# Budibase DigitalOcean One Click You will find in this directory configuration for packaging and creating a snapshot for the Budibase 1 click Digitalocean build. We use this configuration to have an immutable and reproducible build package for Digitalocean, that rarely needs updated. ## Prerequisites You must install Hashicorps `packer` to build the snapshot for digitalocean. Follow the instructions to install packer [here](https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/packer/get-started-install-cli) You must have the `DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN` environment variable set, so that packer can reach out to the digitalocean API for build information. ## Building Just run the following command: ``` ./build.sh ``` ## Uploading to Marketplace You can upload the snapshot to the Digitalocean vendor portal at the following link (Requires vendor account): https://marketplace.digitalocean.com/vendorportal