import { API } from "@/api" import { authStore, notificationStore, routeStore, screenStore, builderStore, uploadStore, rowSelectionStore, componentStore, currentRole, environmentStore, sidePanelStore, modalStore, dndIsDragging, confirmationStore, roleStore, appStore, stateStore, createContextStore, } from "@/stores" import { styleable } from "@/utils/styleable" import { linkable } from "@/utils/linkable" import { getAction } from "@/utils/getAction" import Provider from "@/components/context/Provider.svelte" import Block from "@/components/Block.svelte" import BlockComponent from "@/components/BlockComponent.svelte" import { ActionTypes } from "./constants" import { fetchDatasourceSchema, fetchDatasourceDefinition, } from "./utils/schema" import { getAPIKey } from "./utils/api.js" import { enrichButtonActions } from "./utils/buttonActions.js" import { processStringSync, makePropSafe } from "@budibase/string-templates" import { fetchData, QueryUtils, Constants, RowUtils, memo, derivedMemo, } from "@budibase/frontend-core" import { createValidatorFromConstraints } from "@/components/app/forms/validation" export default { API, // Stores authStore, appStore, notificationStore, routeStore, rowSelectionStore, screenStore, builderStore, uploadStore, componentStore, environmentStore, sidePanelStore, modalStore, dndIsDragging, currentRole, confirmationStore, roleStore, stateStore, // Utils styleable, linkable, getAction, fetchDatasourceSchema, fetchDatasourceDefinition, fetchData, QueryUtils, ContextScopes: Constants.ContextScopes, // This is not used internally but exposed to users to be used in plugins getAPIKey, enrichButtonActions, processStringSync, makePropSafe, createContextStore, generateGoldenSample: RowUtils.generateGoldenSample, memo, derivedMemo, createValidatorFromConstraints, // Components Provider, Block, BlockComponent, // Constants ActionTypes, }