import {apiWrapper, apiWrapperSync} from "../src/common/apiWrapper"; import {filter} from "lodash/fp"; import {event, onComplete, onBegin, onError, events} from "../src/common"; const getApp = () => { var events = []; return { publish: (name, context) => events.push({name, context}), events, getEvents: n => filter(e => === n) (events) }; }; describe("apiWrapper", () => { const testNamespace = { onBegin:"testArea:testMethod:onBegin", onComplete:"testArea:testMethod:onComplete", onError:"testArea:testMethod:onError", } const getCompleteEvents = app => app.getEvents(testNamespace.onComplete); const getBeginEvents = app => app.getEvents(testNamespace.onBegin); const getErrorEvents = app => app.getEvents(testNamespace.onError); const runThrowEx = (arg1, arg2) => { const throwEx = (x,y) => {throw new Error("test error");} const app = getApp(); try { apiWrapperSync( app, testNamespace, () => true, {prop:"hello"}, throwEx, arg1, arg2 ); } catch(error) { return {app, error}; } return {app, error:"error was not thrown"}; } const runThrowExAsync = async (arg1, arg2) => { const throwEx = async (x,y) => {throw new Error("test error");} const app = getApp(); try { await apiWrapper( app, testNamespace, () => true, {prop:"hello"}, throwEx, arg1, arg2 ); } catch(error) { return {app, error}; } return {app, error:"error was not thrown"}; } const runAdd = (arg1, arg2, isAuthorized=true) => { const add = (x,y) => x+y; const app =getApp(); const result = apiWrapperSync( app, testNamespace, () => isAuthorized, {prop:"hello"}, add, arg1, arg2 ); return {app, result}; } const runAddAsync = async (arg1, arg2, isAuthorized=true) => { const add = async (x,y) => x+y; const app =getApp(); const result = await apiWrapper( app, testNamespace, () => isAuthorized, {prop:"hello"}, add, arg1, arg2 ); return {app, result}; } it("should return result of inner function", () => { expect(runAdd(1,2).result).toBe(3); }); it("should throw error when unauthorized", () => { expect(() => runAdd(1,2,false)).toThrow(/Unauthorized/); }) it("should async throw error when unauthorized", async () => { let foundE = null; try { await runAddAsync(1,2,false) } catch(ex) { foundE = ex; } expect(foundE).not.toBeNull(); }) it("should return result of inner function when async", async () => { expect( (await runAddAsync(1,2)).result).toBe(3); }); it("should publish begin and complete events", () => { const {app} = runAdd(1,2); const onCompleteEvents = getCompleteEvents(app); const onBeginEvents = getBeginEvents(app); expect(onCompleteEvents.length).toBe(1); expect(onCompleteEvents[0].context.prop).toBe("hello"); expect(onBeginEvents.length).toBe(1); expect(onBeginEvents[0].context.prop).toBe("hello"); }); it("should throw exception when inner function happens", () => { const {error} = runThrowEx(1,2); expect(error).toBeDefined(); expect(error.message).toBe("test error"); }); it("should publish error event when inner exception", () => { const {app} = runThrowEx(1,2); const errorEvents = getErrorEvents(app); expect(errorEvents.length).toBe(1); expect(errorEvents[0].context.error.message).toBe("test error"); }); it("should throw exception when inner function happens, on async", async () => { const {error} = await runThrowExAsync(1,2); expect(error).toBeDefined(); expect(error.message).toBe("test error"); }); it("should publish error event when inner exception, on async", async () => { const {app} = await runThrowExAsync(1,2); const errorEvents = getErrorEvents(app); expect(errorEvents.length).toBe(1); expect(errorEvents[0].context.error.message).toBe("test error"); }); }); describe("events", () => { it("should return contain various spot checked events", () => { expect( .toBe("recordApi:save:onComplete"); expect(events.indexApi.buildIndex.onBegin) .toBe("indexApi:buildIndex:onBegin"); expect(events.collectionApi.initialise.onError) .toBe("collectionApi:initialise:onError"); }); })