import { databaseTestProviders } from "../../../integrations/tests/utils" import tk from "timekeeper" import { outputProcessing } from "../../../utilities/rowProcessor" import * as setup from "./utilities" import { context, InternalTable, roles, tenancy } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { quotas } from "@budibase/pro" import { AutoFieldSubType, FieldSchema, FieldType, FieldTypeSubtypes, FormulaType, INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, PermissionLevel, QuotaUsageType, RelationshipType, Row, SaveTableRequest, SearchQueryOperators, SortOrder, SortType, StaticQuotaName, Table, TableSourceType, } from "@budibase/types" import { expectAnyExternalColsAttributes, expectAnyInternalColsAttributes, generator, mocks, structures, } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests" import _ from "lodash" import * as uuid from "uuid" const timestamp = new Date("2023-01-26T11:48:57.597Z").toISOString() tk.freeze(timestamp) const { basicRow } = setup.structures describe.each([ ["internal", undefined], ["postgres", databaseTestProviders.postgres], ])("/rows (%s)", (__, dsProvider) => { const isInternal = !dsProvider const request = setup.getRequest() const config = setup.getConfig() let table: Table let tableId: string afterAll(async () => { if (dsProvider) { await dsProvider.stop() } setup.afterAll() }) beforeAll(async () => { await config.init() if (dsProvider) { await config.createDatasource({ datasource: await dsProvider.datasource(), }) } }) const generateTableConfig: () => SaveTableRequest = () => { return { name: uuid.v4(), type: "table", primary: ["id"], primaryDisplay: "name", sourceType: TableSourceType.INTERNAL, sourceId: INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, schema: { id: { type: FieldType.AUTO, name: "id", autocolumn: true, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, name: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "name", constraints: { type: "string", }, }, description: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "description", constraints: { type: "string", }, }, }, } } beforeEach(async () => { mocks.licenses.useCloudFree() }) const loadRow = (id: string, tbl_Id: string, status = 200) => config.api.row.get(tbl_Id, id, { expectStatus: status }) const getRowUsage = async () => { const { total } = await config.doInContext(null, () => quotas.getCurrentUsageValues(QuotaUsageType.STATIC, StaticQuotaName.ROWS) ) return total } const assertRowUsage = async (expected: number) => { const usage = await getRowUsage() expect(usage).toBe(expected) } const defaultRowFields = isInternal ? { type: "row", createdAt: timestamp, updatedAt: timestamp, } : undefined async function createTable( cfg: Omit, opts?: { skipReassigning: boolean } ) { let table if (dsProvider) { table = await config.createExternalTable(cfg, opts) } else { table = await config.createTable(cfg, opts) } return table } beforeAll(async () => { const tableConfig = generateTableConfig() let table = await createTable(tableConfig) tableId = table._id! }) describe("save, load, update", () => { it("returns a success message when the row is created", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await request .post(`/api/${tableId}/rows`) .send(basicRow(tableId)) .set(config.defaultHeaders()) .expect("Content-Type", /json/) .expect(200) expect((res as any).res.statusMessage).toEqual( `${config.table!.name} saved successfully` ) expect("Test Contact") expect(res.body._rev).toBeDefined() await assertRowUsage(rowUsage + 1) }) it("Increment row autoId per create row request", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const tableConfig = generateTableConfig() const newTable = await createTable( { ...tableConfig, name: "TestTableAuto", schema: { ...tableConfig.schema, "Row ID": { name: "Row ID", type: FieldType.NUMBER, subtype: AutoFieldSubType.AUTO_ID, icon: "ri-magic-line", autocolumn: true, constraints: { type: "number", presence: true, numericality: { greaterThanOrEqualTo: "", lessThanOrEqualTo: "", }, }, }, }, }, { skipReassigning: true } ) const ids = [1, 2, 3] // Performing several create row requests should increment the autoID fields accordingly const createRow = async (id: number) => { const res = await!, { name: "row_" + id, }) expect("row_" + id) expect(res._rev).toBeDefined() expect(res["Row ID"]).toEqual(id) } for (let i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { await createRow(ids[i]) } await assertRowUsage(rowUsage + ids.length) }) it("updates a row successfully", async () => { const existing = await config.createRow() const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await, { _id: existing._id, _rev: existing._rev, tableId, name: "Updated Name", }) expect("Updated Name") await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) it("should load a row", async () => { const existing = await config.createRow() const res = await config.api.row.get(tableId, existing._id!) expect(res.body).toEqual({ ...existing, ...defaultRowFields, }) }) it("should list all rows for given tableId", async () => { const table = await createTable(generateTableConfig(), { skipReassigning: true, }) const tableId = table._id! const newRow = { tableId, name: "Second Contact", description: "new", } const firstRow = await config.createRow({ tableId }) await config.createRow(newRow) const res = await config.api.row.fetch(tableId) expect(res.length).toBe(2) expect(res.find((r: Row) => === expect(res.find((r: Row) => === }) it("load should return 404 when row does not exist", async () => { await config.createRow() await config.api.row.get(tableId, "1234567", { expectStatus: 404, }) }) isInternal && it("row values are coerced", async () => { const str: FieldSchema = { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "str", constraints: { type: "string", presence: false }, } const attachment: FieldSchema = { type: FieldType.ATTACHMENT, name: "attachment", constraints: { type: "array", presence: false }, } const bool: FieldSchema = { type: FieldType.BOOLEAN, name: "boolean", constraints: { type: "boolean", presence: false }, } const number: FieldSchema = { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "str", constraints: { type: "number", presence: false }, } const datetime: FieldSchema = { type: FieldType.DATETIME, name: "datetime", constraints: { type: "string", presence: false, datetime: { earliest: "", latest: "" }, }, } const arrayField: FieldSchema = { type: FieldType.ARRAY, constraints: { type: "array", presence: false, inclusion: ["One", "Two", "Three"], }, name: "Sample Tags", sortable: false, } const optsField: FieldSchema = { name: "Sample Opts", type: FieldType.OPTIONS, constraints: { type: "string", presence: false, inclusion: ["Alpha", "Beta", "Gamma"], }, } const table = await createTable({ name: "TestTable2", type: "table", schema: { name: str, stringUndefined: str, stringNull: str, stringString: str, numberEmptyString: number, numberNull: number, numberUndefined: number, numberString: number, numberNumber: number, datetimeEmptyString: datetime, datetimeNull: datetime, datetimeUndefined: datetime, datetimeString: datetime, datetimeDate: datetime, boolNull: bool, boolEmpty: bool, boolUndefined: bool, boolString: bool, boolBool: bool, attachmentNull: attachment, attachmentUndefined: attachment, attachmentEmpty: attachment, attachmentEmptyArrayStr: attachment, arrayFieldEmptyArrayStr: arrayField, arrayFieldArrayStrKnown: arrayField, arrayFieldNull: arrayField, arrayFieldUndefined: arrayField, optsFieldEmptyStr: optsField, optsFieldUndefined: optsField, optsFieldNull: optsField, optsFieldStrKnown: optsField, }, }) const row = { name: "Test Row", stringUndefined: undefined, stringNull: null, stringString: "i am a string", numberEmptyString: "", numberNull: null, numberUndefined: undefined, numberString: "123", numberNumber: 123, datetimeEmptyString: "", datetimeNull: null, datetimeUndefined: undefined, datetimeString: "1984-04-20T00:00:00.000Z", datetimeDate: new Date("1984-04-20"), boolNull: null, boolEmpty: "", boolUndefined: undefined, boolString: "true", boolBool: true, tableId: table._id, attachmentNull: null, attachmentUndefined: undefined, attachmentEmpty: "", attachmentEmptyArrayStr: "[]", arrayFieldEmptyArrayStr: "[]", arrayFieldUndefined: undefined, arrayFieldNull: null, arrayFieldArrayStrKnown: "['One']", optsFieldEmptyStr: "", optsFieldUndefined: undefined, optsFieldNull: null, optsFieldStrKnown: "Alpha", } const createdRow = await config.createRow(row) const id = createdRow._id! const saved = (await loadRow(id, table._id!)).body expect(saved.stringUndefined).toBe(undefined) expect(saved.stringNull).toBe(null) expect(saved.stringString).toBe("i am a string") expect(saved.numberEmptyString).toBe(null) expect(saved.numberNull).toBe(null) expect(saved.numberUndefined).toBe(undefined) expect(saved.numberString).toBe(123) expect(saved.numberNumber).toBe(123) expect(saved.datetimeEmptyString).toBe(null) expect(saved.datetimeNull).toBe(null) expect(saved.datetimeUndefined).toBe(undefined) expect(saved.datetimeString).toBe( new Date(row.datetimeString).toISOString() ) expect(saved.datetimeDate).toBe(row.datetimeDate.toISOString()) expect(saved.boolNull).toBe(null) expect(saved.boolEmpty).toBe(null) expect(saved.boolUndefined).toBe(undefined) expect(saved.boolString).toBe(true) expect(saved.boolBool).toBe(true) expect(saved.attachmentNull).toEqual([]) expect(saved.attachmentUndefined).toBe(undefined) expect(saved.attachmentEmpty).toEqual([]) expect(saved.attachmentEmptyArrayStr).toEqual([]) expect(saved.arrayFieldEmptyArrayStr).toEqual([]) expect(saved.arrayFieldNull).toEqual([]) expect(saved.arrayFieldUndefined).toEqual(undefined) expect(saved.optsFieldEmptyStr).toEqual(null) expect(saved.optsFieldUndefined).toEqual(undefined) expect(saved.optsFieldNull).toEqual(null) expect(saved.arrayFieldArrayStrKnown).toEqual(["One"]) expect(saved.optsFieldStrKnown).toEqual("Alpha") }) }) describe("view save", () => { it("views have extra data trimmed", async () => { const table = await createTable({ type: "table", name: "orders", primary: ["OrderID"], schema: { Country: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "Country", }, OrderID: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "OrderID", }, Story: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "Story", }, }, }) const createViewResponse = await config.createView({ name: uuid.v4(), schema: { Country: { visible: true, }, OrderID: { visible: true, }, }, }) const createRowResponse = await, { OrderID: "1111", Country: "Aussy", Story: "aaaaa", } ) const row = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, createRowResponse._id!) expect(row.body.Story).toBeUndefined() expect(row.body).toEqual({ ...defaultRowFields, OrderID: 1111, Country: "Aussy", _id: createRowResponse._id, _rev: createRowResponse._rev, tableId: table._id, }) }) }) describe("patch", () => { let otherTable: Table beforeAll(async () => { const tableConfig = generateTableConfig() table = await createTable(tableConfig) const otherTableConfig = generateTableConfig() // need a short name of table here - for relationship tests = "a" otherTableConfig.schema.relationship = { name: "relationship", relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: table._id!, fieldName: "relationship", } otherTable = await createTable(otherTableConfig) // need to set the