// @ts-check import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import nodeResolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve' import typescript from '@rollup/plugin-typescript' import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs' import json from '@rollup/plugin-json' import alias from '@rollup/plugin-alias' import license from 'rollup-plugin-license' import MagicString from 'magic-string' import chalk from 'chalk' import fg from 'fast-glob' import { sync as resolve } from 'resolve' /** * @type { import('rollup').RollupOptions } */ const envConfig = { input: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/client/env.ts'), plugins: [ typescript({ target: 'es2018', include: ['src/client/env.ts'], baseUrl: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/env'), paths: { 'types/*': ['../../types/*'] } }) ], output: { file: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist/client', 'env.mjs'), sourcemap: true } } /** * @type { import('rollup').RollupOptions } */ const clientConfig = { input: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/client/client.ts'), external: ['./env'], plugins: [ typescript({ target: 'es2018', include: ['src/client/**/*.ts'], baseUrl: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/client'), paths: { 'types/*': ['../../types/*'] } }) ], output: { file: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist/client', 'client.mjs'), sourcemap: true } } /** * @type { import('rollup').RollupOptions } */ const sharedNodeOptions = { treeshake: { moduleSideEffects: 'no-external', propertyReadSideEffects: false, tryCatchDeoptimization: false }, output: { dir: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist/node'), entryFileNames: `[name].js`, chunkFileNames: 'chunks/dep-[hash].js', exports: 'named', format: 'cjs', externalLiveBindings: false, freeze: false, sourcemap: true }, onwarn(warning, warn) { // node-resolve complains a lot about this but seems to still work? if (warning.message.includes('Package subpath')) { return } // we use the eval('require') trick to deal with optional deps if (warning.message.includes('Use of eval')) { return } if (warning.message.includes('Circular dependency')) { return } warn(warning) } } /** * * @param {boolean} isProduction * @returns {import('rollup').RollupOptions} */ const createNodeConfig = (isProduction) => { /** * @type { import('rollup').RollupOptions } */ const nodeConfig = { ...sharedNodeOptions, input: { index: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/node/index.ts'), cli: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/node/cli.ts') }, external: [ 'fsevents', ...Object.keys(require('./package.json').dependencies), ...(isProduction ? [] : Object.keys(require('./package.json').devDependencies)) ], plugins: [ alias({ // packages with "module" field that doesn't play well with cjs bundles entries: { '@vue/compiler-dom': require.resolve( '@vue/compiler-dom/dist/compiler-dom.cjs.js' ), 'big.js': require.resolve('big.js/big.js') } }), nodeResolve({ preferBuiltins: true }), typescript({ target: 'es2019', include: ['src/**/*.ts'], esModuleInterop: true }), // Some deps have try...catch require of optional deps, but rollup will // generate code that force require them upfront for side effects. // Shim them with eval() so rollup can skip these calls. isProduction && shimDepsPlugin({ 'plugins/terser.ts': { src: `require.resolve('terser'`, replacement: `require.resolve('vite/dist/node/terser'` }, // chokidar -> fsevents 'fsevents-handler.js': { src: `require('fsevents')`, replacement: `eval('require')('fsevents')` }, // cac re-assigns module.exports even in its mjs dist 'cac/dist/index.mjs': { src: `if (typeof module !