Cypress.on("uncaught:exception", () => { return false }) // ACCOUNTS & USERS Cypress.Commands.add("login", (email, password) => { cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`, { timeout: 30000 }) cy.url() .should("include", "/builder/") .then(url => { if (url.includes("builder/admin")) { // create admin user cy.get("input").first().type("") cy.get('input[type="password"]').first().type("test") cy.get('input[type="password"]').eq(1).type("test") cy.contains("Create super admin user").click({ force: true }) } if (url.includes("builder/auth") || url.includes("builder/admin")) { // login cy.contains("Sign in to Budibase").then(() => { if (email == null) { cy.get("input").first().type("") cy.get('input[type="password"]').type("test") } else { cy.get("input").first().type(email) cy.get('input[type="password"]').type(password) } cy.get("button").first().click({ force: true }) cy.wait(1000) }) } }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("logOut", () => { cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`, { timeout: 30000 }) cy.get(".user-dropdown .avatar > .icon").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Popover[data-cy='user-menu']").within(() => { cy.get("li[data-cy='user-logout']").click({ force: true }) }) cy.wait(2000) }) Cypress.Commands.add("logoutNoAppGrid", () => { // Logs user out when app grid is not present cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`, { timeout: 30000 }) cy.get(".avatar > .icon").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Popover[data-cy='user-menu']").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Menu-item").contains("Log out").click({ force: true }) }) cy.wait(2000) }) Cypress.Commands.add("createUser", (email, permission) => { cy.contains("Users").click() cy.get(`[data-cy="add-user"]`).click() cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { // Enter email cy.get(".spectrum-Textfield-input").clear().click().type(email) // Select permission, if applicable // Default is App User if (permission != null) { cy.get(".spectrum-Picker-label").click() cy.get(".spectrum-Menu").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Menu-item") .contains(permission) .click({ force: true }) }) } // Add user cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Add users").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-ActionButton").contains("Add email").should("not.exist") }) // Onboarding modal cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid", { timeout: 5000 }).contains( "Choose your onboarding" ) cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { cy.get(".onboarding-type").eq(1).click() cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Done").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Cancel").should("not.exist") }) // Accounts created modal - Click Done button cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Done").click({ force: true }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("deleteUser", email => { // Assumes user has access to Users section cy.contains("Users", { timeout: 2000 }).click() cy.contains(email).click() cy.get(".title").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Icon").click({ force: true }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Menu").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Menu-item").contains("Delete").click({ force: true }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").contains("Delete user").click({ force: true }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("updateUserInformation", (firstName, lastName) => { cy.get(".user-dropdown .avatar > .icon", { timeout: 2000 }).click({ force: true, }) cy.get(".spectrum-Popover[data-cy='user-menu']").within(() => { cy.get("li[data-cy='user-info']").click({ force: true }) }) cy.get("").within(() => { cy.get("[data-cy='user-first-name']").clear() if (!firstName || firstName == "") { cy.get("[data-cy='user-first-name']").invoke("val").should("be.empty") } else { cy.get("[data-cy='user-first-name']") .type(firstName) .should("have.value", firstName) .blur() } cy.get("[data-cy='user-last-name']").clear() if (!lastName || lastName == "") { cy.get("[data-cy='user-last-name']").invoke("val").should("be.empty") } else { cy.get("[data-cy='user-last-name']") .type(lastName) .should("have.value", lastName) .blur() } cy.get(".confirm-wrap").within(() => { cy.get("button").contains("Update information").click({ force: true }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").should("not.exist") }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("setUserRole", (user, role) => { cy.contains("Users").click() cy.contains(user).click() // Set Role cy.wait(500) cy.get(".spectrum-Form-itemField") .eq(3) .within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Picker-label").click({ force: true }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Menu").