config back to the original table config.table = table }) it("should update only the fields that are supplied", async () => { const existing = await config.createRow() const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const row = await config.api.row.patch(table._id!, { _id: existing._id!, _rev: existing._rev!, tableId: table._id!, name: "Updated Name", }) expect("Updated Name") expect(row.description).toEqual(existing.description) const savedRow = await loadRow(row._id!, table._id!) expect(savedRow.body.description).toEqual(existing.description) expect("Updated Name") await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) it("should throw an error when given improper types", async () => { const existing = await config.createRow() const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await config.api.row.patch( table._id!, { _id: existing._id!, _rev: existing._rev!, tableId: table._id!, name: 1, }, { expectStatus: 400 } ) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) it("should not overwrite links if those links are not set", async () => { let linkField: FieldSchema = { type: FieldType.LINK, name: "", fieldName: "", constraints: { type: "array", presence: false, }, relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, tableId: InternalTable.USER_METADATA, } let table = await{ name: "TestTable", type: "table", sourceType: TableSourceType.INTERNAL, sourceId: INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, schema: { user1: { ...linkField, name: "user1", fieldName: "user1" }, user2: { ...linkField, name: "user2", fieldName: "user2" }, }, }) let user1 = await config.createUser() let user2 = await config.createUser() let row = await!, { user1: [{ _id: user1._id }], user2: [{ _id: user2._id }], }) let getResp = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!) expect(getResp.body.user1[0]._id).toEqual(user1._id) expect(getResp.body.user2[0]._id).toEqual(user2._id) let patchResp = await config.api.row.patch(table._id!, { _id: row._id!, _rev: row._rev!, tableId: table._id!, user1: [{ _id: user2._id }], }) expect(patchResp.user1[0]._id).toEqual(user2._id) expect(patchResp.user2[0]._id).toEqual(user2._id) getResp = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!) expect(getResp.body.user1[0]._id).toEqual(user2._id) expect(getResp.body.user2[0]._id).toEqual(user2._id) }) it("should be able to update relationships when both columns are same name", async () => { let row = await!, { name: "test", description: "test", }) let row2 = await!, { name: "test", description: "test", relationship: [row._id], }) row = (await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!)).body expect(row.relationship.length).toBe(1) const resp = await config.api.row.patch(table._id!, { _id: row._id!, _rev: row._rev!, tableId: row.tableId!, name: "test2", relationship: [row2._id], }) expect(resp.relationship.length).toBe(1) }) }) describe("destroy", () => { beforeAll(async () => { const tableConfig = generateTableConfig() table = await createTable(tableConfig) }) it("should be able to delete a row", async () => { const createdRow = await config.createRow() const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.delete(table._id!, [createdRow]) expect(res.body[0]._id).toEqual(createdRow._id) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage - 1) }) }) describe("validate", () => { beforeAll(async () => { const tableConfig = generateTableConfig() table = await createTable(tableConfig) }) it("should return no errors on valid row", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.validate(table._id!, { name: "ivan" }) expect(res.valid).toBe(true) expect(Object.keys(res.errors)).toEqual([]) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) it("should errors on invalid row", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.validate(table._id!, { name: 1 }) if (isInternal) { expect(res.valid).toBe(false) expect(Object.keys(res.errors)).toEqual(["name"]) } else { // Validation for external is not implemented, so it will always return valid expect(res.valid).toBe(true) expect(Object.keys(res.errors)).toEqual([]) } await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) }) describe("bulkDelete", () => { beforeAll(async () => { const tableConfig = generateTableConfig() table = await createTable(tableConfig) }) it("should be able to delete a bulk set of rows", async () => { const row1 = await config.createRow() const row2 = await config.createRow() const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.delete(table._id!, [row1, row2]) expect(res.body.length).toEqual(2) await loadRow(row1._id!, table._id!, 404) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage - 2) }) it("should be able to delete a variety of row set types", async () => { const [row1, row2, row3] = await Promise.all([ config.createRow(), config.createRow(), config.createRow(), ]) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.delete(table._id!, [ row1, row2._id, { _id: row3._id }, ]) expect(res.body.length).toEqual(3) await loadRow(row1._id!, table._id!, 404) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage - 3) }) it("should accept a valid row object and delete the row", async () => { const row1 = await config.createRow() const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.delete(table._id!, row1) expect( await loadRow(row1._id!, table._id!, 404) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage - 1) }) it("Should ignore malformed/invalid delete requests", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.delete( table._id!, { not: "valid" }, { expectStatus: 400 } ) expect(res.body.message).toEqual("Invalid delete rows request") const res2 = await