.values(entities)) } } return await processTables(final) } export async function getExternalTable( datasourceId: string, tableName: string ): Promise
{ const entities = await getExternalTablesInDatasource(datasourceId) if (!entities[tableName]) { throw new Error(`Unable to find table named "${tableName}"`) } const table = await processTable(entities[tableName]) if (!table.sourceId) { table.sourceId = datasourceId } return table } export async function getTable(tableId: string): Promise
{ const db = context.getAppDB() let output: Table if (tableId && isExternalTableID(tableId)) { let { datasourceId, tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) const datasource = await datasources.get(datasourceId) const table = await getExternalTable(datasourceId, tableName) output = { ...table, sql: isSQL(datasource) } } else { output = await db.get
(tableId) } return await processTable(output) } export async function doesTableExist(tableId: string): Promise { try { const table = await getTable(tableId) return !!table } catch (err) { return false } } export async function getAllTables() { const [internal, external] = await Promise.all([ getAllInternalTables(), getAllExternalTables(), ]) return await processTables([...internal, ...external]) } export async function getExternalTablesInDatasource( datasourceId: string ): Promise> { const datasource = await datasources.get(datasourceId, { enriched: true }) if (!datasource || !datasource.entities) { throw new Error("Datasource is not configured fully.") } return await processEntities(datasource.entities) } export async function getTables(tableIds: string[]): Promise { const externalTableIds = tableIds.filter(tableId => isExternalTableID(tableId) ), internalTableIds = tableIds.filter(tableId => !isExternalTableID(tableId)) let tables: Table[] = [] if (externalTableIds.length) { const externalTables = await getAllExternalTables() tables = tables.concat( externalTables.filter( table => externalTableIds.indexOf(table._id!) !== -1 ) ) } if (internalTableIds.length) { const db = context.getAppDB() const internalTables = await db.getMultiple
(internalTableIds, { allowMissing: true, }) tables = tables.concat(internalTables) } return await processTables(tables) } export async function enrichViewSchemas(table: Table): Promise { const views = [] for (const view of Object.values(table.views ?? [])) { if (sdk.views.isV2(view)) { views.push(await sdk.views.enrichSchema(view, table.schema)) } else views.push(view) } return { ...table, views: views.reduce((p, v) => { p[!] = v return p }, {} as TableViewsResponse), } }