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Menu-itemLabel").contains(role).click({ force: true }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Form-itemField").eq(3).should("contain", role) }) // APPLICATIONS Cypress.Commands.add("createTestApp", () => { const appName = "Cypress Tests" cy.deleteApp(appName) cy.createApp(appName, "This app is used for Cypress testing.") }) Cypress.Commands.add("createApp", (name, addDefaultTable) => { const shouldCreateDefaultTable = typeof addDefaultTable != "boolean" ? true : addDefaultTable cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`, { timeout: 30000 }) cy.url({ timeout: 30000 }).should("include", "/apps") cy.get(`[data-cy="create-app-btn"]`, { timeout: 5000 }).click({ force: true }) // If apps already exist cy.request(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/api/applications?status=all`, { timeout: 5000, }) .its("body") .then(val => { if (val.length > 0) { cy.get(`[data-cy="create-app-btn"]`, { timeout: 5000 }).click({ force: true, }) } }) cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").within(() => { cy.get("input").eq(0).should("have.focus") if (name && name != "") { cy.get("input").eq(0).clear() cy.get("input").eq(0).type(name).should("have.value", name).blur() } cy.get(".spectrum-ButtonGroup") .contains("Create app") .click({ force: true }) cy.wait(2000) }) if (shouldCreateDefaultTable) { cy.createTable("Cypress Tests", true) } }) Cypress.Commands.add("deleteApp", name => { cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`, { timeout: 30000 }) cy.wait(2000) cy.request(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/api/applications?status=all`) .its("body") .then(val => { const findAppName = val.some(val => == name) if (findAppName) { if (val.length > 0) { const appId = val.reduce((acc, app) => { if (name === { acc = app.appId } return acc }, "") if (appId == "") { return } // Go to app overview const appIdParsed = appId.split("_").pop() const actionEleId = `[data-cy=row_actions_${appIdParsed}]` cy.get(actionEleId).within(() => { cy.contains("Manage").click({ force: true }) }) cy.wait(500) // Unpublish first if needed cy.get(`[data-cy="app-status"]`).then($status => { if ($status.text().includes("- Unpublish")) { // Exact match for Unpublish cy.contains("Unpublish").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").within(() => { cy.contains("Unpublish app").click({ force: true }) }) } }) // Delete app cy.get(".app-overview-actions-icon").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Icon").click({ force: true }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Menu").contains("Delete").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { cy.get("input").type(name) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Button--warning").click() } else { return } } else { return } }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("deleteAllApps", () => { cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`, { timeout: 30000 }) cy.wait(500) cy.request(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/api/applications?status=all`, { timeout: 5000, }) .its("body") .then(val => { for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { cy.deleteApp(val[i].name) cy.reload() } }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("unlockApp", unlock_config => { let config = { ...unlock_config } cy.get(".spectrum-Modal .spectrum-Dialog[data-cy='app-lock-modal']") .should("be.visible") .within(() => { if (config.owned) { cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-heading").contains("Locked by you") cy.get(".lock-expiry-body").contains( "This lock will expire in 10 minutes from now" ) cy.intercept("**/lock").as("unlockApp") cy.get(".spectrum-Button") .contains("Release Lock") .click({ force: true }) cy.wait("@unlockApp") cy.get("@unlockApp").its("response.statusCode").should("eq", 200) cy.get("@unlockApp").its("response.body").should("deep.equal", { message: "Lock released successfully.", }) } else { //Show the name ? cy.get(".lock-expiry-body").should("") cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Done") } }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("updateAppName", (changedName, noName) => { cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").within(() => { if (noName == true) { cy.get("input").clear() cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid") .click() .contains("App name must be letters, numbers and spaces only") return cy } cy.get("input").clear() cy.get("input") .eq(0) .type(changedName) .should("have.value", changedName) .blur() cy.get(".spectrum-ButtonGroup").contains("Save").click({ force: true }) cy.wait(500) }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("publishApp", resolvedAppPath => { // Assumes you have navigated to an application first cy.get(".toprightnav button.spectrum-Button") .contains("Publish") .click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Modal [data-cy='deploy-app-modal']") .should("be.visible") .within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Publish").click({ force: true }) cy.wait(1000) }) // Verify that the app url is presented correctly to the user cy.get(".spectrum-Modal [data-cy='deploy-app-success-modal']") .should("be.visible") .within(() => { let appUrl = Cypress.config().baseUrl + "/app/" + resolvedAppPath cy.get("[data-cy='deployed-app-url'] input").should("have.value", appUrl) cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Done").click({ force: true }) }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("alterAppVersion", (appId, version) => { return cy .request("put", `${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/api/applications/${appId}`, { version: version || "0.0.1-alpha.0", }) .then(resp => { expect(resp.status).to.eq(200) }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("importApp", (exportFilePath, name) => { cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`, { timeout: 30000 }) cy.request(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/api/applications?status=all`) .its("body") .then(val => { if (val.length > 0) { cy.get(`[data-cy="create-app-btn"]`).click({ force: true }) } cy.wait(500) cy.get(`[data-cy="import-app-btn"]`).click({ force: true, }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").within(() => { cy.get("input").eq(1).should("have.focus") cy.get(".spectrum-Dropzone").selectFile(exportFilePath, { action: "drag-drop", }) cy.get(".gallery .filename").contains("exported-app.txt") if (name && name != "") { cy.get("input").eq(0).type(name).should("have.value", name).blur() } cy.get(".confirm-wrap button") .should("") .click({ force: true }) cy.wait(3000) }) }) // Filters visible with 1 or more Cypress.Commands.add("searchForApplication", appName => { cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`, { timeout: 30000 }) cy.wait(2000) // No app filter functionality if only 1 app exists cy.request(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/api/applications?status=all`) .its("body") .then(val => { if (val.length < 2) { return } else { // Searches for the app cy.get(".filter").then(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Textfield").within(() => { cy.get("input").eq(0).clear({ force: true }) cy.get("input").eq(0).type(appName, { force: true }) }) }) } }) }) // Assumes there are no others Cypress.Commands.add("applicationInAppTable", appName => { cy.visit(`${Cypress.config().baseUrl}/builder`, { timeout: 30000 }) cy.get(".appTable", { timeout: 5000 }).within(() => { cy.get(".title").contains(appName).should("exist") }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("createAppFromScratch", appName => { cy.get(`[data-cy="create-app-btn"]`) .contains("Start from scratch") .click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").within(() => { cy.get("input") .eq(0) .clear() .type(appName) .should("have.value", appName) .blur() cy.get(".spectrum-ButtonGroup").contains("Create app").click() cy.wait(10000) }) cy.createTable("Cypress Tests", true) }) // TABLES Cypress.Commands.add("createTable", (tableName, initialTable) => { // Creates an internal Budibase DB table if (!initialTable) { cy.navigateToDataSection() } cy.get(`[data-cy="new-datasource"]`, { timeout: 2000 }).click() cy.wait(2000) cy.get(".item", { timeout: 2000 }) .contains("Budibase DB") .click({ force: true }) .then(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Button", { timeout: 2000 }) .contains("Continue") .click({ force: true }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").contains("Create Table", { timeout: 10000 }) cy.get(".spectrum-Modal", { timeout: 2000 }).within(() => { cy.get("input", { timeout: 2000 }).first().type(tableName).blur() cy.get(".spectrum-ButtonGroup").contains("Create").click() }) // Ensure modal has closed and table is created cy.get(".spectrum-Modal", { timeout: 2000 }).should("not.exist") cy.get(".nav-item", { timeout: 2000 }) .contains("Budibase DB") .click({ force: true }) cy.get(".nav-item-content", { timeout: 2000 }).should("contain", tableName) }) Cypress.Commands.add("createTestTableWithData", () => { cy.createTable("dog") cy.addColumn("dog", "name", "Text") cy.addColumn("dog", "age", "Number") }) Cypress.Commands.add( "addColumn", (tableName, columnName, type, multiOptions = null) => { // Select Table cy.selectTable(tableName) cy.contains(".nav-item", tableName).click() cy.contains("Create column").click() // Configure column cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").within(() => { cy.get("input").first().type(columnName) // Unset table display column cy.contains("display column").