import { LegacyFilter, SearchFilterGroup, FilterGroupLogicalOperator, SearchFilters, BasicOperator, ArrayOperator, } from "@budibase/types" import * as Constants from "./constants" import { removeKeyNumbering } from "./filters" // an array of keys from filter type to properties that are in the type // this can then be converted using .fromEntries to an object type AllowedFilters = [keyof LegacyFilter, LegacyFilter[keyof LegacyFilter]][] export function unreachable( value: never, message = `No such case in exhaustive switch: ${value}` ) { throw new Error(message) } export async function parallelForeach( items: T[], task: (item: T) => Promise, maxConcurrency: number ): Promise { const promises: Promise[] = [] let index = 0 const processItem = async (item: T) => { try { await task(item) } finally { processNext() } } const processNext = () => { if (index >= items.length) { // No more items to process return } const item = items[index] index++ const promise = processItem(item) promises.push(promise) if (promises.length >= maxConcurrency) { Promise.race(promises).then(processNext) } else { processNext() } } processNext() await Promise.all(promises) } export function filterValueToLabel() { return Object.keys(Constants.OperatorOptions).reduce( (acc: { [key: string]: string }, key: string) => { const ops: { [key: string]: any } = Constants.OperatorOptions const op: { [key: string]: string } = ops[key] acc[op["value"]] = op.label return acc }, {} ) } export function hasSchema(test: any) { return ( typeof test === "object" && !Array.isArray(test) && test !== null && !(test instanceof Date) && Object.keys(test).length > 0 ) } export function trimOtherProps(object: any, allowedProps: string[]) { const result = Object.keys(object) .filter(key => allowedProps.includes(key)) .reduce>( (acc, key) => ({ ...acc, [key]: object[key] }), {} ) return result } export function isSupportedUserSearch(query: SearchFilters) { const allowed = [ { op: BasicOperator.STRING, key: "email" }, { op: BasicOperator.EQUAL, key: "_id" }, { op: ArrayOperator.ONE_OF, key: "_id" }, ] for (let [key, operation] of Object.entries(query)) { if (typeof operation !== "object") { return false } const fields = Object.keys(operation || {}) // this filter doesn't contain options - ignore if (fields.length === 0) { continue } const allowedOperation = allowed.find( allow => allow.op === key && fields.length === 1 && fields[0] === allow.key ) if (!allowedOperation) { return false } } return true } /** * Processes the filter config. Filters are migrated from * SearchFilter[] to SearchFilterGroup * * If filters is not an array, the migration is skipped * * @param {LegacyFilter[] | SearchFilterGroup} filters */ export const processSearchFilters = ( filters: LegacyFilter[] | SearchFilterGroup | undefined ): SearchFilterGroup | undefined => { if (!filters) { return } // Base search config. const defaultCfg: SearchFilterGroup = { logicalOperator: FilterGroupLogicalOperator.ALL, groups: [], } const filterAllowedKeys = [ "field", "operator", "value", "type", "externalType", "valueType", "noValue", "formulaType", ] if (Array.isArray(filters)) { let baseGroup: SearchFilterGroup = { filters: [], logicalOperator: FilterGroupLogicalOperator.ALL, } return filters.reduce((acc: SearchFilterGroup, filter: LegacyFilter) => { // Sort the properties for easier debugging const filterPropertyKeys = (Object.keys(filter) as (keyof LegacyFilter)[]) .sort((a, b) => { return a.localeCompare(b) }) .filter(key => key in filter) if (filterPropertyKeys.length == 1) { const key = filterPropertyKeys[0], value = filter[key] // Global if (key === "onEmptyFilter") { // unset otherwise acc.onEmptyFilter = value } else if (key === "operator" && value === "allOr") { // Group 1 logical operator baseGroup.logicalOperator = FilterGroupLogicalOperator.ANY } return acc } const allowedFilterSettings: AllowedFilters = filterPropertyKeys.reduce( (acc: AllowedFilters, key) => { const value = filter[key] if (filterAllowedKeys.includes(key)) { if (key === "field") { acc.push([key, removeKeyNumbering(value)]) } else { acc.push([key, value]) } } return acc }, [] ) const migratedFilter: LegacyFilter = Object.fromEntries( allowedFilterSettings ) as LegacyFilter baseGroup.filters!.push(migratedFilter) if (!acc.groups || !acc.groups.length) { // init the base group acc.groups = [baseGroup] } return acc }, defaultCfg) } else if (!filters?.groups) { return } return filters }