#!/bin/node const { createApp, getTable, createRow, createTable } = require("./utils") const Chance = require("chance") const generator = new Chance() const STUDENT_COUNT = 500 const SUBJECT_COUNT = 10 if (!process.argv[2]) { console.error("Please specify an API key as script argument.") process.exit(-1) } const start = Date.now() async function run() { const apiKey = process.argv[2] const app = await createApp(apiKey) console.log(`App created: http://localhost:10000/builder/app/${app._id}`) const studentsTable = await getTable(apiKey, app._id) if (studentsTable.name !== "Students") { throw 'Fetched table should be "Students"' } console.log(`Table found: ${studentsTable.name}`) let studentNumber = studentsTable.schema["Auto ID"].lastID let i = 0 const students = await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: STUDENT_COUNT }).map(async () => { const row = await createRow(apiKey, app._id, studentsTable, { "Student Number": (++studentNumber).toString(), "First Name": generator.first(), "Last Name": generator.last(), Gender: generator.pickone(["M", "F"]), Grade: generator.pickone(["8", "9", "10", "11"]), "Tardiness (Days)": generator.integer({ min: 1, max: 100 }), "Home Number": generator.phone(), "Attendance_(%)": generator.integer({ min: 0, max: 100 }), }) console.log( `Student ${++i} of ${STUDENT_COUNT} created (${ (Date.now() - start) / 1000 }s)` ) return row }) ) const subjectTable = await createTable(apiKey, app._id, { schema: { Name: { name: "Name", type: "string", }, }, name: "Subjects", primaryDisplay: "Name", }) i = 0 const subjects = await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: SUBJECT_COUNT }).map(async () => { const row = await createRow(apiKey, app._id, subjectTable, { Name: generator.profession(), }) console.log( `Subject ${++i} of ${SUBJECT_COUNT} created (${ (Date.now() - start) / 1000 }s)` ) return row }) ) const gradesTable = await createTable(apiKey, app._id, { schema: { Score: { name: "Score", type: "number", }, Student: { name: "Student", tableId: studentsTable._id, constraints: { presence: true, type: "array", }, fieldName: "Grades", relationshipType: "one-to-many", type: "link", }, Subject: { name: "Subject", tableId: subjectTable._id, constraints: { presence: true, type: "array", }, fieldName: "Grades", relationshipType: "one-to-many", type: "link", }, }, name: "Grades", }) i = 0 for (const student of students) { for (const subject of subjects) { await createRow(apiKey, app._id, gradesTable, { Score: generator.integer({ min: 0, max: 100 }), Student: [student], Subject: [subject], }) console.log( `Grade ${++i} of ${students.length * subjects.length} created (${ (Date.now() - start) / 1000 }s)` ) } } } run() .then(() => { console.log(`Done in ${(Date.now() - start) / 1000} seconds`) }) .catch(err => { console.error(err) })