import { split, last } from "lodash/fp"; import {writable} from "svelte/store"; import { $ } from "./core/common"; import { setupBinding } from "./state/stateBinding"; import { createCoreApi } from "./core"; import { getStateOrValue } from "./state/getState"; import { setState, setStateFromBinding } from "./state/setState"; import { trimSlash } from "./common/trimSlash"; import { isBound } from "./state/isState"; export const createApp = (componentLibraries, appDefinition, user) => { const _initialiseChildren = (parentContext, hydrate) => (childrenProps, htmlElement, context, anchor=null) => { const childComponents = []; if(hydrate) { while (htmlElement.firstChild) { htmlElement.removeChild(htmlElement.firstChild); } } for(let childProps of childrenProps) { const {componentName, libName} = splitName(childProps._component); if(!componentName || !libName) return; const {initialProps, bind} = setupBinding( store, childProps, coreApi, context || parentContext, appDefinition.appRootPath); const componentProps = { ...initialProps, _bb:bb(context || parentContext, childProps) }; const component = new (componentLibraries[libName][componentName])({ target: htmlElement, props: componentProps, hydrate:false, anchor }); bind(component); childComponents.push(component); } return childComponents; } const coreApi = createCoreApi(appDefinition, user); appDefinition.hierarchy = coreApi.templateApi.constructHierarchy(appDefinition.hierarchy); const store = writable({ _bbuser: user }); let globalState = null; store.subscribe(s => { globalState = s; }); const relativeUrl = (url) => appDefinition.appRootPath ? appDefinition.appRootPath + "/" + trimSlash(url) : url; const apiCall = (method) => (url, body) => fetch(relativeUrl(url), { method: method, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: body && JSON.stringify(body), }); const api = { post: apiCall("POST"), get: apiCall("GET"), patch: apiCall("PATCH"), delete:apiCall("DELETE") }; const safeCallEvent = (event, context) => { const isFunction = (obj) => !!(obj && obj.constructor && && obj.apply); if(isFunction(event)) event(context); } const bb = (context, props) => ({ hydrateChildren: _initialiseChildren(context, true), appendChildren: _initialiseChildren(context, false), insertChildren: (props, htmlElement, anchor, context) => _initialiseChildren(context, false)(props, htmlElement, context, anchor), store, relativeUrl, api, call:safeCallEvent, isBound, setStateFromBinding: (binding, value) => setStateFromBinding(store, binding, value), setState: (path, value) => setState(store, path, value), getStateOrValue: (prop, currentContext) => getStateOrValue(globalState, prop, currentContext), context, props }); return bb(); } const buildBindings = (boundProps, boundArrays, contextBoundProps) => { const bindings = {}; if(boundProps && boundProps.length > 0) { for(let p of boundProps) { bindings[p.propName] = { path: p.path, fallback: p.fallback, source: p.source } } } if(contextBoundProps && contextBoundProps.length > 0) { for(let p of contextBoundProps) { bindings[p.propName] = { path: p.path, fallback: p.fallback, source: p.source } } } if(boundArrays && boundArrays.length > 0) { for(let a of boundArrays) { const arrayOfBindings = []; for(let b of a.arrayOfBindings) { arrayOfBindings.push( buildBindings( b.boundProps, b.boundArrays, b.contextBoundProps) ); } bindings[a.propName] = arrayOfBindings; } } return bindings; } const splitName = fullname => { const componentName = $(fullname, [ split("/"), last ]); const libName =fullname.substring( 0, fullname.length - componentName.length - 1); return {libName, componentName}; }