import { isDefined, join, fieldDefinitions, $ } from "../src/common" import { getMemoryTemplateApi } from "./specHelpers" import { fieldErrors } from "../src/templateApi/fields" const getRecordTemplate = templateApi => $(templateApi.getNewRootLevel(), [templateApi.getNewRecordTemplate]) const getValidField = templateApi => { const field = templateApi.getNewField("string") = "forename" field.label = "forename" return field } const testMemberIsNotSet = membername => async () => { const { templateApi } = await getMemoryTemplateApi() const field = getValidField(templateApi) field[membername] = "" const errorsNotSet = templateApi.validateField([field])(field) expect(errorsNotSet.length).toBe(1) expect(errorsNotSet[0].error.includes("is not set")).toBeTruthy() } const testMemberIsNotDefined = membername => async () => { const { templateApi } = await getMemoryTemplateApi() const field = getValidField(templateApi) delete field[membername] const errorsNotSet = templateApi.validateField([field])(field) expect(errorsNotSet.length).toBe(1) expect(errorsNotSet[0].error.includes("is not set")).toBeTruthy() } describe("validateField", () => { it("should return error when name is not set", testMemberIsNotSet("name")) it( "should return error when name is not defined", testMemberIsNotDefined("name") ) it("should return error when type is not set", testMemberIsNotSet("type")) it( "should return error when type is not defined", testMemberIsNotDefined("type") ) it( "should return error when label is not defined", testMemberIsNotDefined("label") ) it( "should return error when getInitialValue is not defined", testMemberIsNotDefined("getInitialValue") ) it( "should return error when getInitialValue is not set", testMemberIsNotSet("getInitialValue") ) it( "should return error when getUndefinedValue is not defined", testMemberIsNotDefined("getUndefinedValue") ) it( "should return error when getUndefinedValue is not set", testMemberIsNotSet("getUndefinedValue") ) it("should return no errors when valid field is supplied", async () => { const { templateApi } = await getMemoryTemplateApi() const field = getValidField(templateApi) const errors = templateApi.validateField([field])(field) expect(errors.length).toBe(0) }) it("should return error when field with same name exists already", async () => { const { templateApi } = await getMemoryTemplateApi() const field1 = getValidField(templateApi) = "surname" const field2 = getValidField(templateApi) = "surname" const errors = templateApi.validateField([field1, field2])(field2) expect(errors.length).toBe(1) expect(errors[0].error).toBe("field name is duplicated") expect(errors[0].field).toBe("name") }) it("should return error when field is not one of allowed types", async () => { const { templateApi } = await getMemoryTemplateApi() const field = getValidField(templateApi) field.type = "sometype" const errors = templateApi.validateField([field])(field) expect(errors.length).toBe(1) expect(errors[0].error).toBe("type is unknown") expect(errors[0].field).toBe("type") }) }) describe("addField", () => { it("should throw exception when field is invalid", async () => { const { templateApi } = await getMemoryTemplateApi() const record = getRecordTemplate(templateApi) const field = getValidField(templateApi) = "" expect(() => templateApi.addField(record, field)).toThrow( new RegExp("^" + fieldErrors.AddFieldValidationFailed, "i") ) }) it("should add field when field is valid", async () => { const { templateApi } = await getMemoryTemplateApi() const record = getRecordTemplate(templateApi) const field = getValidField(templateApi) = "some_new_field" templateApi.addField(record, field) expect(record.fields.length).toBe(1) expect(record.fields[0]).toBe(field) }) })