config.api.row.delete( table._id!, { rows: 123 }, { expectStatus: 400 } ) expect(res2.body.message).toEqual("Invalid delete rows request") const res3 = await config.api.row.delete(table._id!, "invalid", { expectStatus: 400, }) expect(res3.body.message).toEqual("Invalid delete rows request") await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) }) // Legacy views are not available for external isInternal && describe("fetchView", () => { beforeEach(async () => { const tableConfig = generateTableConfig() table = await createTable(tableConfig) }) it("should be able to fetch tables contents via 'view'", async () => { const row = await config.createRow() const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.legacyView.get(table._id!) expect(res.body.length).toEqual(1) expect(res.body[0]._id).toEqual(row._id) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) it("should throw an error if view doesn't exist", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await config.api.legacyView.get("derp", { expectStatus: 404 }) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) it("should be able to run on a view", async () => { const view = await config.createLegacyView({ tableId: table._id!, name: "ViewTest", filters: [], schema: {}, }) const row = await config.createRow() const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.legacyView.get( expect(res.body.length).toEqual(1) expect(res.body[0]._id).toEqual(row._id) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) }) describe("fetchEnrichedRows", () => { beforeAll(async () => { const tableConfig = generateTableConfig() table = await createTable(tableConfig) }) it("should allow enriching some linked rows", async () => { const { linkedTable, firstRow, secondRow } = await tenancy.doInTenant( config.getTenantId(), async () => { const linkedTable = await config.createLinkedTable( RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, ["link"], { // Making sure that the combined table name + column name is within postgres limits name: uuid.v4().replace(/-/g, "").substring(0, 16), type: "table", primary: ["id"], primaryDisplay: "id", schema: { id: { type: FieldType.AUTO, name: "id", autocolumn: true, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, }, } ) const firstRow = await config.createRow({ name: "Test Contact", description: "original description", tableId: table._id, }) const secondRow = await config.createRow({ name: "Test 2", description: "og desc", link: [{ _id: firstRow._id }], tableId: linkedTable._id, }) return { linkedTable, firstRow, secondRow } } ) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() // test basic enrichment const resBasic = await config.api.row.get( linkedTable._id!, secondRow._id! ) expect( expect([0]).toEqual({ _id: firstRow._id, primaryDisplay:, }) // test full enrichment const resEnriched = await config.api.row.getEnriched( linkedTable._id!, secondRow._id! ) expect( expect([0]._id).toBe(firstRow._id) expect([0].name).toBe("Test Contact") expect([0].description).toBe("original description") await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) }) isInternal && describe("attachments", () => { beforeAll(async () => { const tableConfig = generateTableConfig() table = await createTable(tableConfig) }) it("should allow enriching attachment rows", async () => { const table = await config.createAttachmentTable() const attachmentId = `${structures.uuid()}.csv` const row = await config.createRow({ name: "test", description: "test", attachment: [ { key: `${config.getAppId()}/attachments/${attachmentId}`, }, ], tableId: table._id, }) // the environment needs configured for this await setup.switchToSelfHosted(async () => { return context.doInAppContext(config.getAppId(), async () => { const enriched = await outputProcessing(table, [row]) expect((enriched as Row[])[0].attachment[0].url).toBe( `/files/signed/prod-budi-app-assets/${config.getProdAppId()}/attachments/${attachmentId}` ) }) }) }) }) describe("exportData", () => { beforeAll(async () => { const tableConfig = generateTableConfig() table = await createTable(tableConfig) }) it("should allow exporting all columns", async () => { const existing = await config.createRow() const res = await config.api.row.exportRows(table._id!, { rows: [existing._id!], }) const results = JSON.parse(res.text) expect(results.length).toEqual(1) const row = results[0] // Ensure all original columns were exported expect(Object.keys(row).length).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual( Object.keys(existing).length ) Object.keys(existing).forEach(key => { expect(row[key]).toEqual(existing[key]) }) }) it("should allow exporting only certain columns", async () => { const existing = await config.createRow() const res = await config.api.row.exportRows(table._id!, { rows: [existing._id!], columns: ["_id"], }) const results = JSON.parse(res.text) expect(results.length).toEqual(1) const row = results[0] // Ensure only the _id column was exported expect(Object.keys(row).length).toEqual(1) expect(row._id).toEqual(existing._id) }) }) describe("view 2.0", () => { async function userTable(): Promise { return { name: `users_${uuid.v4()}`, sourceId: INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, sourceType: TableSourceType.INTERNAL, type: "table", primary: ["id"], schema: { id: { type: FieldType.AUTO, name: "id", autocolumn: true, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, name: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "name", }, surname: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "surname", }, age: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "age", }, address: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "address", }, jobTitle: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "jobTitle", }, }, } } const