# Contributing From opening a bug report to creating a pull request: every contribution is appreciated and welcome. If you're planning to implement a new feature or change the api please create an issue first. This way we can ensure that your precious work is not in vain. ### Not Sure Where to Start? Budibase is a low-code web application builder that creates svelte based web applications. Budibase is a monorepo managed by [lerna](https://github.com/lerna/lerna). Lerna manages the building and publishing of the budibase packages. At a high level, here are the packages that make up budibase. - **packages/builder** - contains code for the budibase builder client side svelte application. - **packages/client** - A module that runs in the browser responsible for reading JSON definition and creating living, breathing web apps from it. - **packages/cli** - The budibase CLI. This is the main module that gets downloaded from NPM and is responsible for creating and managing apps, as well as running the budibase server. - **packages/server** - The budibase server. This [Koa](https://koajs.com/) app is responsible for serving the JS for the builder and budibase apps, as well as providing the API for interaction with the database and file system. ## Glossary of Terms To understand the budibase API, it can be helpful to understand the top level entities that make up Budibase. ### Client A client represents a single budibase customer. Each budibase client will have 1 or more budibase servers. Every client is assigned a unique ID. ### App A client can have one or more budibase applications. Think of a budibase application as a tree. Budibase applications have one definition of what the front end will look like, ### Database An App can have one or more databases. Keeping with our [dendrology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendrology) analogy - think of an database as a branch on the tree. Databases are used to keep data separate for different instances of your app. For example, if you had a CRM app, you may create a database for your US office, and a database for your Australian office. Databases allow us to support [multitenancy](https://www.gartner.com/en/information-technology/glossary/multitenancy) in budibase applications. ### Model Models in budibase are almost akin to tables in relational databases. A model may be a "Car" or an "Employee". They are the main building blocks for the creation and management of backend data in budibase. ### View A View is an advanced feature in budibase that allows you to write a custom query using [MapReduce](https://pouchdb.com/guides/queries.html) queries. Views enable powerful query functionality and calculations, allowing you to do more with your data. ### Page A page in budibase is actually a single, self contained svelte web app. There are only 2 pages in budibase. The **login** page and the **main** page. ### Screen A screen is a component within a single page. Generally, screens represent client side routes, and can be switched without refreshing the page. ### Component A component is the basic frontend building block of a budibase app. ### Component Library Component libraries are collections of components as well as the definition of their props contained in a file called `components.json`. ## Contributing to Budibase * Please maintain the existing code style. * Please try to keep your commits small and focused. * Please write tests. * If the project diverges from your branch, please rebase instead of merging. This makes the commit graph easier to read. * Once your work is completed, please raise a PR against the main branch with some information about what has changed and why. ### Getting Started For Contributors ### 1. Prerequisites *yarn -* `npm install -g yarn` *jest* - `npm install -g jest` ### 2. Clone this repository `git clone https://github.com/Budibase/budibase.git` then `cd ` into your local copy. ### 3. Install and Build `yarn` to install project dependencies `yarn bootstrap` will install all budibase modules and symlink them together using lerna. `yarn build` will build all budibase packages. ### 4. Initialising Budibase and Creating a Budibase App `yarn initialise` will initialise your budibase installation. A Budibase apps folder will have been created in `~/.budibase`. This is a blank apps folder, so you will need to create yourself an app. ``` cd packages/server yarn run budi new your-app-name ``` This will create a new budibase application in the `~/.budibase/<your-app-uuid>` directory, and NPM install the component libraries for that application. Let's start building your app with the budibase builder! ### 4. Running To run the budibase server and builder in dev mode (i.e. with live reloading): 1. Open a new console 2. `yarn dev` (from root) 3. Access the builder on http://localhost:4001/_builder/ This will enable watch mode for both the builder app, server, client library and any component libraries. ### Running Commands from /server Directory Notice that when inside `packages/server`, you can use any Budibase CLI command via yarn: e.g. `yarn budi new mikes_app` == `budi new mikes_app` This will use the CLI directly from `packages/cli`, rather than your globally installed `budi` ## Data Storage When you are running locally, budibase stores data on disk using [PouchDB](https://pouchdb.com/), as well as some JSON on local files. After setting up budibase, you can find all of this data in the `~/.budibase` directory. A client can have one or more budibase applications. Budibase applications are stored in `~/.budibase/<app-uuid>`. Files used by your budibase application when running are stored in the `public` directory. Everything else is dev files used for the development of your apps in the builder. #### Frontend To see the current individual JSON definitions for your pages and screens used by the builder, have a look at `~/.budibase/<app-uuid>/pages`. For your actual running application (not in dev), the frontend tree structure of the application (known as `clientFrontendDefinition`) is stored as JSON on disk. This is what the budibase client library reads to create your app at runtime. This can be found at `~/.budibase/<app-uuid>/public/clientFrontendDefinition.js` The HTML and CSS for your apps runtime pages, as well as the budibase client library JS is stored at: - `~/.budibase/<app-uuid>/public/main` - `~/.budibase/<app-uuid>/public/unauthenticated` #### Backend The backend schema, models and records are stored using PouchDB when developing locally, and in [CouchDB](https://pouchdb.com/) when running in production. ### Publishing Budibase to NPM You can publish all the latest versions of the monorepo packages by running: ``` yarn publishnpm ``` from your root directory. ### Troubleshooting Sometimes, things go wrong. This can be due to incompatible updates on the budibase platform. To clear down your development environment and start again: ``` rm -rf ~/.budibase ``` Follow from **Step 3. Install and Build** in the setup guide above. You should have a fresh Budibase installation. ### Running tests #### End-to-end Tests Budibase uses Cypress to run a number of E2E tests. To run the tests execute the following command in the root folder: ``` yarn test:e2e ``` Or if you are in the builder you can run `yarn cy:test`. ### Other Useful Information * The contributors are listed in [AUTHORS.md](https://github.com/budibase/server/blob/master/AUTHORS.md) (add yourself). * This project uses a modified version of the MPLv2 license, see [LICENSE](https://github.com/budibase/server/blob/master/LICENSE). * We use the [C4 (Collective Code Construction Contract)](https://rfc.zeromq.org/spec:42/C4/) process for contributions. Please read this if you are unfamiliar with it.