import * as setup from "./utilities" import { datasourceDescribe } from "../../../integrations/tests/utils" import tk from "timekeeper" import emitter from "../../../../src/events" import { outputProcessing } from "../../../utilities/rowProcessor" import { context, setEnv, InternalTable, tenancy, utils, } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { quotas } from "@budibase/pro" import { AIOperationEnum, AutoFieldSubType, Datasource, DeleteRow, FieldSchema, FieldType, BBReferenceFieldSubType, FormulaType, INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, QuotaUsageType, RelationshipType, Row, SaveTableRequest, StaticQuotaName, Table, TableSourceType, UpdatedRowEventEmitter, TableSchema, JsonFieldSubType, RowExportFormat, RelationSchemaField, FormulaResponseType, } from "@budibase/types" import { generator, mocks } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests" import _, { merge } from "lodash" import * as uuid from "uuid" import { Knex } from "knex" import { InternalTables } from "../../../db/utils" import { withEnv } from "../../../environment" import { JsTimeoutError } from "@budibase/string-templates" import { isDate } from "../../../utilities" import nock from "nock" import { mockChatGPTResponse } from "../../../tests/utilities/mocks/openai" const timestamp = new Date("2023-01-26T11:48:57.597Z").toISOString() tk.freeze(timestamp) interface WaitOptions { name: string matchFn?: (event: any) => boolean } async function waitForEvent( opts: WaitOptions, callback: () => Promise ): Promise { const p = new Promise((resolve: any) => { const listener = (event: any) => { if (opts.matchFn && !opts.matchFn(event)) { return } resolve(event), listener) } emitter.on(, listener) }) await callback() return await p } function encodeJS(binding: string) { return `{{ js "${Buffer.from(binding).toString("base64")}"}}` } const descriptions = datasourceDescribe({ plus: true }) if (descriptions.length) { describe.each(descriptions)( "/rows ($dbName)", ({ config, dsProvider, isInternal, isMSSQL, isOracle }) => { let table: Table let datasource: Datasource | undefined let client: Knex | undefined beforeAll(async () => { const ds = await dsProvider() datasource = ds.datasource client = ds.client mocks.licenses.useCloudFree() }) afterAll(async () => { setup.afterAll() }) function saveTableRequest( // We omit the name field here because it's generated in the function with a // high likelihood to be unique. Tests should not have any reason to control // the table name they're writing to. ...overrides: Partial>[] ): SaveTableRequest { const defaultSchema: TableSchema = { id: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "id", autocolumn: true, constraints: { presence: true, }, }, } for (const override of overrides) { if (override.primary) { delete } } const req: SaveTableRequest = { name: uuid.v4().substring(0, 10), type: "table", sourceType: datasource ? TableSourceType.EXTERNAL : TableSourceType.INTERNAL, sourceId: datasource ? datasource._id! : INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, primary: ["id"], schema: defaultSchema, } const merged = merge(req, ...overrides) return merged } function defaultTable( // We omit the name field here because it's generated in the function with a // high likelihood to be unique. Tests should not have any reason to control // the table name they're writing to. ...overrides: Partial>[] ): SaveTableRequest { return saveTableRequest( { primaryDisplay: "name", schema: { name: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "name", constraints: { type: "string", }, }, description: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "description", constraints: { type: "string", }, }, }, }, ...overrides ) } const resetRowUsage = async () => { await config.doInContext( undefined, async () => await quotas.setUsage( 0, StaticQuotaName.ROWS, QuotaUsageType.STATIC ) ) } const getRowUsage = async () => { const { total } = await config.doInContext(undefined, () => quotas.getCurrentUsageValues( QuotaUsageType.STATIC, StaticQuotaName.ROWS ) ) return total } const assertRowUsage = async (expected: number) => { const usage = await getRowUsage() // Because our quota tracking is not perfect, we allow a 10% margin of // error. This is to account for the fact that parallel writes can result // in some quota updates getting lost. We don't have any need to solve this // right now, so we just allow for some error. if (expected === 0) { expect(usage).toEqual(0) return } expect(usage).toBeGreaterThan(expected * 0.9) expect(usage).toBeLessThan(expected * 1.1) } const defaultRowFields = isInternal ? { type: "row", createdAt: timestamp, updatedAt: timestamp, } : undefined beforeAll(async () => { table = await }) beforeEach(async () => { await resetRowUsage() }) describe("create", () => { it("creates a new row successfully", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const row = await!, { name: "Test Contact", }) expect("Test Contact") expect(row._rev).toBeDefined() await assertRowUsage(isInternal ? rowUsage + 1 : rowUsage) }) it("fails to create a row for a table that does not exist", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await"1234567", {}, { status: 404 }) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) it("fails to create a row if required fields are missing", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { required: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "required", constraints: { type: "string", presence: true, }, }, }, }) ) await table._id!, {}, { status: 500, body: { validationErrors: { required: ["can't be blank"], }, }, } ) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) isInternal && it("increment row autoId per create row request", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const newTable = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { "Row ID": { name: "Row ID", type: FieldType.NUMBER, subtype: AutoFieldSubType.AUTO_ID, icon: "ri-magic-line", autocolumn: true, constraints: { type: "number", presence: true, numericality: { greaterThanOrEqualTo: "", lessThanOrEqualTo: "", }, }, }, }, }) ) let previousId = 0 for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { const row = await!, {}) expect(row["Row ID"]).toBeGreaterThan(previousId) previousId = row["Row ID"] } await assertRowUsage(isInternal ? rowUsage + 10 : rowUsage) }) isInternal && it("should increment auto ID correctly when creating rows in parallel", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { "Row ID": { name: "Row ID", type: FieldType.NUMBER, subtype: AutoFieldSubType.AUTO_ID, icon: "ri-magic-line", autocolumn: true, constraints: { type: "number", presence: true, numericality: { greaterThanOrEqualTo: "", lessThanOrEqualTo: "", }, }, }, }, }) ) const sequence = Array(50) .fill(0) .map((_, i) => i + 1) // This block of code is simulating users creating auto ID rows at the // same time. It's expected that this operation will sometimes return // a document conflict error (409), but the idea is to retry in those // situations. The code below does this a large number of times with // small, random delays between them to try and get through the list // as quickly as possible. await Promise.all( () => { const attempts = 30 for (let attempt = 0; attempt < attempts; attempt++) { try { await!, {}) return } catch (e) { await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, Math.random() * 50)) } } throw new Error( `Failed to create row after ${attempts} attempts` ) }) ) const rows = await config.api.row.fetch(table._id!) expect(rows).toHaveLength(50) // The main purpose of this test is to ensure that even under pressure, // we maintain data integrity. An auto ID column should hand out // monotonically increasing unique integers no matter what. const ids = => r["Row ID"]) expect(ids).toEqual(expect.arrayContaining(sequence)) }) isInternal && it("doesn't allow creating in user table", async () => { const response = await InternalTable.USER_METADATA, { firstName: "Joe", lastName: "Joe", email: "", roles: {}, }, { status: 400 } ) expect(response.message).toBe("Cannot create new user entry.") }) it("should not mis-parse date string out of JSON", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "name", }, }, }) ) const row = await!, { name: `{ "foo": "2023-01-26T11:48:57.000Z" }`, }) expect(`{ "foo": "2023-01-26T11:48:57.000Z" }`) }) describe("default values", () => { let table: Table describe("string column", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { description: { name: "description", type: FieldType.STRING, default: "default description", }, }, }) ) }) it("creates a new row with a default value successfully", async () => { const row = await!, {}) expect(row.description).toEqual("default description") }) it("does not use default value if value specified", async () => { const row = await!, { description: "specified description", }) expect(row.description).toEqual("specified description") }) it("uses the default value if value is null", async () => { const row = await!, { description: null, }) expect(row.description).toEqual("default description") }) it("uses the default value if value is undefined", async () => { const row = await!, { description: undefined, }) expect(row.description).toEqual("default description") }) }) describe("number column", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { age: { name: "age", type: FieldType.NUMBER, default: "25", }, }, }) ) }) it("creates a new row with a default value successfully", async () => { const row = await!, {}) expect(row.age).toEqual(25) }) it("does not use default value if value specified", async () => { const row = await!, { age: 30, }) expect(row.age).toEqual(30) }) }) describe("date column", () => { it("creates a row with a default value successfully", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { date: { name: "date", type: FieldType.DATETIME, default: "2023-01-26T11:48:57.000Z", }, }, }) ) const row = await!, {}) expect("2023-01-26T11:48:57.000Z") }) it("gives an error if the default value is