import { SourceNames, SqlQuery } from "../definitions/datasource" import { Datasource, Table } from "../definitions/common" import { DocumentTypes, SEPARATOR } from "../db/utils" import { FieldTypes, BuildSchemaErrors, InvalidColumns } from "../constants" const DOUBLE_SEPARATOR = `${SEPARATOR}${SEPARATOR}` const ROW_ID_REGEX = /^\[.*]$/g const SQL_TYPE_MAP = { text: FieldTypes.LONGFORM, varchar: FieldTypes.STRING, integer: FieldTypes.NUMBER, bigint: FieldTypes.NUMBER, decimal: FieldTypes.NUMBER, smallint: FieldTypes.NUMBER, real: FieldTypes.NUMBER, "double precision": FieldTypes.NUMBER, timestamp: FieldTypes.DATETIME, time: FieldTypes.DATETIME, boolean: FieldTypes.BOOLEAN, json: FieldTypes.JSON, date: FieldTypes.DATETIME, blob: FieldTypes.LONGFORM, enum: FieldTypes.STRING, float: FieldTypes.NUMBER, int: FieldTypes.NUMBER, numeric: FieldTypes.NUMBER, mediumint: FieldTypes.NUMBER, dec: FieldTypes.NUMBER, double: FieldTypes.NUMBER, fixed: FieldTypes.NUMBER, datetime: FieldTypes.DATETIME, tinyint: FieldTypes.BOOLEAN, long: FieldTypes.LONGFORM, number: FieldTypes.NUMBER, binary_float: FieldTypes.NUMBER, binary_double: FieldTypes.NUMBER, } export enum SqlClients { MS_SQL = "mssql", POSTGRES = "pg", MY_SQL = "mysql", ORACLE = "oracledb", } export function isExternalTable(tableId: string) { return tableId.includes(DocumentTypes.DATASOURCE) } export function buildExternalTableId(datasourceId: string, tableName: string) { return `${datasourceId}${DOUBLE_SEPARATOR}${tableName}` } export function breakExternalTableId(tableId: string) { const parts = tableId.split(DOUBLE_SEPARATOR) let tableName = parts.pop() // if they need joined let datasourceId = parts.join(DOUBLE_SEPARATOR) return { datasourceId, tableName } } export function generateRowIdField(keyProps: any[] = []) { if (!Array.isArray(keyProps)) { keyProps = [keyProps] } // this conserves order and types // we have to swap the double quotes to single quotes for use in HBS statements // when using the literal helper the double quotes can break things return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(keyProps).replace(/"/g, "'")) } export function isRowId(field: any) { return ( Array.isArray(field) || (typeof field === "string" && field.match(ROW_ID_REGEX) != null) ) } export function convertRowId(field: any) { if (Array.isArray(field)) { return field[0] } if (typeof field === "string" && field.match(ROW_ID_REGEX) != null) { return field.substring(1, field.length - 1) } return field } // should always return an array export function breakRowIdField(_id: string | { _id: string }): any[] { if (!_id) { return [] } // have to replace on the way back as we swapped out the double quotes // when encoding, but JSON can't handle the single quotes const id = typeof _id === "string" ? _id : _id._id const decoded: string = decodeURIComponent(id).replace(/'/g, '"') try { const parsed = JSON.parse(decoded) return Array.isArray(parsed) ? parsed : [parsed] } catch (err) { // wasn't json - likely was handlebars for a many to many return [_id] } } export function convertSqlType(type: string) { for (let [external, internal] of Object.entries(SQL_TYPE_MAP)) { if (type.toLowerCase().includes(external)) { return internal } } return FieldTypes.STRING } export function getSqlQuery(query: SqlQuery | string): SqlQuery { if (typeof query === "string") { return { sql: query } } else { return query } } export function isSQL(datasource: Datasource): boolean { if (!datasource || !datasource.source) { return false } const SQL = [ SourceNames.POSTGRES, SourceNames.SQL_SERVER, SourceNames.MYSQL, SourceNames.ORACLE, ] return SQL.indexOf(datasource.source) !== -1 } export function isIsoDateString(str: string) { if (!/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{3}Z/.test(str)) { return false } let d = new Date(str) return d.toISOString() === str } function shouldCopyRelationship(column: { type: string, tableId?: string }, tableIds: [string]) { return column.type === FieldTypes.LINK && column.tableId && tableIds.includes(column.tableId) } function shouldCopySpecialColumn(column: { type: string }, fetchedColumn: { type: string } | undefined) { return column.type === FieldTypes.OPTIONS || ((!fetchedColumn || fetchedColumn.type === FieldTypes.NUMBER) && column.type === FieldTypes.BOOLEAN) } // add the existing relationships from the entities if they exist, to prevent them from being overridden function copyExistingPropsOver( tableName: string, table: Table, entities: { [key: string]: any }, tableIds: [string] ) { if (entities && entities[tableName]) { if (entities[tableName].primaryDisplay) { table.primaryDisplay = entities[tableName].primaryDisplay } const existingTableSchema = entities[tableName].schema for (let key in existingTableSchema) { if (!existingTableSchema.hasOwnProperty(key)) { continue } const column = existingTableSchema[key] if ( shouldCopyRelationship(column, tableIds) || shouldCopySpecialColumn(column, table.schema[key]) ) { table.schema[key] = existingTableSchema[key] } } } return table } export function finaliseExternalTables( tables: { [key: string]: any }, entities: { [key: string]: any } ) { const invalidColumns = Object.values(InvalidColumns) let finalTables: { [key: string]: any } = {} const errors: { [key: string]: string } = {} // @ts-ignore const tableIds: [string] = Object.values(tables).map(table => table._id) for (let [name, table] of Object.entries(tables)) { const schemaFields = Object.keys(table.schema) // make sure every table has a key if (table.primary == null || table.primary.length === 0) { errors[name] = BuildSchemaErrors.NO_KEY continue } else if (schemaFields.find(field => invalidColumns.includes(field))) { errors[name] = BuildSchemaErrors.INVALID_COLUMN continue } // make sure all previous props have been added back finalTables[name] = copyExistingPropsOver(name, table, entities, tableIds) } // sort the tables by name finalTables = Object.entries(finalTables) .sort(([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b)) .reduce((r, [k, v]) => ({ ...r, [k]: v }), {}) return { tables: finalTables, errors } }