const globalName = '___SVELTE_HMR_HOT_API' const globalAdapterName = '___SVELTE_HMR_HOT_API_PROXY_ADAPTER' const defaultHotOptions = { // preserve all local state preserveLocalState: false, // escape hatchs from preservation of local state // // disable preservation of state for this component noPreserveStateKey: ['@hmr:reset', '@!hmr'], // enable preservation of state for all variables in this component preserveAllLocalStateKey: '@hmr:keep-all', // enable preservation of state for a given variable (must be inline or // above the target variable or variables; can be repeated) preserveLocalStateKey: '@hmr:keep', // don't reload on fatal error noReload: false, // try to recover after runtime errors during component init optimistic: true, // auto accept modules of components that have named exports (i.e. exports // from context="module") acceptNamedExports: true, // auto accept modules of components have accessors (either accessors compile // option, or ) -- this means that if you // set accessors compile option globally, you must also set this option to // true, or no component will be hot reloaded (but there are a lot of edge // cases that HMR can't support correctly with accessors) acceptAccessors: true, // only inject CSS instead of recreating components when only CSS changes injectCss: false, // to mitigate FOUC between dispose (remove stylesheet) and accept cssEjectDelay: 100, // Svelte Native mode native: false, // name of the adapter import binding importAdapterName: globalAdapterName, // disable runtime error overlay noOverlay: false, } const defaultHotApi = 'hot-api-esm.js' const json = JSON.stringify const posixify = file => file.replace(/[/\\]/g, '/') const renderApplyHmr = ({ id, cssId, nonCssHash, hotOptions: { injectCss }, hotOptionsJson, hotApiImport, adapterImport, importAdapterName, meta, acceptable, preserveLocalState, emitCss, imports = [ `import * as ${globalName} from '${hotApiImport}'`, `import { adapter as ${importAdapterName} } from '${adapterImport}'`, ], }) => // this silly formatting keeps all original characters in their position, // thus saving us from having to provide a sourcemap // // NOTE the `if (false) accept()` line is for tools that wants to see the // accept call in the actual accepted module to enable HMR (Vite and, I // believe, Snowpack 3) // `${imports.join(';')};${` if (${meta} && ${meta}.hot) { if (false) ${meta}.hot.accept(); $2 = ${globalName}.applyHmr({ m: ${meta}, id: ${json(id)}, hotOptions: ${hotOptionsJson}, Component: $2, ProxyAdapter: ${importAdapterName}, acceptable: ${json(acceptable)}, preserveLocalState: ${json(preserveLocalState)}, ${cssId ? `cssId: ${json(cssId)},` : ''} ${nonCssHash ? `nonCssHash: ${json(nonCssHash)},` : ''} emitCss: ${json(emitCss)}, }); } ` .split('\n') .map(x => x.trim()) .filter(Boolean) .join(' ')} export default $2; ${ // NOTE when doing CSS only voodoo, we have to inject the stylesheet as soon // as the component is loaded because Svelte normally do that when a component // is instantiated, but we might already have instances in the large when a // component is loaded with HMR cssId && injectCss && !emitCss ? ` if (typeof add_css !== 'undefined' && !document.getElementById(${json( cssId )})) add_css();` : `` } ` // replace from last occurrence of the splitter const replaceLast = (string, splitter, regex, replacer) => { const lastIndex = string.lastIndexOf(splitter) return ( string.slice(0, lastIndex) + string.slice(lastIndex).replace(regex, replacer) ) } // // (via const stringHashcode = str => { let hash = 5381 let i = str.length while (i--) hash = ((hash << 5) - hash) ^ str.charCodeAt(i) return (hash >>> 0).toString(36) } const normalizeJsCode = (code, cssHash) => code // ignore css hashes in the code (that have changed, necessarily) .replace(new RegExp('\\b' + cssHash + '\\b', 'g'), '') // Svelte now adds locations in dev mode, code locations can change when // CSS change, but we're unaffected (not real behaviour changes) .replace(/\badd_location\s*\([^)]*\)\s*;?/g, '') const parseCssId = (code, compileOptions = {}, parseHash, originalCode) => { // the regex matching is very pretty conservative 'cause I don't want to // match something else by error... I'm probably make it more lax if I have // to fix it 3 times in a single week ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ let match = /^function add_css\(\) \{[\s\S]*?