randomRowData = () => ({ name: generator.first(), surname: generator.last(), age: generator.age(), address: generator.address(), jobTitle: generator.word(), }) describe("create", () => { it("should persist a new row with only the provided view fields", async () => { const table = await createTable(await userTable()) const view = await config.createView({ schema: { name: { visible: true }, surname: { visible: true }, address: { visible: true }, }, }) const data = randomRowData() const newRow = await, { tableId: table!._id, _viewId:,, }) const row = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, newRow._id!) expect(row.body).toEqual({ name:, surname: data.surname, address: data.address, tableId: table!._id, _id: newRow._id, _rev: newRow._rev, id:, ...defaultRowFields, }) expect(row.body._viewId).toBeUndefined() expect(row.body.age).toBeUndefined() expect(row.body.jobTitle).toBeUndefined() }) }) describe("patch", () => { it("should update only the view fields for a row", async () => { const table = await createTable(await userTable()) const tableId = table._id! const view = await config.createView({ schema: { name: { visible: true }, address: { visible: true }, }, }) const newRow = await, { tableId, _viewId:, ...randomRowData(), }) const newData = randomRowData() await config.api.row.patch(, { tableId, _viewId:, _id: newRow._id!, _rev: newRow._rev!, ...newData, }) const row = await config.api.row.get(tableId, newRow._id!) expect(row.body).toEqual({ ...newRow, name:, address: newData.address, _id: newRow._id, _rev: expect.any(String), id:, ...defaultRowFields, }) expect(row.body._viewId).toBeUndefined() expect(row.body.age).toBeUndefined() expect(row.body.jobTitle).toBeUndefined() }) }) describe("destroy", () => { it("should be able to delete a row", async () => { const table = await createTable(await userTable()) const tableId = table._id! const view = await config.createView({ schema: { name: { visible: true }, address: { visible: true }, }, }) const createdRow = await config.createRow() const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await config.api.row.delete(, [createdRow]) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage - 1) await config.api.row.get(tableId, createdRow._id!, { expectStatus: 404, }) }) it("should be able to delete multiple rows", async () => { const table = await createTable(await userTable()) const tableId = table._id! const view = await config.createView({ schema: { name: { visible: true }, address: { visible: true }, }, }) const rows = await Promise.all([ config.createRow(), config.createRow(), config.createRow(), ]) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await config.api.row.delete(, [rows[0], rows[2]]) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage - 2) await config.api.row.get(tableId, rows[0]._id!, { expectStatus: 404, }) await config.api.row.get(tableId, rows[2]._id!, { expectStatus: 404, }) await config.api.row.get(tableId, rows[1]._id!, { expectStatus: 200 }) }) }) describe("view search", () => { const viewSchema = { age: { visible: true }, name: { visible: true } } async function userTable(): Promise
{ return { name: `users_${uuid.v4()}`, sourceId: INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, sourceType: TableSourceType.INTERNAL, type: "table", primary: ["id"], schema: { id: { type: FieldType.AUTO, name: "id", autocolumn: true, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, name: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "name", constraints: { type: "string" }, }, age: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "age", constraints: {}, }, }, } } it("returns empty rows from view when no schema is passed", async () => { const table = await createTable(await userTable()) const rows = await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>!, { tableId: table._id }) ) ) const createViewResponse = await config.createView() const response = await expect(response.body.rows).toHaveLength(10) expect(response.body).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining( => ({ _viewId:, tableId: table._id, _id: r._id, _rev: r._rev, ...defaultRowFields, })) ), ...(isInternal ? {} : { hasNextPage: false, bookmark: null, }), }) }) it("searching respects the view filters", async () => { const table = await createTable(await userTable()) await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>!, { tableId: table._id, name:, age: generator.integer({ min: 10, max: 30 }), }) ) ) const expectedRows = await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: 5 }, () =>!, { tableId: table._id, name:, age: 40, }) ) ) const createViewResponse = await config.createView({ query: [ { operator: SearchQueryOperators.EQUAL, field: "age", value: 40 }, ], schema: viewSchema, }) const response = await expect(response.body.rows).toHaveLength(5) expect(response.body).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining( => ({ _viewId:, tableId: table._id, name:, age: r.age, _id: r._id, _rev: r._rev, ...defaultRowFields, })) ), ...