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		"description": "A control that accepts email, password an also handles password resets",
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		"description": "a datagrid component with functionality to add, remove and edit rows.",
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		"description": "an HTML table that fetches data from a table or view and displays it.",
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	"dataformwide": {
		"name": "Form Wide",
		"description": "an HTML table that fetches data from a table or view and displays it.",
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		"props": {}
	"list": {
		"name": "Repeater",
		"description": "A configurable data list that attaches to your backend tables.",
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		"description": "A stacked list component for displaying information",
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		"description": "Loads a row, using an ID in the url",
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		"description": "Prepares a new row for creation",
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		"description": "Date Picker",
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