import { get } from "svelte/store" import { API } from "@/api" import { auth, admin } from "@/stores/portal" import { Constants } from "@budibase/frontend-core" import { StripeStatus } from "@/components/portal/licensing/constants" import { License, MonthlyQuotaName, PlanModel, QuotaUsage, StaticQuotaName, } from "@budibase/types" import { BudiStore } from "../BudiStore" const UNLIMITED = -1 const ONE_DAY_MILLIS = 86400000 type MonthlyMetrics = { [key in MonthlyQuotaName]?: number } type StaticMetrics = { [key in StaticQuotaName]?: number } type UsageMetrics = MonthlyMetrics & StaticMetrics interface LicensingState { goToUpgradePage: () => void goToPricingPage: () => void // the top level license license?: License isFreePlan: boolean isEnterprisePlan: boolean isBusinessPlan: boolean // features groupsEnabled: boolean backupsEnabled: boolean brandingEnabled: boolean scimEnabled: boolean environmentVariablesEnabled: boolean budibaseAIEnabled: boolean customAIConfigsEnabled: boolean auditLogsEnabled: boolean // the currently used quotas from the db quotaUsage?: QuotaUsage // derived quota metrics for percentages used usageMetrics?: UsageMetrics // quota reset quotaResetDaysRemaining?: number quotaResetDate?: Date // failed payments accountPastDue: boolean pastDueEndDate?: Date pastDueDaysRemaining?: number accountDowngraded: boolean // user limits userCount?: number userLimit?: number userLimitReached: boolean errUserLimit: boolean } class LicensingStore extends BudiStore { constructor() { super({ // navigation goToUpgradePage: () => {}, goToPricingPage: () => {}, // the top level license license: undefined, isFreePlan: true, isEnterprisePlan: true, isBusinessPlan: true, // features groupsEnabled: false, backupsEnabled: false, brandingEnabled: false, scimEnabled: false, environmentVariablesEnabled: false, budibaseAIEnabled: false, customAIConfigsEnabled: false, auditLogsEnabled: false, // the currently used quotas from the db quotaUsage: undefined, // derived quota metrics for percentages used usageMetrics: undefined, // quota reset quotaResetDaysRemaining: undefined, quotaResetDate: undefined, // failed payments accountPastDue: false, pastDueEndDate: undefined, pastDueDaysRemaining: undefined, accountDowngraded: false, // user limits userCount: undefined, userLimit: undefined, userLimitReached: false, errUserLimit: false, }) } usersLimitReached(userCount: number, userLimit = get( { if (userLimit === UNLIMITED || userLimit === undefined) { return false } return userCount >= userLimit } usersLimitExceeded(userCount: number, userLimit = get( { if (userLimit === UNLIMITED || userLimit === undefined) { return false } return userCount > userLimit } async isCloud() { let adminStore = get(admin) if (!adminStore.loaded) { await admin.init() adminStore = get(admin) } return } async init() { this.setNavigation() this.setLicense() await this.setQuotaUsage() } setNavigation() { const adminStore = get(admin) const authStore = get(auth) const upgradeUrl = authStore?.user?.accountPortalAccess ? `${adminStore.accountPortalUrl}/portal/upgrade` : "/builder/portal/account/upgrade" const goToUpgradePage = () => { window.location.href = upgradeUrl } const goToPricingPage = () => {"", "_blank") } this.update(state => { return { ...state, goToUpgradePage, goToPricingPage, } }) } setLicense() { const license = get(auth).user?.license const planType = license?.plan.type const features = license?.features || [] const isEnterprisePlan = planType === Constants.PlanType.ENTERPRISE const isFreePlan = planType === Constants.PlanType.FREE const isBusinessPlan = planType === Constants.PlanType.BUSINESS const isEnterpriseTrial = planType === Constants.PlanType.ENTERPRISE_BASIC_TRIAL const groupsEnabled = features.includes(Constants.Features.USER_GROUPS) const backupsEnabled = features.includes(Constants.Features.APP_BACKUPS) const scimEnabled = features.includes(Constants.Features.SCIM) const environmentVariablesEnabled = features.includes( Constants.Features.ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES ) const enforceableSSO = features.includes(Constants.Features.ENFORCEABLE_SSO) const brandingEnabled = features.includes(Constants.Features.BRANDING) const auditLogsEnabled = features.includes(Constants.Features.AUDIT_LOGS) const syncAutomationsEnabled = features.includes( Constants.Features.SYNC_AUTOMATIONS ) const triggerAutomationRunEnabled = features.includes( Constants.Features.TRIGGER_AUTOMATION_RUN ) const perAppBuildersEnabled = features.includes( Constants.Features.APP_BUILDERS ) const budibaseAIEnabled = features.includes(Constants.Features.BUDIBASE_AI) const customAIConfigsEnabled = features.includes( Constants.Features.AI_CUSTOM_CONFIGS ) this.update(state => { return { ...state, license, isEnterprisePlan, isFreePlan, isBusinessPlan, isEnterpriseTrial, groupsEnabled, backupsEnabled, brandingEnabled, budibaseAIEnabled, customAIConfigsEnabled, scimEnabled, environmentVariablesEnabled, auditLogsEnabled, enforceableSSO, syncAutomationsEnabled, triggerAutomationRunEnabled, perAppBuildersEnabled, } }) } async setQuotaUsage() { const quotaUsage = await API.getQuotaUsage() this.update(state => { return { ...state, quotaUsage, } }) await this.setUsageMetrics() } async setUsageMetrics() { const usage = get( const license = get(auth).user?.license const now = new Date() if (!license || !usage) { return } // Process monthly metrics const monthlyMetrics = [ MonthlyQuotaName.QUERIES, MonthlyQuotaName.AUTOMATIONS, ].reduce((acc: MonthlyMetrics, key) => { const limit = license.quotas.usage.monthly[key].value const used = ((usage.monthly.current?.[key] || 0) / limit) * 100 acc[key] = limit > -1 ? Math.floor(used) : -1 return acc }, {}) // Process static metrics const staticMetrics = [StaticQuotaName.APPS, StaticQuotaName.ROWS].reduce( (acc: StaticMetrics, key) => { const limit = license.quotas.usage.static[key].value const used = ((usage.usageQuota[key] || 0) / limit) * 100 acc[key] = limit > -1 ? Math.floor(used) : -1 return acc }, {} ) const getDaysBetween = (dateStart: Date, dateEnd: Date) => { return dateEnd > dateStart ? Math.round((dateEnd.getTime() - dateStart.getTime()) / ONE_DAY_MILLIS) : 0 } const quotaResetDate = new Date(usage.quotaReset) const quotaResetDaysRemaining = getDaysBetween(now, quotaResetDate) const accountDowngraded = !!license.billing?.subscription?.downgradeAt && license.billing?.subscription?.downgradeAt <= now.getTime() && license.billing?.subscription?.status === StripeStatus.PAST_DUE && license.plan.type === Constants.PlanType.FREE const pastDueAtMilliseconds = license.billing?.subscription?.pastDueAt const downgradeAtMilliseconds = license.billing?.subscription?.downgradeAt let pastDueDaysRemaining: number let pastDueEndDate: Date if (pastDueAtMilliseconds && downgradeAtMilliseconds) { pastDueEndDate = new Date(downgradeAtMilliseconds) pastDueDaysRemaining = getDaysBetween( new Date(pastDueAtMilliseconds), pastDueEndDate ) } const userQuota = license.quotas.usage.static.users const userLimit = userQuota.value const userCount = usage.usageQuota.users const userLimitReached = this.usersLimitReached(userCount, userLimit) const userLimitExceeded = this.usersLimitExceeded(userCount, userLimit) const isCloudAccount = await this.isCloud() const errUserLimit = isCloudAccount && license.plan.model === PlanModel.PER_USER && userLimitExceeded this.update(state => { return { ...state, usageMetrics: { ...monthlyMetrics, ...staticMetrics }, quotaResetDaysRemaining, quotaResetDate, accountDowngraded, accountPastDue: pastDueAtMilliseconds != null, pastDueEndDate, pastDueDaysRemaining, // user limits userCount, userLimit, userLimitReached, errUserLimit, } }) } } export const licensing = new LicensingStore()