(isInternal ? {} : { hasNextPage: false, bookmark: null, }), }) }) const sortTestOptions: [ { field: string order?: SortOrder type?: SortType }, string[] ][] = [ [ { field: "name", order: SortOrder.ASCENDING, type: SortType.STRING, }, ["Alice", "Bob", "Charly", "Danny"], ], [ { field: "name", }, ["Alice", "Bob", "Charly", "Danny"], ], [ { field: "name", order: SortOrder.DESCENDING, }, ["Danny", "Charly", "Bob", "Alice"], ], [ { field: "name", order: SortOrder.DESCENDING, type: SortType.STRING, }, ["Danny", "Charly", "Bob", "Alice"], ], [ { field: "age", order: SortOrder.ASCENDING, type: SortType.number, }, ["Danny", "Alice", "Charly", "Bob"], ], [ { field: "age", order: SortOrder.ASCENDING, }, ["Danny", "Alice", "Charly", "Bob"], ], [ { field: "age", order: SortOrder.DESCENDING, }, ["Bob", "Charly", "Alice", "Danny"], ], [ { field: "age", order: SortOrder.DESCENDING, type: SortType.number, }, ["Bob", "Charly", "Alice", "Danny"], ], ] describe("sorting", () => { beforeAll(async () => { const table = await createTable(await userTable()) const users = [ { name: "Alice", age: 25 }, { name: "Bob", age: 30 }, { name: "Charly", age: 27 }, { name: "Danny", age: 15 }, ] await Promise.all( =>!, { tableId: table._id, ...u, }) ) ) }) it.each(sortTestOptions)( "allow sorting (%s)", async (sortParams, expected) => { const createViewResponse = await config.createView({ sort: sortParams, schema: viewSchema, }) const response = await ) expect(response.body.rows).toHaveLength(4) expect(response.body.rows).toEqual( => expect.objectContaining({ name })) ) } ) it.each(sortTestOptions)( "allow override the default view sorting (%s)", async (sortParams, expected) => { const createViewResponse = await config.createView({ sort: { field: "name", order: SortOrder.ASCENDING, type: SortType.STRING, }, schema: viewSchema, }) const response = await, { sort: sortParams.field, sortOrder: sortParams.order, sortType: sortParams.type, query: {}, } ) expect(response.body.rows).toHaveLength(4) expect(response.body.rows).toEqual( => expect.objectContaining({ name })) ) } ) }) it("when schema is defined, defined columns and row attributes are returned", async () => { const table = await createTable(await userTable()) const rows = await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: 10 }, () =>!, { tableId: table._id, name:, age: generator.age(), }) ) ) const view = await config.createView({ schema: { name: { visible: true } }, }) const response = await expect(response.body.rows).toHaveLength(10) expect(response.body.rows).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( => ({ ...(isInternal ? expectAnyInternalColsAttributes : expectAnyExternalColsAttributes), _viewId:, name:, })) ) ) }) it("views without data can be returned", async () => { const table = await createTable(await userTable()) const createViewResponse = await config.createView() const response = await expect(response.body.rows).toHaveLength(0) }) it("respects the limit parameter", async () => { await createTable(await userTable()) await Promise.all(Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => config.createRow())) const limit = generator.integer({ min: 1, max: 8 }) const createViewResponse = await config.createView() const response = await, { limit, query: {}, }) expect(response.body.rows).toHaveLength(limit) }) it("can handle pagination", async () => { await createTable(await userTable()) await Promise.all(Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => config.createRow())) const createViewResponse = await config.createView() const allRows = (await .body.rows const firstPageResponse = await, { paginate: true, limit: 4, query: {}, } ) expect(firstPageResponse.body).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining(allRows.slice(0, 4)), totalRows: isInternal ? 10 : undefined, hasNextPage: true, bookmark: expect.anything(), }) const secondPageResponse = await, { paginate: true, limit: 4, bookmark: firstPageResponse.body.bookmark, query: {}, } ) expect(secondPageResponse.body).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining(allRows.slice(4, 8)), totalRows: isInternal ? 10 : undefined, hasNextPage: true, bookmark: expect.anything(), }) const lastPageResponse = await, { paginate: true, limit: 4, bookmark: secondPageResponse.body.bookmark, query: {}, } ) expect(lastPageResponse.body).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining(allRows.slice(8)), totalRows: isInternal ? 10 : undefined, hasNextPage: false, bookmark: expect.anything(), }) }) isInternal && it("doesn't allow creating in user table", async () => { const userTableId = InternalTable.USER_METADATA const response = await userTableId, { tableId: userTableId, firstName: "Joe", lastName: "Joe", email: "", roles: {}, }, { expectStatus: 400 } ) expect(response.message).toBe("Cannot create new user entry.") }) describe("permissions", () => { let viewId: string let tableId: string beforeAll(async () => { await createTable(await userTable()) await Promise.all( Array.from({ length: 10 }, () => config.createRow()) ) const createViewResponse = await config.createView() tableId = table._id! viewId = }) beforeEach(() => { mocks.licenses.useViewPermissions() }) it("does not allow public users to fetch by default", async () => { await config.publish() await, undefined, { expectStatus: 403, usePublicUser: true, }) }) it("allow public users to fetch when permissions are explicit", async () => { await config.api.permission.set({ roleId: roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC, level: PermissionLevel.READ, resourceId: viewId, }) await config.publish() const response = await, undefined, { usePublicUser: true, }) expect(response.body.rows).toHaveLength(10) }) it("allow public users to fetch when permissions are inherited", async () => { await config.api.permission.set({ roleId: roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC, level: PermissionLevel.READ, resourceId: tableId, }) await config.publish() const response = await, undefined, { usePublicUser: true, }) expect(response.body.rows).toHaveLength(10) }) it("respects inherited permissions, not allowing not public views from public tables", async () => { await config.api.permission.set({ roleId: roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC, level: PermissionLevel.READ, resourceId: tableId, }) await config.api.permission.set({ roleId: roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.POWER, level: PermissionLevel.READ, resourceId: viewId, }) await config.publish() await, undefined, { usePublicUser: true, expectStatus: 403, }) }) }) }) }) let o2mTable: Table let m2mTable: Table beforeAll(async () => { o2mTable = await createTable( { ...generateTableConfig(), name: "o2m" }, { skipReassigning: true, } ) m2mTable = await createTable( { ...generateTableConfig(), name: "m2m" }, { skipReassigning: true, } ) }) describe.each([ [ "relationship fields", (): Record => ({ user: { name: "user", relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: o2mTable._id!, fieldName: "fk_o2m", }, users: { name: "users", relationshipType: RelationshipType.MANY_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: m2mTable._id!, fieldName: "fk_m2m", }, }), (tableId: string) =>, { name: uuid.v4(), description: generator.paragraph(), tableId, }), (row: Row) => ({ _id: row._id, primaryDisplay:, }), ], [ "bb reference fields", (): Record => ({ user: { name: "user", type: FieldType.BB_REFERENCE, subtype: FieldTypeSubtypes.BB_REFERENCE.USER, }, users: { name: "users", type: FieldType.BB_REFERENCE, subtype: FieldTypeSubtypes.BB_REFERENCE.USERS, }, }), () => config.createUser(), (row: Row) => ({ _id: row._id, primaryDisplay:, email:, firstName: row.firstName, lastName: row.lastName, }), ], ])("links - %s", (__, relSchema, dataGenerator, resultMapper) => { let tableId: string let o2mData: Row[] let m2mData: Row[] beforeAll(async () => { const tableConfig = generateTableConfig() if (config.datasource) { tableConfig.sourceId = config.datasource._id! if ( { tableConfig.sourceType = TableSourceType.EXTERNAL } } const table = await{ ...tableConfig, schema: { ...tableConfig.schema, ...relSchema(), }, }) tableId = table._id! o2mData = [ await dataGenerator(o2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(o2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(o2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(o2mTable._id!), ] m2mData = [ await dataGenerator(m2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(m2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(m2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(m2mTable._id!), ] }) it("can save a row when relationship fields are empty", async () => { const rowData = { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, } const row = await, rowData) expect(row).toEqual({ name:, description: rowData.description, tableId, _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), type: isInternal ? "row" : undefined, }) }) it("can save a row with a single relationship field", async () => { const user = _.sample(o2mData)! const rowData = { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, user: [user], } const row = await, rowData) expect(row).toEqual({ name:, description: rowData.description, tableId, user: [user].map(u => resultMapper(u)), _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), type: isInternal ? "row" : undefined, [`fk_${}_fk_o2m`]: isInternal ? undefined :, }) }) it("can save a row with a multiple relationship field", async () => { const selectedUsers = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 2) const rowData = { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, users: selectedUsers, } const row = await, rowData) expect(row).toEqual({ name:, description: rowData.description, tableId, users: expect.arrayContaining( => resultMapper(u))), _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), type: isInternal ? "row" : undefined, }) }) it("can retrieve rows with no populated relationships", async () => { const rowData = { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, } const row = await, rowData) const { body: retrieved } = await config.api.row.get(tableId, row._id!) expect(retrieved).toEqual({ name:, description: rowData.description, tableId, user: undefined, users: undefined, _id: row._id, _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), ...defaultRowFields, }) }) it("can retrieve rows with populated relationships", async () => { const user1 = _.sample(o2mData)! const [user2, user3] = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 2) const rowData = { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, users: [user2, user3], user: [user1], } const row = await, rowData) const { body: retrieved } = await config.api.row.get(tableId, row._id!) expect(retrieved).toEqual({ name:, description: rowData.description, tableId, user: expect.arrayContaining([user1].map(u => resultMapper(u))), users: expect.arrayContaining([user2, user3].map(u => resultMapper(u))), _id: row._id, _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), [`fk_${}_fk_o2m`]: isInternal ? undefined :, ...defaultRowFields, }) }) it("can update an existing populated row", async () => { const user = _.sample(o2mData)! const [users1, users2, users3] = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 3) const rowData = { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, users: [users1, users2], } const row = await, rowData) const updatedRow = await, { ...row, user: [user], users: [users3, users1], }) expect(updatedRow).toEqual({ name:, description: rowData.description, tableId, user: expect.arrayContaining([user].map(u => resultMapper(u))), users: expect.arrayContaining( [users3, users1].map(u => resultMapper(u)) ), _id: row._id, _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), type: isInternal ? "row" : undefined, [`fk_${}_fk_o2m`]: isInternal ? undefined :, }) }) it("can wipe an existing