import { FieldType, Operation, PaginationJson, QueryJson, SearchFilters, SortJson, SqlClient, Table, TableSourceType, } from "@budibase/types" import { sql } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { merge } from "lodash" const Sql = sql.Sql const TABLE_NAME = "test" const TABLE: Table = { type: "table", sourceType: TableSourceType.EXTERNAL, sourceId: "SOURCE_ID", schema: { id: { name: "id", type: FieldType.NUMBER, }, }, name: TABLE_NAME, primary: ["id"], } const ORACLE_TABLE: Partial = { schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, }, }, } function endpoint(table: string, operation: Operation) { return { datasourceId: "Postgres", operation: operation, entityId: table || TABLE_NAME, } } function generateReadJson({ table, fields, filters, sort, paginate, }: { table?: Partial
fields?: string[] filters?: SearchFilters sort?: SortJson paginate?: PaginationJson } = {}): QueryJson { let tableObj: Table = { ...TABLE } if (table) { tableObj = merge(TABLE, table) } return { endpoint: endpoint( || TABLE_NAME, Operation.READ), resource: { fields: fields || [], }, filters: filters || {}, sort: sort || {}, paginate: paginate || undefined, meta: { table: tableObj, }, } } function generateRelationshipJson(config: { schema?: string } = {}): QueryJson { return { endpoint: { datasourceId: "Postgres", entityId: "brands", operation: Operation.READ, schema: config.schema, }, resource: { fields: [ "brands.brand_id", "brands.brand_name", "products.product_id", "products.product_name", "products.brand_id", ], }, filters: {}, sort: {}, relationships: [ { from: "brand_id", to: "brand_id", tableName: "products", column: "products", }, ], extra: { idFilter: {} }, meta: { table: TABLE, }, } } function generateManyRelationshipJson(config: { schema?: string } = {}) { return { endpoint: { datasourceId: "Postgres", entityId: "stores", operation: "READ", schema: config.schema, }, resource: { fields: [ "stores.store_id", "stores.store_name", "products.product_id", "products.product_name", ], }, filters: {}, sort: {}, paginate: {}, relationships: [ { from: "store_id", to: "product_id", tableName: "products", column: "products", through: "stocks", fromPrimary: "store_id", toPrimary: "product_id", }, ], extra: { idFilter: {} }, meta: { table: TABLE, }, } } describe("SQL query builder", () => { const relationshipLimit = 500 const limit = 500 const client = SqlClient.POSTGRES let sql: any beforeEach(() => { sql = new Sql(client, limit) }) it("should add the schema to the LEFT JOIN", () => { const query = sql._query(generateRelationshipJson({ schema: "production" })) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [limit, relationshipLimit], sql: `with "paginated" as (select "brands".* from "production"."brands" order by "test"."id" asc limit $1) select "brands".*, (select json_agg(json_build_object('brand_id',"products"."brand_id",'product_id',"products"."product_id",'product_name',"products"."product_name")) from (select "products".* from "production"."products" as "products" where "products"."brand_id" = "brands"."brand_id" order by "products"."brand_id" asc limit $2) as "products") as "products" from "paginated" as "brands" order by "test"."id" asc`, }) }) it("should handle if the schema is not present when doing a LEFT JOIN", () => { const query = sql._query(generateRelationshipJson()) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [limit, relationshipLimit], sql: `with "paginated" as (select "brands".* from "brands" order by "test"."id" asc limit $1) select "brands".*, (select json_agg(json_build_object('brand_id',"products"."brand_id",'product_id',"products"."product_id",'product_name',"products"."product_name")) from (select "products".* from "products" as "products" where "products"."brand_id" = "brands"."brand_id" order by "products"."brand_id" asc limit $2) as "products") as "products" from "paginated" as "brands" order by "test"."id" asc`, }) }) it("should add the schema to both the toTable and throughTable in many-to-many join", () => { const query = sql._query( generateManyRelationshipJson({ schema: "production" }) ) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [limit, relationshipLimit], sql: `with "paginated" as (select "stores".* from "production"."stores" order by "test"."id" asc limit $1) select "stores".*, (select json_agg(json_build_object('product_id',"products"."product_id",'product_name',"products"."product_name")) from (select "products".* from "production"."products" as "products" inner join "production"."stocks" as "stocks" on "products"."product_id" = "stocks"."product_id" where "stocks"."store_id" = "stores"."store_id" order by "products"."product_id" asc limit $2) as "products") as "products" from "paginated" as "stores" order by "test"."id" asc`, }) }) it("should lowercase the values for Oracle LIKE statements", () => { let query = new Sql(SqlClient.ORACLE, limit)._query( generateReadJson({ filters: { string: { name: "John", }, }, }) ) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: ["john%", limit], sql: `select * from (select * from "test" where LOWER("test"."name") LIKE :1 order by "test"."id" asc) where rownum <= :2`, }) query = new Sql(SqlClient.ORACLE, limit)._query( generateReadJson({ filters: { contains: { age: [20, 25], name: ["John", "Mary"], }, }, }) ) const filterSet = [`%20%`, `%25%`, `%"john"%`, `%"mary"%`] expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [...filterSet, limit], sql: `select * from (select * from "test" where COALESCE(LOWER("test"."age"), '') LIKE :1 AND COALESCE(LOWER("test"."age"), '') LIKE :2 and COALESCE(LOWER("test"."name"), '') LIKE :3 AND COALESCE(LOWER("test"."name"), '') LIKE :4 order by "test"."id" asc) where rownum <= :5`, }) query = new Sql(SqlClient.ORACLE, limit)._query( generateReadJson({ filters: { fuzzy: { name: "Jo", }, }, }) ) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: [`%jo%`, limit], sql: `select * from (select * from "test" where LOWER("test"."name") LIKE :1 order by "test"."id" asc) where rownum <= :2`, }) }) it("should use an oracle compatible coalesce query for oracle when using the equals filter", () => { let query = new Sql(SqlClient.ORACLE, limit)._query( generateReadJson({ table: ORACLE_TABLE, filters: { equal: { name: "John", }, }, }) ) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: ["John", limit], sql: `select * from (select * from "test" where (to_char("test"."name") IS NOT NULL AND to_char("test"."name") = :1) order by "test"."id" asc) where rownum <= :2`, }) }) it("should use an oracle compatible coalesce query for oracle when using the not equals filter", () => { let query = new Sql(SqlClient.ORACLE, limit)._query( generateReadJson({ table: ORACLE_TABLE, filters: { notEqual: { name: "John", }, }, }) ) expect(query).toEqual({ bindings: ["John", limit], sql: `select * from (select * from "test" where (to_char("test"."name") IS NOT NULL AND to_char("test"."name") != :1) OR to_char("test"."name") IS NULL order by "test"."id" asc) where rownum <= :2`, }) }) })