import env from "../environment" import * as redis from "../utilities/redis" import { generateApiKey, getChecklist } from "../utilities/workerRequests" import { events, installation, logging, tenancy, users, cache, } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { watch } from "../watch" import * as automations from "../automations" import * as fileSystem from "../utilities/fileSystem" import { default as eventEmitter, init as eventInit } from "../events" import * as migrations from "../migrations" import * as bullboard from "../automations/bullboard" import * as appMigrations from "../appMigrations/queue" import * as pro from "@budibase/pro" import * as api from "../api" import sdk from "../sdk" import { initialise as initialiseWebsockets } from "../websockets" import { automationsEnabled, printFeatures } from "../features" import * as jsRunner from "../jsRunner" import Koa from "koa" import { Server } from "http" import { AddressInfo } from "net" import fs from "fs" let STARTUP_RAN = false async function initRoutes(app: Koa) { if (!env.isTest()) { const plugin = await bullboard.init() app.use(plugin) } app.context.eventEmitter = eventEmitter app.context.auth = {} // api routes app.use(api.router.routes()) app.use(api.router.allowedMethods()) } async function initPro() { await pro.init({ backups: { processing: { exportAppFn: sdk.backups.exportApp, importAppFn: sdk.backups.importApp, statsFn: sdk.backups.calculateBackupStats, }, }, }) } function shutdown(server?: Server) { if (server) { server.close() server.destroy() } } export async function startup( opts: { app?: Koa; server?: Server; rerun?: boolean } = {} ) { const { app, server, rerun } = opts if (STARTUP_RAN && !rerun) { return } printFeatures() STARTUP_RAN = true if (app && server && !env.CLUSTER_MODE) { let startupLog = `Budibase running on ${JSON.stringify(server.address())}` if (env.BUDIBASE_ENVIRONMENT) { startupLog = `${startupLog} - environment: "${env.BUDIBASE_ENVIRONMENT}"` } console.log(startupLog) const address = server.address() as AddressInfo env._set("PORT", address.port) } eventEmitter.emitPort(env.PORT) fileSystem.init() await redis.init() cache.docWritethrough.init() eventInit() if (app && server) { initialiseWebsockets(app, server) } // run migrations on startup if not done via http // not recommended in a clustered environment if (!env.HTTP_MIGRATIONS && !env.isTest()) { try { await migrations.migrate() } catch (e) { logging.logAlert("Error performing migrations. Exiting.", e) shutdown(server) } } // monitor plugin directory if required if ( env.SELF_HOSTED && !env.MULTI_TENANCY && env.PLUGINS_DIR && fs.existsSync(env.PLUGINS_DIR) ) { watch() } // check for version updates await installation.checkInstallVersion() // get the references to the queue promises, don't await as // they will never end, unless the processing stops let queuePromises = [] // configure events to use the pro audit log write // can't integrate directly into backend-core due to cyclic issues queuePromises.push(events.processors.init(pro.sdk.auditLogs.write)) // app migrations and automations on other service if (automationsEnabled()) { queuePromises.push(appMigrations.init()) queuePromises.push(automations.init()) } queuePromises.push(initPro()) if (app) { // bring routes online as final step once everything ready await initRoutes(app) } // check and create admin user if required // this must be run after the api has been initialised due to // the app user sync const bbAdminEmail = env.BB_ADMIN_USER_EMAIL, bbAdminPassword = env.BB_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD if ( env.SELF_HOSTED && !env.MULTI_TENANCY && bbAdminEmail && bbAdminPassword ) { const tenantId = tenancy.getTenantId() await tenancy.doInTenant(tenantId, async () => { const exists = await users.doesUserExist(bbAdminEmail) const checklist = await getChecklist() if (!checklist?.adminUser?.checked || !exists) { try { const user = await users.UserDB.createAdminUser( bbAdminEmail, tenantId, { password: bbAdminPassword, hashPassword: true, requirePassword: true, skipPasswordValidation: true, } ) // Need to set up an API key for automated integration tests if (env.isTest()) { await generateApiKey(user._id!) } console.log("Admin account automatically created for", bbAdminEmail) } catch (e) { logging.logAlert("Error creating initial admin user. Exiting.", e) shutdown(server) } } }) } jsRunner.init() }