const firebase = require("@google-cloud/firestore") const FirebaseIntegration = require("../firebase") jest.mock("@google-cloud/firestore") class TestConfiguration { constructor(config = {}) { this.integration = new FirebaseIntegration.integration(config) } } describe("Firebase Integration", () => { let config let tableName = "Users" beforeEach(() => { config = new TestConfiguration({ serviceAccount: "{}" }) }) it("calls the create method with the correct params", async () => { await config.integration.create({ table: tableName, json: { Name: "Test Name" }, extra: { collection: "test" } }) expect(config.integration.client.collection).toHaveBeenCalledWith("test") expect(config.integration.client.set).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ Name: "Test Name", id: "test_id" }) }) it("calls the read method with the correct params", async () => { const response = await{ table: tableName, json: { Name: "Test" }, extra: { collection: "test", filterField: "field", filter: "==", filterValue: "value", } }) expect(config.integration.client.collection).toHaveBeenCalledWith("test") expect(config.integration.client.where).toHaveBeenCalledWith("field", "==", "value") expect(response).toEqual([{ result: "test"}]) }) it("calls the update method with the correct params", async () => { const response = await config.integration.update({ table: tableName, json: { id: "test", Name: "Test" }, extra: { collection: "test" } }) expect(config.integration.client.collection).toHaveBeenCalledWith("test") expect(config.integration.client.update).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ Name: "Test", id: "test" }) expect(response).toEqual({ result: "test" }) }) it("calls the delete method with the correct params", async () => { const response = await config.integration.delete({ table: tableName, json: { id: "test", Name: "Test" }, extra: { collection: "test" } }) expect(config.integration.client.collection).toHaveBeenCalledWith("test") expect(config.integration.client.doc).toHaveBeenCalledWith("test") expect(config.integration.client.delete).toHaveBeenCalled() }) })