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Picker-label").click() cy.contains(type).click() // Add options for Multi-select Type if (multiOptions !== null) { cy.get(".spectrum-Textfield-input").eq(1).type(multiOptions) } cy.contains("Save Column").click() }) } ) Cypress.Commands.add("addRow", values => { cy.contains("Create row").click() cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").within(() => { for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { cy.get("input").eq(i).type(values[i]).blur() } cy.get(".spectrum-ButtonGroup").contains("Create").click() }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("addRowMultiValue", values => { cy.contains("Create row").click() cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Form-itemField") .click() .then(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Popover").within(() => { for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { cy.get(".spectrum-Menu-item").eq(i).click() } }) cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").click("top") cy.get(".spectrum-ButtonGroup").contains("Create").click() }) }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("selectTable", tableName => { cy.get(".nav-item").contains("Budibase DB").click() cy.contains(".nav-item", tableName).click() }) Cypress.Commands.add("addCustomSourceOptions", totalOptions => { cy.get('[data-cy="customOptions-prop-control"]').within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-ActionButton-label").click({ force: true }) }) for (let i = 0; i < totalOptions; i++) { // Add radio button options cy.get(".spectrum-Button-label", { timeout: 1000 }) .contains("Add Option") .click({ force: true }) .then(() => { cy.get("[placeholder='Label']", { timeout: 500 }).eq(i).type(i) cy.get("[placeholder='Value']").eq(i).type(i) }) } // Save options cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Save").click({ force: true }) }) // DESIGN SECTION Cypress.Commands.add("searchAndAddComponent", component => { // Open component menu cy.get(".icon-side-nav").within(() => { cy.get(".icon-side-nav-item").eq(1).click() }) cy.get(".add-component > .spectrum-Button") .contains("Add component") .click({ force: true }) cy.get(".container", { timeout: 1000 }).within(() => { cy.get(".title").should("contain", "Add component") // Search and add component cy.get(".spectrum-Textfield-input").clear().type(component) cy.get(".body").within(() => { cy.get(".component") .contains(new RegExp("^" + component + "$"), { timeout: 3000 }) .click({ force: true }) }) }) cy.wait(1000) cy.location().then(loc => { const params = loc.pathname.split("/") const componentId = params[params.length - 1] cy.getComponent(componentId, { timeout: 3000 }).should("exist") return cy.wrap(componentId) }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("deleteComponentByName", componentName => { cy.get(".body") .eq(0) .contains(componentName) .siblings(".actions") .within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Icon").click({ force: true }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Menu").contains("Delete").click() cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog").contains("Delete Component").click() }) Cypress.Commands.add("addComponent", (category, component) => { if (category) { cy.get(`[data-cy="category-${category}"]`, { timeout: 3000 }).click({ force: true, }) } cy.wait(500) if (component) { cy.get(`[data-cy="component-${component}"]`, { timeout: 3000 }).click({ force: true, }) } cy.wait(1000) cy.location().then(loc => { const params = loc.pathname.split("/") const componentId = params[params.length - 1] cy.getComponent(componentId, { timeout: 3000 }).should("exist") return cy.wrap(componentId) }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("getComponent", componentId => { return cy .get("iframe") .its("0.contentDocument") .should("exist") .its("body") .should("") .then(cy.wrap) .find(`[data-id='${componentId}']`) }) Cypress.Commands.add("createScreen", (route, accessLevelLabel) => { // Blank Screen cy.contains("Design").click() cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Add screen").