== "undefined") {`, replacement: `if (false) {` }, // postcss-import -> sugarss 'process-content.js': { src: 'require("sugarss")', replacement: `eval('require')('sugarss')` }, 'import-from/index.js': { pattern: /require\(resolveFrom/g, replacement: `eval('require')(resolveFrom` }, 'lilconfig/dist/index.js': { pattern: /: require,/g, replacement: `: eval('require'),` } }), commonjs({ extensions: ['.js'], // Optional peer deps of ws. Native deps that are mostly for performance. // Since ws is not that perf critical for us, just ignore these deps. ignore: ['bufferutil', 'utf-8-validate'] }), json(), isProduction && licensePlugin() ] } return nodeConfig } /** * Terser needs to be run inside a worker, so it cannot be part of the main * bundle. We produce a separate bundle for it and shims plugin/terser.ts to * use the production path during build. * * @type { import('rollup').RollupOptions } */ const terserConfig = { ...sharedNodeOptions, output: { ...sharedNodeOptions.output, exports: 'default' }, input: { terser: require.resolve('terser') }, plugins: [nodeResolve(), commonjs()] } /** * @type { (deps: Record) => import('rollup').Plugin } */ function shimDepsPlugin(deps) { const transformed = {} return { name: 'shim-deps', transform(code, id) { for (const file in deps) { if (id.replace(/\\/g, '/').endsWith(file)) { const { src, replacement, pattern } = deps[file] const magicString = new MagicString(code) if (src) { const pos = code.indexOf(src) if (pos < 0) { this.error( `Could not find expected src "${src}" in file "${file}"` ) } transformed[file] = true magicString.overwrite(pos, pos + src.length, replacement) console.log(`shimmed: ${file}`) } if (pattern) { let match while ((match = pattern.exec(code))) { transformed[file] = true const start = match.index const end = start + match[0].length magicString.overwrite(start, end, replacement) } if (!transformed[file]) { this.error( `Could not find expected pattern "${pattern}" in file "${file}"` ) } console.log(`shimmed: ${file}`) } return { code: magicString.toString(), map: magicString.generateMap({ hires: true }) } } } }, buildEnd(err) { if (!err) { for (const file in deps) { if (!transformed[file]) { this.error( `Did not find "${file}" which is supposed to be shimmed, was the file renamed?` ) } } } } } } function licensePlugin() { return license({ thirdParty(dependencies) { // https://github.com/rollup/rollup/blob/master/build-plugins/generate-license-file.js // MIT Licensed https://github.com/rollup/rollup/blob/master/LICENSE-CORE.md const coreLicense = fs.readFileSync( path.resolve(__dirname, '../../LICENSE') ) const licenses = new Set() const dependencyLicenseTexts = dependencies .sort(({ name: nameA }, { name: nameB }) => nameA > nameB ? 1 : nameB > nameA ? -1 : 0 ) .map( ({ name, license, licenseText, author, maintainers, contributors, repository }) => { let text = `## ${name}\n` if (license) { text += `License: ${license}\n` } const names = new Set() if (author && author.name) { names.add(author.name) } for (const person of maintainers.concat(contributors)) { if (person && person.name) { names.add(person.name) } } if (names.size > 0) { text += `By: ${Array.from(names).join(', ')}\n` } if (repository) { text += `Repository: ${repository.url || repository}\n` } if (!licenseText) { try { const pkgDir = path.dirname( resolve(path.join(name, 'package.json'), { preserveSymlinks: false }) ) const licenseFile = fg.sync(`${pkgDir}/LICENSE*`, { caseSensitiveMatch: false })[0] if (licenseFile) { licenseText = fs.readFileSync(licenseFile, 'utf-8') } } catch {} } if (licenseText) { text += '\n' + licenseText .trim() .replace(/(\r\n|\r)/gm, '\n') .split('\n') .map((line) => `> ${line}`) .join('\n') + '\n' } licenses.add(license) return text } ) .join('\n---------------------------------------\n\n') const licenseText = `# Vite core license\n` + `Vite is released under the MIT license:\n\n` + coreLicense + `\n# Licenses of bundled dependencies\n` + `The published Vite artifact additionally contains code with the following licenses:\n` + `${Array.from(licenses).join(', ')}\n\n` + `# Bundled dependencies:\n` + dependencyLicenseTexts const existingLicenseText = fs.readFileSync('LICENSE.md', 'utf8') if (existingLicenseText !== licenseText) { fs.writeFileSync('LICENSE.md', licenseText) console.warn( chalk.yellow( '\nLICENSE.md updated. You should commit the updated file.\n' ) ) } } }) } export default (commandLineArgs) => { const isDev = commandLineArgs.watch const isProduction = !isDev return [ envConfig, clientConfig, createNodeConfig(isProduction), ...(isProduction ? [terserConfig] : []) ] }