invalid", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { date: { name: "date", type: FieldType.DATETIME, default: "invalid", }, }, }) ) await table._id!, {}, { status: 400, body: { message: `Invalid default value for field 'date' - Invalid date value: "invalid"`, }, } ) }) }) describe("options column", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { status: { name: "status", type: FieldType.OPTIONS, default: "requested", constraints: { inclusion: ["requested", "approved"], }, }, }, }) ) }) it("creates a new row with a default value successfully", async () => { const row = await!, {}) expect(row.status).toEqual("requested") }) it("does not use default value if value specified", async () => { const row = await!, { status: "approved", }) expect(row.status).toEqual("approved") }) }) describe("array column", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { food: { name: "food", type: FieldType.ARRAY, default: ["apple", "orange"], constraints: { type: JsonFieldSubType.ARRAY, inclusion: ["apple", "orange", "banana"], }, }, }, }) ) }) it("creates a new row with a default value successfully", async () => { const row = await!, {}) expect(["apple", "orange"]) }) it("creates a new row with a default value when given an empty list", async () => { const row = await!, { food: [] }) expect(["apple", "orange"]) }) it("does not use default value if value specified", async () => { const row = await!, { food: ["orange"], }) expect(["orange"]) }) it("resets back to its default value when empty", async () => { let row = await!, { food: ["orange"], }) row = await!, { ...row, food: [] }) expect(["apple", "orange"]) }) }) describe("user column", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { user: { name: "user", type: FieldType.BB_REFERENCE_SINGLE, subtype: BBReferenceFieldSubType.USER, default: "{{ [Current User]._id }}", }, }, }) ) }) it("creates a new row with a default value successfully", async () => { const row = await!, {}) expect(row.user._id).toEqual(config.getUser()._id) }) it("does not use default value if value specified", async () => { const id = `us_${utils.newid()}` await config.createUser({ _id: id }) const row = await!, { user: id, }) expect(row.user._id).toEqual(id) }) }) describe("multi-user column", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { users: { name: "users", type: FieldType.BB_REFERENCE, subtype: BBReferenceFieldSubType.USER, default: ["{{ [Current User]._id }}"], }, }, }) ) }) it("creates a new row with a default value successfully", async () => { const row = await!, {}) expect(row.users).toHaveLength(1) expect(row.users[0]._id).toEqual(config.getUser()._id) }) it("does not use default value if value specified", async () => { const id = `us_${utils.newid()}` await config.createUser({ _id: id }) const row = await!, { users: [id], }) expect(row.users).toHaveLength(1) expect(row.users[0]._id).toEqual(id) }) }) describe("boolean column", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { active: { name: "active", type: FieldType.BOOLEAN, default: "true", }, }, }) ) }) it("creates a new row with a default value successfully", async () => { const row = await!, {}) expect( }) it("does not use default value if value specified", async () => { const row = await!, { active: false, }) expect( }) }) describe("bigint column", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { bigNumber: { name: "bigNumber", type: FieldType.BIGINT, default: "1234567890", }, }, }) ) }) it("creates a new row with a default value successfully", async () => { const row = await!, {}) expect(row.bigNumber).toEqual("1234567890") }) it("does not use default value if value specified", async () => { const row = await!, { bigNumber: "9876543210", }) expect(row.bigNumber).toEqual("9876543210") }) }) describe("bindings", () => { describe("string column", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { description: { name: "description", type: FieldType.STRING, default: `{{ date now "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss" }}`, }, }, }) ) }) it("can use bindings in default values", async () => { const row = await!, {}) expect(row.description).toMatch( /^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}/ ) }) it("does not use default value if value specified", async () => { const row = await!, { description: "specified description", }) expect(row.description).toEqual("specified description") }) it("can bind the current user", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { user: { name: "user", type: FieldType.STRING, default: `{{ [Current User]._id }}`, }, }, }) ) const row = await!, {}) expect(row.user).toEqual(config.getUser()._id) }) it("cannot access current user password", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { user: { name: "user", type: FieldType.STRING, default: `{{ user.password }}`, }, }, }) ) const row = await!, {}) // For some reason it's null for internal tables, and undefined for // external. expect(row.user == null).toBe(true) }) }) describe("number column", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { age: { name: "age", type: FieldType.NUMBER, default: `{{ sum 10 10 5 }}`, }, }, }) ) }) it("can use bindings in default values", async () => { const row = await!, {}) expect(row.age).toEqual(25) }) describe("invalid default value", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { age: { name: "age", type: FieldType.NUMBER, default: `{{ capitalize "invalid" }}`, }, }, }) ) }) it("throws an error when invalid default value", async () => { await table._id!, {}, { status: 400, body: { message: "Invalid default value for field 'age' - Invalid number value \"Invalid\"", }, } ) }) }) }) }) }) describe("relations to same table", () => { let relatedRows: Row[] beforeAll(async () => { const relatedTable = await defaultTable({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING }, }, }) ) const relatedTableId = relatedTable._id! table = await defaultTable({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING }, related1: { type: FieldType.LINK, name: "related1", fieldName: "main1", tableId: relatedTableId, relationshipType: RelationshipType.MANY_TO_MANY, }, related2: { type: FieldType.LINK, name: "related2", fieldName: "main2", tableId: relatedTableId, relationshipType: RelationshipType.MANY_TO_MANY, }, }, }) ) relatedRows = await Promise.all([, { name: "foo" }),, { name: "bar" }),, { name: "baz" }),, { name: "boo" }), ]) }) it("can create rows with both relationships", async () => { const row = await!, { name: "test", related1: [relatedRows[0]._id!], related2: [relatedRows[1]._id!], }) expect(row).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ name: "test", related1: [ { _id: relatedRows[0]._id, primaryDisplay: relatedRows[0].name, }, ], related2: [ { _id: relatedRows[1]._id, primaryDisplay: relatedRows[1].name, }, ], }) ) }) it("can create rows with no relationships", async () => { const row = await!, { name: "test", }) expect(row.related1).toBeUndefined() expect(row.related2).toBeUndefined() }) it("can create rows with only one relationships field", async () => { const row = await!, { name: "test", related1: [], related2: [relatedRows[1]._id!], }) expect(row).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ name: "test", related2: [ { _id: relatedRows[1]._id, primaryDisplay: relatedRows[1].name, }, ], }) ) expect(row.related1).toBeUndefined() }) }) }) describe("get", () => { it("reads an existing row successfully", async () => { const existing = await!, {}) const res = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, existing._id!) expect(res).toEqual({ ...existing, ...defaultRowFields, }) }) it("returns 404 when row does not exist", async () => { const table = await await!, {}) await config.api.row.get(table._id!, "1234567", { status: 404, }) }) isInternal && it("can search row from user table", async () => { const res = await config.api.row.get( InternalTables.USER_METADATA, config.userMetadataId! ) expect(res).toEqual({ ...config.getUser(), _id: config.userMetadataId!, _rev: expect.any(String), roles: undefined, roleId: "ADMIN", tableId: InternalTables.USER_METADATA, }) }) }) describe("fetch", () => { it("fetches all rows for given tableId", async () => { const table = await const rows = await Promise.all([!, {}),!, {}), ]) const res = await config.api.row.fetch(table._id!) expect( => r._id)).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( => r._id)) ) }) it("returns 404 when table does not exist", async () => { await config.api.row.fetch("1234567", { status: 404 }) }) }) describe("update", () => { it("updates an existing row successfully", async () => { const existing = await!, {}) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await!, { _id: existing._id, _rev: existing._rev, name: "Updated Name", }) expect("Updated Name") await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) !isInternal && it("can update a row on an external table with a primary key", async () => { const tableName = uuid.v4().substring(0, 10) await client!.schema.createTable(tableName, table => { table.increments("id").primary() table.string("name") }) const res = await config.api.datasource.fetchSchema({ datasourceId: datasource!._id!, }) const table = res.datasource.entities![tableName] const row = await!, { id: 1, name: "Row 1", }) const updatedRow = await!, { _id: row._id!, name: "Row 1 Updated", }) expect("Row 1 Updated") const rows = await config.api.row.fetch(table._id!) expect(rows).toHaveLength(1) }) describe("relations to same table", () => { let relatedRows: Row[] beforeAll(async () => { const relatedTable = await defaultTable({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING }, }, }) ) const relatedTableId = relatedTable._id! table = await defaultTable({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING }, related1: { type: FieldType.LINK, name: "related1", fieldName: "main1", tableId: relatedTableId, relationshipType: RelationshipType.MANY_TO_MANY, }, related2: { type: FieldType.LINK, name: "related2", fieldName: "main2", tableId: relatedTableId, relationshipType: RelationshipType.MANY_TO_MANY, }, }, }) ) relatedRows = await Promise.all([, { name: "foo" }),, { name: "bar" }),, { name: "baz" }),, { name: "boo" }), ]) }) it("can edit rows with both relationships", async () => { let row = await!, { name: "test", related1: [relatedRows[0]._id!], related2: [relatedRows[1]._id!], }) row = await!, { ...row, related1: [relatedRows[0]._id!, relatedRows[1]._id!], related2: [relatedRows[2]._id!], }) expect(row).