const elasticsearch = require("@elastic/elasticsearch") const ElasticSearchIntegration = require("../elasticsearch") jest.mock("@elastic/elasticsearch") class TestConfiguration { constructor(config = {}) { this.integration = new ElasticSearchIntegration.integration(config) } } describe("Elasticsearch Integration", () => { let config let indexName = "Users" beforeEach(() => { config = new TestConfiguration() }) it("calls the create method with the correct params", async () => { const body = { name: "Hello" } const response = await config.integration.create({ index: indexName, json: body }) expect(config.integration.client.index).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ index: indexName, body }) }) it("calls the read method with the correct params", async () => { const body = { query: { term: { name: "kimchy" } } } const response = await{ index: indexName, json: body }) expect({ index: indexName, body }) expect(response).toEqual(expect.any(Array)) }) it("calls the update method with the correct params", async () => { const body = { name: "updated" } const response = await config.integration.update({ id: "1234", index: indexName, json: body }) expect(config.integration.client.update).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ id: "1234", index: indexName, body }) expect(response).toEqual(expect.any(Array)) }) it("calls the delete method with the correct params", async () => { const body = { id: "1234" } const response = await config.integration.delete(body) expect(config.integration.client.delete).toHaveBeenCalledWith(body) expect(response).toEqual(expect.any(Array)) }) })