const CouchDB = require("../db") const emitter = require("../events/index") const env = require("../environment") const Queue = env.isTest() ? require("../utilities/queue/inMemoryQueue") : require("bull") const { getAutomationParams } = require("../db/utils") const { coerce } = require("../utilities/rowProcessor") const { utils } = require("@budibase/auth/redis") const { JobQueues } = require("../constants") const { isExternalTable, breakExternalTableId } = require("../integrations/utils") const { getExternalTable } = require("../api/controllers/table/utils") const { opts } = utils.getRedisOptions() let automationQueue = new Queue(JobQueues.AUTOMATIONS, { redis: opts }) const FAKE_STRING = "TEST" const FAKE_BOOL = false const FAKE_NUMBER = 1 const FAKE_DATETIME = "1970-01-01T00:00:00.000Z" const BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS = { ROW_SAVED: { name: "Row Created", event: "row:save", icon: "ri-save-line", tagline: "Row is added to {{}}", description: "Fired when a row is added to your database", stepId: "ROW_SAVED", inputs: {}, schema: { inputs: { properties: { tableId: { type: "string", customType: "table", title: "Table", }, }, required: ["tableId"], }, outputs: { properties: { row: { type: "object", customType: "row", description: "The new row that was created", }, id: { type: "string", description: "Row ID - can be used for updating", }, revision: { type: "string", description: "Revision of row", }, }, required: ["row", "id"], }, }, type: "TRIGGER", }, ROW_UPDATED: { name: "Row Updated", event: "row:update", icon: "ri-refresh-line", tagline: "Row is updated in {{}}", description: "Fired when a row is updated in your database", stepId: "ROW_UPDATED", inputs: {}, schema: { inputs: { properties: { tableId: { type: "string", customType: "table", title: "Table", }, }, required: ["tableId"], }, outputs: { properties: { row: { type: "object", customType: "row", description: "The row that was updated", }, id: { type: "string", description: "Row ID - can be used for updating", }, revision: { type: "string", description: "Revision of row", }, }, required: ["row", "id"], }, }, type: "TRIGGER", }, ROW_DELETED: { name: "Row Deleted", event: "row:delete", icon: "ri-delete-bin-line", tagline: "Row is deleted from {{}}", description: "Fired when a row is deleted from your database", stepId: "ROW_DELETED", inputs: {}, schema: { inputs: { properties: { tableId: { type: "string", customType: "table", title: "Table", }, }, required: ["tableId"], }, outputs: { properties: { row: { type: "object", customType: "row", description: "The row that was deleted", }, }, required: ["row"], }, }, type: "TRIGGER", }, WEBHOOK: { name: "Webhook", event: "web:trigger", icon: "ri-global-line", tagline: "Webhook endpoint is hit", description: "Trigger an automation when a HTTP POST webhook is hit", stepId: "WEBHOOK", inputs: {}, schema: { inputs: { properties: { schemaUrl: { type: "string", customType: "webhookUrl", title: "Schema URL", }, triggerUrl: { type: "string", customType: "webhookUrl", title: "Trigger URL", }, }, required: ["schemaUrl", "triggerUrl"], }, outputs: { properties: { body: { type: "object", description: "Body of the request which hit the webhook", }, }, required: ["body"], }, }, type: "TRIGGER", }, APP: { name: "App Action", event: "app:trigger", icon: "ri-window-fill", tagline: "Automation fired from the frontend", description: "Trigger an automation from an action inside your app", stepId: "APP", inputs: {}, schema: { inputs: { properties: { fields: { type: "object", customType: "triggerSchema", title: "Fields", }, }, required: [], }, outputs: { properties: { fields: { type: "object", description: "Fields submitted from the app frontend", }, }, required: ["fields"], }, }, type: "TRIGGER", }, CRON: { name: "Cron Trigger", event: "cron:trigger", icon: "ri-timer-line", tagline: "Cron Trigger ({{inputs.cron}})", description: "Triggers automation on a cron schedule.", stepId: "CRON", inputs: {}, schema: { inputs: { properties: { cron: { type: "string", customType: "cron", title: "Expression", }, }, required: ["cron"], }, outputs: { properties: { timestamp: { type: "number", description: "Timestamp the cron was executed", }, }, required: ["timestamp"], }, }, type: "TRIGGER", }, } async function queueRelevantRowAutomations(event, eventType) { if (event.appId == null) { throw `No appId specified for ${eventType} - check event emitters.` } const db = new CouchDB(event.appId) let automations = await db.allDocs( getAutomationParams(null, { include_docs: true }) ) // filter down to the correct event type automations = automations.rows .map(automation => automation.doc) .filter(automation => { const trigger = automation.definition.trigger return trigger && trigger.event === eventType }) for (let automation of automations) { let automationDef = automation.definition let automationTrigger = automationDef ? automationDef.trigger : {} if ( ! || !automationTrigger.inputs || automationTrigger.inputs.tableId !== event.row.tableId ) { continue } automationQueue.add({ automation, event }) } } emitter.on("row:save", async function (event) { /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!event || !event.row || !event.row.tableId) { return } await queueRelevantRowAutomations(event, "row:save") }) emitter.on("row:update", async function (event) { /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!event || !event.row || !event.row.tableId) { return } await queueRelevantRowAutomations(event, "row:update") }) emitter.on("row:delete", async function (event) { /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!event || !event.row || !event.row.tableId) { return } await queueRelevantRowAutomations(event, "row:delete") }) async function fillRowOutput(automation, params) { let triggerSchema = automation.definition.trigger let tableId = triggerSchema.inputs.tableId try { let table if (!isExternalTable(tableId)) { const db = new CouchDB(params.appId) table = await db.get(tableId) } else { const { datasourceId, tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) table = await getExternalTable(params.appId, datasourceId, tableName) } let row = {} for (let schemaKey of Object.keys(table.schema)) { const paramValue = params[schemaKey] let propSchema = table.schema[schemaKey] switch (propSchema.constraints.type) { case "string": row[schemaKey] = paramValue || FAKE_STRING break case "boolean": row[schemaKey] = paramValue || FAKE_BOOL break case "number": row[schemaKey] = paramValue || FAKE_NUMBER break case "datetime": row[schemaKey] = paramValue || FAKE_DATETIME break } } params.row = row } catch (err) { /* istanbul ignore next */ throw "Failed to find table for trigger" } return params } module.exports.externalTrigger = async function (automation, params) { // TODO: replace this with allowing user in builder to input values in future if (automation.definition != null && automation.definition.trigger != null) { if (automation.definition.trigger.inputs.tableId != null) { params = await fillRowOutput(automation, params) } if (automation.definition.trigger.stepId === "APP") { // values are likely to be submitted as strings, so we shall convert to correct type const coercedFields = {} const fields = automation.definition.trigger.inputs.fields for (let key of Object.keys(fields)) { coercedFields[key] = coerce(params.fields[key], fields[key]) } params.fields = coercedFields } } automationQueue.add({ automation, event: params }) } module.exports.getQueues = () => { return [automationQueue] } module.exports.fillRowOutput = fillRowOutput module.exports.automationQueue = automationQueue module.exports.BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS = BUILTIN_DEFINITIONS