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").within(() => { cy.get("[data-cy='blank-screen']").click() cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Continue").click({ force: true }) }) cy.wait(500) cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid", { timeout: 500 }).within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Form-itemField").eq(0).type(route) cy.get(".confirm-wrap").contains("Continue").click({ force: true }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Modal", { timeout: 1000 }).within(() => { if (accessLevelLabel) { cy.get(".spectrum-Picker-label").click() cy.wait(500) cy.contains(accessLevelLabel).click() } cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Done").click({ force: true }) }) }) Cypress.Commands.add( "createDatasourceScreen", (datasourceNames, accessLevelLabel) => { cy.contains("Design").click() cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Add screen").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { cy.get("[data-cy='autogenerated-screens']").click() cy.intercept("**/api/datasources").as("autoScreens") cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Continue").click({ force: true }) cy.wait("@autoScreens") cy.wait(5000) }) cy.get("[data-cy='autogenerated-screens']").should("not.exist") cy.get("[data-cy='data-source-modal']", { timeout: 10000 }).within(() => { for (let i = 0; i < datasourceNames.length; i++) { cy.get(".data-source-entry") .contains(datasourceNames[i], { timeout: 20000 }) .click({ force: true }) // Ensure the check mark is visible cy.get(".data-source-entry") .contains(datasourceNames[i]) .get(".data-source-check", { timeout: 20000 }) .should("exist") } cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Confirm").click({ force: true }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Modal", { timeout: 10000 }).within(() => { if (accessLevelLabel) { cy.get(".spectrum-Picker-label", { timeout: 10000 }).click() cy.contains(accessLevelLabel).click() } cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Done").click({ force: true }) }) cy.contains("Design").click() } ) Cypress.Commands.add( "createAutogeneratedScreens", (screenNames, accessLevelLabel) => { cy.navigateToAutogeneratedModal() for (let i = 0; i < screenNames.length; i++) { cy.get(".data-source-entry").contains(screenNames[i]).click() } cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").within(() => { if (accessLevelLabel) { cy.get(".spectrum-Picker-label").click() cy.wait(500) cy.contains(accessLevelLabel).click() } cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Confirm").click({ force: true }) cy.wait(4000) }) } ) Cypress.Commands.add("filterScreensAccessLevel", accessLevel => { // Filters screens by access level dropdown cy.get(".body").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Form-item").eq(1).click() }) cy.get(".spectrum-Menu").within(() => { cy.contains(accessLevel).click() }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("deleteScreen", screen => { // Navigates to Design section and deletes specified screen cy.contains("Design").click() cy.get(".body").within(() => { cy.contains(screen) .siblings(".actions") .within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Icon").click({ force: true }) }) }) cy.get(".spectrum-Menu > .spectrum-Menu-item > .spectrum-Menu-itemLabel") .contains("Delete") .click() cy.get( ".spectrum-Dialog-grid > .spectrum-ButtonGroup > .confirm-wrap > .spectrum-Button" ).click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid", { timeout: 10000 }).should("not.exist") }) Cypress.Commands.add("deleteAllScreens", () => { // Deletes all screens cy.get(".body") .find(".nav-item") .its("length") .then(len => { for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { cy.get(".body > .nav-item") .eq(0) .invoke("text") .then(text => { cy.deleteScreen(text.trim()) }) } }) }) // NAVIGATION Cypress.Commands.add("navigateToFrontend", () => { // Clicks on Design tab and then the Home nav item cy.wait(500) cy.intercept("**/preview").as("preview") cy.contains("Design").click() cy.wait("@preview") cy.get("@preview").then(res => { if (res.statusCode != 200) { cy.reload() } }) cy.get(".spectrum-Search", { timeout: 20000 }).type("/") cy.get(".nav-item", { timeout: 2000 }).contains("home").click({ force: true }) }) Cypress.Commands.add("navigateToDataSection", () => { // Clicks on the Data tab cy.wait(500) cy.contains("Data").click() }) Cypress.Commands.add("navigateToAutogeneratedModal", () => { // Screen name must already exist within datasource cy.contains("Design").click() cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Add screen").