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ name: "test", related1: expect.arrayContaining([ { _id: relatedRows[0]._id, primaryDisplay: relatedRows[0].name, }, { _id: relatedRows[1]._id, primaryDisplay: relatedRows[1].name, }, ]), related2: [ { _id: relatedRows[2]._id, primaryDisplay: relatedRows[2].name, }, ], }) ) }) it("can drop existing relationship", async () => { let row = await!, { name: "test", related1: [relatedRows[0]._id!], related2: [relatedRows[1]._id!], }) row = await!, { ...row, related1: [], related2: [relatedRows[2]._id!], }) expect(row).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ name: "test", related2: [ { _id: relatedRows[2]._id, primaryDisplay: relatedRows[2].name, }, ], }) ) expect(row.related1).toBeUndefined() }) it("can drop both relationships", async () => { let row = await!, { name: "test", related1: [relatedRows[0]._id!], related2: [relatedRows[1]._id!], }) row = await!, { ...row, related1: [], related2: [], }) expect(row).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ name: "test", }) ) expect(row.related1).toBeUndefined() expect(row.related2).toBeUndefined() }) }) }) describe("patch", () => { let otherTable: Table beforeAll(async () => { table = await otherTable = await defaultTable({ schema: { relationship: { name: "relationship", relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: table._id!, fieldName: "relationship", }, }, }) ) }) it("should update only the fields that are supplied", async () => { const existing = await!, {}) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const row = await config.api.row.patch(table._id!, { _id: existing._id!, _rev: existing._rev!, tableId: table._id!, name: "Updated Name", }) expect("Updated Name") expect(row.description).toEqual(existing.description) const savedRow = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!) expect(savedRow.description).toEqual(existing.description) expect("Updated Name") await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) it("should update only the fields that are supplied and emit the correct oldRow", async () => { let beforeRow = await!, { name: "test", description: "test", }) const opts = { name: "row:update", matchFn: (event: UpdatedRowEventEmitter) => event.row._id === beforeRow._id, } const event = await waitForEvent(opts, async () => { await config.api.row.patch(table._id!, { _id: beforeRow._id!, _rev: beforeRow._rev!, tableId: table._id!, name: "Updated Name", }) }) expect(event.oldRow).toBeDefined() expect("test") expect("Updated Name") expect(event.oldRow.description).toEqual(beforeRow.description) expect(event.row.description).toEqual(beforeRow.description) }) it("should throw an error when given improper types", async () => { const existing = await!, {}) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await config.api.row.patch( table._id!, { _id: existing._id!, _rev: existing._rev!, tableId: table._id!, name: 1, }, { status: 400 } ) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) it("should not overwrite links if those links are not set", async () => { let linkField: FieldSchema = { type: FieldType.LINK, name: "", fieldName: "", constraints: { type: "array", presence: false, }, relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, tableId: InternalTable.USER_METADATA, } let table = await{ name: "TestTable", type: "table", sourceType: TableSourceType.INTERNAL, sourceId: INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, schema: { user1: { ...linkField, name: "user1", fieldName: "user1" }, user2: { ...linkField, name: "user2", fieldName: "user2" }, }, }) let user1 = await config.createUser() let user2 = await config.createUser() let row = await!, { user1: [{ _id: user1._id }], user2: [{ _id: user2._id }], }) let getResp = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!) expect(getResp.user1[0]._id).toEqual(user1._id) expect(getResp.user2[0]._id).toEqual(user2._id) let patchResp = await config.api.row.patch(table._id!, { _id: row._id!, _rev: row._rev!, tableId: table._id!, user1: [{ _id: user2._id }], }) expect(patchResp.user1[0]._id).toEqual(user2._id) expect(patchResp.user2[0]._id).toEqual(user2._id) getResp = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!) expect(getResp.user1[0]._id).toEqual(user2._id) expect(getResp.user2[0]._id).toEqual(user2._id) }) it("should be able to remove a relationship from many side", async () => { const row = await!, { name: "test", description: "test", }) const row2 = await!, { name: "test", description: "test", }) const { _id } = await!, { relationship: [{ _id: row._id }, { _id: row2._id }], }) const relatedRow = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, _id!, { status: 200, }) expect(relatedRow.relationship.length).toEqual(2) await!, { ...relatedRow, relationship: [{ _id: row._id }], }) const afterRelatedRow = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, _id!, { status: 200, }) expect(afterRelatedRow.relationship.length).toEqual(1) expect(afterRelatedRow.relationship[0]._id).toEqual(row._id) }) it("should be able to update relationships when both columns are same name", async () => { let row = await!, { name: "test", description: "test", }) let row2 = await!, { name: "test", description: "test", relationship: [row._id], }) row = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!) expect(row.relationship.length).toBe(1) const resp = await config.api.row.patch(table._id!, { _id: row._id!, _rev: row._rev!, tableId: row.tableId!, name: "test2", relationship: [row2._id], }) expect(resp.relationship.length).toBe(1) }) it("should be able to keep linked data when updating from views that trims links from the main table", async () => { let row = await!, { name: "main", description: "main description", }) const row2 = await!, { name: "link", description: "link description", relationship: [row._id], }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: table._id!, name: "view", schema: { name: { visible: true }, }, }) const resp = await config.api.row.patch(, { _id: row._id!, _rev: row._rev!, tableId: row.tableId!, name: "test2", relationship: [row2._id], }) expect(resp.relationship).toBeUndefined() const updatedRow = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!) expect(updatedRow.relationship.length).toBe(1) }) it("should be able to keep linked data when updating from views that trims links from the foreign table", async () => { let row = await!, { name: "main", description: "main description", }) const row2 = await!, { name: "link", description: "link description", relationship: [row._id], }) const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ tableId: otherTable._id!, name: "view", }) await config.api.row.patch(, { _id: row2._id!, _rev: row2._rev!, tableId: row2.tableId!, }) const updatedRow = await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!) expect(updatedRow.relationship.length).toBe(1) }) !isInternal && // MSSQL needs a setting called IDENTITY_INSERT to be set to ON to allow writing // to identity columns. This is not something Budibase does currently. !isMSSQL && it("should support updating fields that are part of a composite key", async () => { const tableRequest = saveTableRequest({ primary: ["number", "string"], schema: { string: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "string", }, number: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "number", }, }, }) delete const table = await const stringValue = generator.word() // MySQL and MariaDB auto-increment fields have a minimum value of 1. If // you try to save a row with a value of 0 it will use 1 instead. const naturalValue = generator.integer({ min: 1, max: 1000 }) const existing = await!, { string: stringValue, number: naturalValue, }) expect(existing._id).toEqual( `%5B${naturalValue}%2C'${stringValue}'%5D` ) const row = await config.api.row.patch(table._id!, { _id: existing._id!, _rev: existing._rev!, tableId: table._id!, string: stringValue, number: 1500, }) expect(row._id).toEqual(`%5B${"1500"}%2C'${stringValue}'%5D`) }) }) describe("destroy", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await }) it("should be able to delete a row", async () => { const createdRow = await!, {}) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.bulkDelete(table._id!, { rows: [createdRow], }) expect(res[0]._id).toEqual(createdRow._id) await assertRowUsage(isInternal ? rowUsage - 1 : rowUsage) }) it("should be able to delete a row with ID only", async () => { const createdRow = await!, {}) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.bulkDelete(table._id!, { rows: [createdRow._id!], }) expect(res[0]._id).toEqual(createdRow._id) expect(res[0].tableId).toEqual(table._id!) await assertRowUsage(isInternal ? rowUsage - 1 : rowUsage) }) it("should be able to bulk delete rows, including a row that doesn't exist", async () => { const createdRow = await!, {}) const createdRow2 = await!, {}) const res = await config.api.row.bulkDelete(table._id!, { rows: [createdRow, createdRow2, { _id: "9999999" }], }) expect( => r._id)).