^}/m.exec(code) if (!match) { // guard: injectCss is off, no need to compute hashes if (!parseHash) return {} // guard: compile.css is true, so we should have found the add_css function, // something unexpected is unraveling here, fall back to caution if (compileOptions.css) return {} // trying to get CSS id the same way as Svelte does it match = /]*>([\s\S]*)<\/\s*style\s*>/.exec(originalCode) const cssHash = match && match[1] ? stringHashcode(match[1]) : null if (!cssHash) return {} return { cssId: `svelte-${cssHash}-style`, nonCssHash: stringHashcode(normalizeJsCode(code, cssHash)), } } const codeExceptCSS = code.slice(0, match.index) + code.slice(match.index + match[0].length) match = /\bstyle\.id\s*=\s*(['"])([^'"]*)\1/.exec(match[0]) const cssId = match ? match[2] : null if (!parseHash || !cssId) return { cssId } const cssHash = cssId.split('-')[1] const nonCssHash = stringHashcode(normalizeJsCode(codeExceptCSS, cssHash)) return { cssId, nonCssHash } } const isNamedExport = v => v.export_name && v.module const isProp = v => v.export_name && !v.module const resolvePackageImport = (name = 'svelte-hmr', version = '') => { const versionSpec = version ? '@' + version : '' return target => `${name}${versionSpec}/${target}` } const createMakeHot = ({ resolveAbsoluteImport, pkg = {} }) => ({ // NOTE hotOptions can be customized by end user through plugin options, while // options passed to this function can only customized by the plugin implementer // // meta can be 'import.meta' or 'module' // const createMakeHot = (hotApi = defaultHotApi, options) => { walk, meta = 'import.meta', hotApi: customHotApi = '', adapter: customAdapter = '', // use absolute file paths to import runtime deps of svelte-hmr // - pnpm needs absolute paths because svelte-hmr, being a transitive dep via // the bundler plugin, is not directly importable from user's project // (see // - Snowpack source=remote needs a version number, otherwise it will try to // load import, resulting in a possible version mismatch between the code // transform and the runtime // (see: absoluteImports = true, versionNonAbsoluteImports = true, hotOptions: hotOptionsArg = {}, }) => { const hotOptions = { ...defaultHotOptions, ...hotOptionsArg } const hotOptionsJson = JSON.stringify(hotOptions) // NOTE Native adapter cannot be required in code (as opposed to this // generated code) because it requires modules from NativeScript's code that // are not resolvable for non-native users (and those missing modules would // prevent webpack from building). // // careful with relative paths // (see const defaultAdapter = hotOptions.native ? 'svelte-native/proxy-adapter-native.js' : 'proxy-adapter-dom.js' const resolveImport = absoluteImports ? resolveAbsoluteImport : resolvePackageImport(, versionNonAbsoluteImports && pkg.version) const adapterImport = posixify( customAdapter || resolveImport('runtime/' + defaultAdapter) ) const hotApiImport = posixify( customHotApi || resolveImport('runtime/' + defaultHotApi) ) const resolvePreserveLocalStateKey = ({ preserveLocalStateKey, compiled, }) => { const containsKey = comments => comments && comments.some(({ value }) => value.includes(preserveLocalStateKey)) const variables = new Set() const addReference = node => { if (! { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn('Incorrect identifier for preserveLocalStateKey') } variables.add( } const processNodes = targets => targets.forEach(processNode) const processNode = node => { switch (node.type) { case 'Identifier': variables.add( return true case 'UpdateExpression': addReference(node.argument) return true case 'VariableDeclarator': addReference( return true case 'AssignmentExpression': processNode(node.left) return true case 'ExpressionStatement': processNode(node.expression) return true case 'VariableDeclaration': processNodes(node.declarations) return true case 'SequenceExpression': // ++, -- processNodes(node.expressions) return true } return false } const stack = [] if (compiled.ast.instance) { walk(compiled.ast.instance, { leave() { stack.shift() }, enter(node) { stack.unshift(node) if ( containsKey(node.leadingComments) || containsKey(node.trailingComments) ) { stack .slice(0, 3) .reverse() .some(processNode) } }, }) } return [...variables] } const resolvePreserveLocalState = ({ hotOptions, originalCode, compiled, }) => { const { preserveLocalState, noPreserveStateKey, preserveLocalStateKey, preserveAllLocalStateKey, } = hotOptions if (originalCode) { const hasKey = key => { const test = k => originalCode.indexOf(k) !