import * as Sentry from "@sentry/browser" import posthog from "posthog-js" import api from "builderStore/api" let analyticsEnabled const posthogConfigured = process.env.POSTHOG_TOKEN && process.env.POSTHOG_URL const sentryConfigured = process.env.SENTRY_DSN async function activate() { if (analyticsEnabled === undefined) { // only the server knows the true NODE_ENV // this was an issue as NODE_ENV = 'cypress' on the server, // but 'production' on the client const response = await api.get("/api/analytics") analyticsEnabled = (await response.json()) === true } if (!analyticsEnabled) return if (sentryConfigured) Sentry.init({ dsn: process.env.SENTRY_DSN }) if (posthogConfigured) { posthog.init(process.env.POSTHOG_TOKEN, { api_host: process.env.POSTHOG_URL, }) posthog.set_config({ persistence: "cookie" }) } } function identify(id) { if (!analyticsEnabled || !id) return if (posthogConfigured) posthog.identify(id) if (sentryConfigured) Sentry.configureScope(scope => { scope.setUser({ id: id }) }) } async function identifyByApiKey(apiKey) { if (!analyticsEnabled) return true const response = await fetch( `${apiKey.trim()}` ) if (response.status === 200) { const id = await response.json() await api.put("/api/keys/userId", { value: id }) identify(id) return true } return false } function captureException(err) { if (!analyticsEnabled) return Sentry.captureException(err) captureEvent("Error", { error: err.message ? err.message : err }) } function captureEvent(eventName, props = {}) { if (!analyticsEnabled || !process.env.POSTHOG_TOKEN) return props.sourceApp = "builder" posthog.capture(eventName, props) } export default { activate, identify, identifyByApiKey, captureException, captureEvent, }