  "_lib": "./dist/index.js",
  "_templates": {
    "indexDatatable": {
      "description": "Datatable based on an Index",
      "component": "Datatable"
  "Body1": {
    "name": "Body1",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Body 1",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "Body2": {
    "name": "Body2",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Body 2",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "Button": {
    "name": "Button",
    "description": "A Material Design button with different variations. It renders as an anchor if href is passed to it.",
    "props": {
      "onClick": "event",
      "variant": "string",
      "colour": "string",
      "size": "string",
      "href": "string",
      "icon": "string",
      "trailingIcon": "bool",
      "fullwidth": "bool",
      "text": "string",
      "disabled": "bool"
    "tags": []
  "Caption": {
    "name": "Caption",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Caption",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "Checkbox": {
    "name": "Checkbox",
    "description": "A Material Design checkbox. Supports aligning label before or after checkbox.",
    "props": {
      "onClick": "event",
      "id": "string",
      "label": "string",
      "disabled": "bool",
      "alignEnd": "bool",
      "indeterminate": "bool",
      "checked": "bool"
    "tags": []
  "Datatable": {
    "name": "Datatable",
    "description": "A Material Design component to represent tabular data.",
    "props": {},
    "tags": []
  "DatatableHead": {
    "name": "DatatableHead",
    "description": "Material Design <thead>.",
    "props": {}
  "DatatableCell": {
    "name": "DatatableCell",
    "description": "Material Design <td>.",
    "props": {}
  "DatatableBody": {
    "name": "DatatableBody",
    "description": "Material Design <tbody>.",
    "props": {}
  "DatatableRow": {
    "name": "DatatableRow",
    "description": "Material Design <tr>.",
    "props": {}
  "H1": {
    "name": "H1",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline1",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "H2": {
    "name": "H2",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline2",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "H3": {
    "name": "H3",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline3",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "H4": {
    "name": "H4",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline4",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "H5": {
    "name": "H5",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline5",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "H6": {
    "name": "H6",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Headline6",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "Label": {
    "name": "Label",
    "description": "A simple label component that displays its text in the standard Roboto Material Design font",
    "props": {
      "bold": "bool"
    "tags": []
  "Overline": {
    "name": "Overline",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Overline",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "Radiobutton": {
    "name": "Radiobutton",
    "description": "A Material Design radiobutton. Supports aligning label before or after radiobutton.",
    "props": {
      "onClick": "event",
      "id": "string",
      "label": "string",
      "names": "string",
      "name": "string",
      "checked": "bool",
      "disabled": "bool",
      "alignEnd": "bool"
    "tags": []
  "Sub1": {
    "name": "Sub1",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Subtitle1",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "Sub2": {
    "name": "Sub2",
    "description": "Sets the font properties as Roboto Subtitle2",
    "props": {
      "text": "string"
    "tags": []
  "Textfield": {
    "name": "Textfield",
    "description": "A Material Design textfield with multiple variants. Can also be converted to a text area / multine text field.",
    "props": {
      "onChange": "event",
      "label": "string",
      "variant": "string",
      "disabled": "bool",
      "fullwidth": "bool",
      "type": "string",
      "required": "bool",
      "minLength": "number",
      "maxLength": "number",
      "helperText": "string",
      "errorText": "string",
      "placeholder": "string",
      "icon": "string",
      "trailingIcon": "bool",
      "textarea": "bool",
      "rows": "number",
      "cols": "number",
      "validation": "bool",
      "persistent": "bool"
    "tags": []