== -1 return Array.isArray(key) ? key.some(test) : test(key) } // noPreserveStateKey if (noPreserveStateKey && hasKey(noPreserveStateKey)) { return false } // preserveAllLocalStateKey if (preserveAllLocalStateKey && hasKey(preserveAllLocalStateKey)) { return true } // preserveLocalStateKey if (preserveLocalStateKey && hasKey(preserveLocalStateKey)) { // returns an array of variable names to preserve return resolvePreserveLocalStateKey({ preserveLocalStateKey, compiled }) } } // preserveLocalState if (preserveLocalState) { return true } return false } const hasAccessorsOption = compiled => { if (!compiled.ast || !compiled.ast.html) return let accessors = false walk(compiled.ast.html, { enter(node) { if (accessors) return if (node.type !== 'Options') return if (!node.attributes) return accessors = node.attributes.some( ({ name, value }) => name === 'accessors' && value ) }, }) return accessors } const isAcceptable = (hotOptions, compileOptions, compiled) => { if (!compiled || !compileOptions) { // this should never happen, since it's the bundler plugins that control // what version of svelte-hmr they embark, and they should be kept up to // date with our API // // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.warn( 'WARNING Your bundler plugin is outdated for this version of svelte-hmr' ) return true } const { vars } = compiled // if the module has named exports (in context="module"), then we can't // auto accept the component, since all the consumers need to be aware of // the change (e.g. rerender with the new exports value) if (!hotOptions.acceptNamedExports && vars.some(isNamedExport)) { return false } // ...same for accessors: if accessible props change, then we need to // rerender/rerun all the consumers to reflect the change // // NOTE we can still accept components with no props, since they won't // have accessors... this is actually all we can safely accept in this case // if ( !hotOptions.acceptAccessors && // we test is we have props first, because searching for the // tag in the AST is probably the most expensive here vars.some(isProp) && (compileOptions.accessors || hasAccessorsOption(compiled)) ) { return false } return true } const parseMakeHotArgs = args => { // case: named args (object) if (args.length === 1) return args[0] // case: legacy (positional) const [ id, compiledCode, hotOptions, compiled, originalCode, compileOptions, ] = args return { id, compiledCode, hotOptions, compiled, originalCode, compileOptions, } } function makeHot(...args) { const { id, compiledCode, compiled, originalCode, compileOptions, } = parseMakeHotArgs(args) const { importAdapterName, injectCss } = hotOptions const emitCss = compileOptions && compileOptions.css === false const preserveLocalState = resolvePreserveLocalState({ hotOptions, originalCode, compiled, }) const replacement = renderApplyHmr({ id, // adds cssId & nonCssHash ...((injectCss || !emitCss) && parseCssId(compiledCode, compileOptions, injectCss, originalCode)), hotOptions, hotOptionsJson, preserveLocalState, hotApiImport, adapterImport, importAdapterName, meta, acceptable: isAcceptable(hotOptions, compileOptions, compiled), // CSS is handled outside of Svelte: don't tamper with it! emitCss, }) // NOTE export default can appear in strings in use code // see: return replaceLast( compiledCode, 'export default', /(\n?export default ([^;]*);)/, (match, $1, $2) => replacement.replace(/\$2/g, () => $2) ) } // rollup-plugin-svelte-hot needs hotApi path (for tests) // makeHot.hotApi = hotApi Object.defineProperty(makeHot, 'hotApi', { get() { // TODO makeHot.hotApi has been lost in 0.12 => 0.13... still needed? debugger // eslint-disable-line no-debugger return undefined }, }) return makeHot } module.exports = createMakeHot