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Modal").within(() => { cy.get(".item", { timeout: 2000 }) .contains("Autogenerated screens") .click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Continue").click({ force: true }) cy.wait(500) }) }) // DATASOURCES Cypress.Commands.add("selectExternalDatasource", datasourceName => { // Navigates to Data Section cy.navigateToDataSection() // Open Datasource modal cy.get(".container").within(() => { cy.get("[data-cy='new-datasource']").click() }) // Clicks specified datasource & continue cy.get(".item-list", { timeout: 1000 }).contains(datasourceName).click() cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Continue").click({ force: true }) }) cy.wait(500) }) Cypress.Commands.add("addDatasourceConfig", (datasource, skipFetch) => { // selectExternalDatasource should be called prior to this // Adds the config for specified datasource & fetches tables // Currently supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle // Host IP Address cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid", { timeout: 500 }).within(() => { cy.get(".form-row") .eq(0) .within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Textfield").within(() => { if (datasource == "Oracle") { cy.get("input").clear().type(Cypress.env("oracle").HOST) } else { cy.get("input") .clear({ force: true }) .type(Cypress.env("HOST_IP"), { force: true }) } }) }) }) // Database Name cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { if (datasource == "MySQL") { cy.get(".form-row") .eq(4) .within(() => { cy.get("input").clear().type(Cypress.env("mysql").DATABASE) }) } else { cy.get(".form-row") .eq(2) .within(() => { if (datasource == "PostgreSQL") { cy.get("input").clear().type(Cypress.env("postgresql").DATABASE) } if (datasource == "Oracle") { cy.get("input").clear().type(Cypress.env("oracle").DATABASE) } }) } }) // User cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { if (datasource == "MySQL") { cy.get(".form-row") .eq(2) .within(() => { cy.get("input").clear().type(Cypress.env("mysql").USER) }) } else { cy.get(".form-row") .eq(3) .within(() => { if (datasource == "PostgreSQL") { cy.get("input").clear().type(Cypress.env("postgresql").USER) } if (datasource == "Oracle") { cy.get("input").clear().type(Cypress.env("oracle").USER) } }) } }) // Password cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { if (datasource == "MySQL") { cy.get(".form-row") .eq(3) .within(() => { cy.get("input").clear().type(Cypress.env("mysql").PASSWORD) }) } else { cy.get(".form-row") .eq(4) .within(() => { if (datasource == "PostgreSQL") { cy.get("input").clear().type(Cypress.env("postgresql").PASSWORD) } if (datasource == "Oracle") { cy.get("input").clear().type(Cypress.env("oracle").PASSWORD) } }) } }) // Click to fetch tables if (skipFetch) { cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Button") .contains("Skip table fetch") .click({ force: true }) }) } else { cy.intercept("**/tables").as("datasourceTables") cy.get(".spectrum-Dialog-grid").within(() => { cy.get(".spectrum-Button") .contains("Save and fetch tables") .click({ force: true }) }) // Wait for tables to be fetched cy.wait("@datasourceTables", { timeout: 60000 }) } }) Cypress.Commands.add("createRestQuery", (method, restUrl, queryPrettyName) => { // addExternalDatasource should be called prior to this // Configures REST datasource & sends query cy.get(".spectrum-Button", { timeout: 1000 }) .contains("Add query") .click({ force: true }) // Select Method & add Rest URL cy.get(".spectrum-Picker-label").eq(1).click() cy.get(".spectrum-Menu").contains(method).click() cy.get("input").clear().type(restUrl) // Send query cy.get(".spectrum-Button").contains("Send").click({ force: true }) cy.get(".spectrum-Button", { timeout: 500 }) .contains("Save") .click({ force: true }) cy.get(".hierarchy-items-container") .should("contain", method) .and("contain", queryPrettyName) }) // MISC Cypress.Commands.add("closeModal", () => { cy.get(".spectrum-Modal", { timeout: 2000 }).within(() => { cy.get(".close-icon").click() }) // Confirm modal has closed cy.get(".spectrum-Modal", { timeout: 10000 }).should("not.exist") }) Cypress.Commands.add("expandBudibaseConnection", () => { if (Cypress.$(".nav-item > .content > .opened").length === 0) { // expand the Budibase DB connection string cy.get(".icon.arrow").eq(0).click() } })