const fs = require('node:fs/promises');
const util = require('node:util');
const { argv } = require('node:process');
const exec = util.promisify(require('node:child_process').exec);

const version = argv[2]

const getPastClientVersion = async () => {
  const manifestRaw = await fetch(`${version}`).then(r => r.json());

  // GitHub response will contain a message field containing the following string if the version can't be found.
  if (manifestRaw?.message?.includes("No commit found")) {
    throw `Can't find a GitHub tag with version "${version}"`

  const manifest = Buffer.from(manifestRaw.content, 'base64').toString('utf8')

  await fs.mkdir(`packages/server/build/oldClientVersions/${version}`, { recursive: true });
  await fs.writeFile(`packages/server/build/oldClientVersions/${version}/manifest.json`, manifest)

  const npmRegistry = await fetch(`${version}`).then(r => r.json());

  // The json response from npm is just a string starting with the following if the version can't be found
  if (typeof npmRegistry === "string" &&  npmRegistry.startsWith("version not found")) {
    throw `Can't find @budibase/client with version "${version}" in npm registry`

  // Create a temp directory to store the @budibase/client library in
  await fs.mkdir("clientVersionTmp", { recursive: true });

  // Get the tarball of the @budibase/client library and pipe it into tar to extract it
  await exec(`curl -L ${npmRegistry.dist.tarball} --output - | tar -xvzf - -C clientVersionTmp`);

  // Copy the compiled client version we want to the oldClientVersions dir and delete the temp directory
  await fs.copyFile('./clientVersionTmp/package/dist/budibase-client.js', `./packages/server/build/oldClientVersions/${version}/app.js`);
  await fs.rm("clientVersionTmp", { recursive: true });

  // Check what client versions the user has locally and update the `clientVersions.json` file in the builder so that they can be selected
  const rootDir = await fs.readdir('packages/server/build/oldClientVersions/', { withFileTypes: true });
  const dirs = rootDir.filter(entry => entry.isDirectory()).map(dir =>;

  await fs.writeFile("packages/builder/src/components/deploy/clientVersions.json", JSON.stringify(dirs))

getPastClientVersion().catch(e => console.error(e));