populated relationships in row", async () => { const [user1, user2] = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 2) const rowData = { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, users: [user1, user2], } const row = await, rowData) const updatedRow = await, { ...row, user: null, users: null, }) expect(updatedRow).toEqual({ name:, description: rowData.description, tableId, _id: row._id, _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), type: isInternal ? "row" : undefined, }) }) it("fetch all will populate the relationships", async () => { const [user1] = _.sampleSize(o2mData, 1) const [users1, users2, users3] = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 3) const rows: { name: string description: string user?: Row[] users?: Row[] tableId: string }[] = [ { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, users: [users1, users2], }, { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, user: [user1], users: [users1, users3], }, { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, users: [users3], }, ] await, rows[0]) await, rows[1]) await, rows[2]) const res = await config.api.row.fetch(tableId) expect(res).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( => ({ name:, description: r.description, tableId, user: r.user?.map(u => resultMapper(u)), users: r.users?.length ? expect.arrayContaining(r.users?.map(u => resultMapper(u))) : undefined, _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), [`fk_${}_fk_o2m`]: isInternal || !r.user?.length ? undefined : r.user[0].id, ...defaultRowFields, })) ) ) }) it("search all will populate the relationships", async () => { const [user1] = _.sampleSize(o2mData, 1) const [users1, users2, users3] = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 3) const rows: { name: string description: string user?: Row[] users?: Row[] tableId: string }[] = [ { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, users: [users1, users2], }, { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, user: [user1], users: [users1, users3], }, { ...basicRow(tableId), name:, description:, users: [users3], }, ] await, rows[0]) await, rows[1]) await, rows[2]) const res = await expect(res).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining( => ({ name:, description: r.description, tableId, user: r.user?.map(u => resultMapper(u)), users: r.users?.length ? expect.arrayContaining(r.users?.map(u => resultMapper(u))) : undefined, _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), [`fk_${}_fk_o2m`]: isInternal || !r.user?.length ? undefined : r.user[0].id, ...defaultRowFields, })) ), ...(isInternal ? {} : { hasNextPage: false, bookmark: null, }), }) }) }) describe("Formula fields", () => { let relationshipTable: Table, tableId: string, relatedRow: Row beforeAll(async () => { const otherTableId = config.table!._id! const cfg = generateTableConfig() relationshipTable = await config.createLinkedTable( RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, ["links"], { ...cfg, // needs to be a short name name: "b", schema: { ...cfg.schema, formula: { name: "formula", type: FieldType.FORMULA, formula: "{{ }}", formulaType: FormulaType.DYNAMIC, }, }, } ) tableId = relationshipTable._id! relatedRow = await, { name: generator.word(), description: generator.paragraph(), }) await, { name: generator.word(), description: generator.paragraph(), tableId, links: [relatedRow._id], }) }) it("should be able to search for rows containing formulas", async () => { const { rows } = await expect(rows.length).toBe(1) expect(rows[0].links.length).toBe(1) const row = rows[0] expect(row.formula).toBe( }) }) describe("Formula JS protection", () => { it("should time out JS execution if a single cell takes too long", async () => { await config.withEnv({ JS_PER_EXECUTION_TIME_LIMIT_MS: 20 }, async () => { const js = Buffer.from( ` let i = 0; while (true) { i++; } return i; ` ).toString("base64") const table = await config.createTable({ name: "table", type: "table", schema: { text: { name: "text", type: FieldType.STRING, }, formula: { name: "formula", type: FieldType.FORMULA, formula: `{{ js "${js}"}}`, formulaType: FormulaType.DYNAMIC, }, }, }) await!, { text: "foo" }) const { rows } = await!) expect(rows).toHaveLength(1) const row = rows[0] expect(row.text).toBe("foo") expect(row.formula).toBe("Timed out while executing JS") }) }) it("should time out JS execution if a multiple cells take too long", async () => { await config.withEnv( { JS_PER_EXECUTION_TIME_LIMIT_MS: 20, JS_PER_REQUEST_TIME_LIMIT_MS: 40, }, async () => { const js = Buffer.from( ` let i = 0; while (true) { i++; } return i; ` ).toString("base64") const table = await config.createTable({ name: "table", type: "table", schema: { text: { name: "text", type: FieldType.STRING, }, formula: { name: "formula", type: FieldType.FORMULA, formula: `{{ js "${js}"}}`, formulaType: FormulaType.DYNAMIC, }, }, }) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await!, { text: "foo" }) } // Run this test 3 times to make sure that there's no cross-request // pollution of the execution time tracking. for (let reqs = 0; reqs < 3; reqs++) { const { rows } = await!) expect(rows).toHaveLength(10) let i = 0 for (; i < 10; i++) { const row = rows[i] if (row.formula !== "Timed out while executing JS") { break } } // Given the execution times are not deterministic, we can't be sure // of the exact number of rows that were executed before the timeout // but it should absolutely be at least 1. expect(i).toBeGreaterThan(0) expect(i).toBeLessThan(5) for (; i < 10; i++) { const row = rows[i] expect(row.text).toBe("foo") expect(row.formula).toBe("Request JS execution limit hit") } } } ) }) }) })