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([createdRow._id, createdRow2._id]) ) expect(res.length).toEqual(2) }) describe("relations to same table", () => { let relatedRows: Row[] beforeAll(async () => { const relatedTable = await defaultTable({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING }, }, }) ) const relatedTableId = relatedTable._id! table = await defaultTable({ schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING }, related1: { type: FieldType.LINK, name: "related1", fieldName: "main1", tableId: relatedTableId, relationshipType: RelationshipType.MANY_TO_MANY, }, related2: { type: FieldType.LINK, name: "related2", fieldName: "main2", tableId: relatedTableId, relationshipType: RelationshipType.MANY_TO_MANY, }, }, }) ) relatedRows = await Promise.all([, { name: "foo" }),, { name: "bar" }),, { name: "baz" }),, { name: "boo" }), ]) }) it("can delete rows with both relationships", async () => { const row = await!, { name: "test", related1: [relatedRows[0]._id!], related2: [relatedRows[1]._id!], }) await config.api.row.delete(table._id!, { _id: row._id! }) await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!, { status: 404 }) }) it("can delete rows with empty relationships", async () => { const row = await!, { name: "test", related1: [], related2: [], }) await config.api.row.delete(table._id!, { _id: row._id! }) await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row._id!, { status: 404 }) }) }) }) describe("validate", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await }) it("should return no errors on valid row", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.validate(table._id!, { name: "ivan", }) expect(res.valid).toBe(true) expect(Object.keys(res.errors)).toEqual([]) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) it("should errors on invalid row", async () => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.validate(table._id!, { name: 1 }) if (isInternal) { expect(res.valid).toBe(false) expect(Object.keys(res.errors)).toEqual(["name"]) } else { // Validation for external is not implemented, so it will always return valid expect(res.valid).toBe(true) expect(Object.keys(res.errors)).toEqual([]) } await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) }) describe("bulkDelete", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await }) it("should be able to delete a bulk set of rows", async () => { const row1 = await!, {}) const row2 = await!, {}) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.bulkDelete(table._id!, { rows: [row1, row2], }) expect(res.length).toEqual(2) await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row1._id!, { status: 404 }) await assertRowUsage(isInternal ? rowUsage - 2 : rowUsage) }) it("should be able to delete a variety of row set types", async () => { const [row1, row2, row3] = await Promise.all([!, {}),!, {}),!, {}), ]) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.bulkDelete(table._id!, { rows: [row1, row2._id!, { _id: row3._id }], }) expect(res.length).toEqual(3) await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row1._id!, { status: 404 }) await assertRowUsage(isInternal ? rowUsage - 3 : rowUsage) }) it("should accept a valid row object and delete the row", async () => { const row1 = await!, {}) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() const res = await config.api.row.delete(table._id!, row1 as DeleteRow) expect( await config.api.row.get(table._id!, row1._id!, { status: 404 }) await assertRowUsage(isInternal ? rowUsage - 1 : rowUsage) }) it.each([{ not: "valid" }, { rows: 123 }, "invalid"])( "should ignore malformed/invalid delete request: %s", async (request: any) => { const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await config.api.row.delete(table._id!, request, { status: 400, body: { message: "Invalid delete rows request", }, }) await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) } ) }) describe("bulkImport", () => { isInternal && it("should update Auto ID field after bulk import", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ primary: ["autoId"], schema: { autoId: { name: "autoId", type: FieldType.NUMBER, subtype: AutoFieldSubType.AUTO_ID, autocolumn: true, constraints: { type: "number", presence: false, }, }, }, }) ) let row = await!, {}) expect(row.autoId).toEqual(1) await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [{ autoId: 2 }], }) row = await!, {}) expect(row.autoId).toEqual(3) }) isInternal && it("should reject bulkImporting relationship fields", async () => { const table1 = await const table2 = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { relationship: { name: "relationship", type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: table1._id!, relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, fieldName: "relationship", }, }, }) ) const table1Row1 = await!, {}) await config.api.row.bulkImport( table2._id!, { rows: [{ relationship: [table1Row1._id!] }], }, { status: 400, body: { message: 'Can\'t bulk import relationship fields for internal databases, found value in field "relationship"', }, } ) }) it("should be able to bulkImport rows", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "name", }, description: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "description", }, }, }) ) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [ { name: "Row 1", description: "Row 1 description", }, { name: "Row 2", description: "Row 2 description", }, ], }) const rows = await config.api.row.fetch(table._id!) expect(rows.length).toEqual(2) rows.sort((a, b) => expect(rows[0].name).toEqual("Row 1") expect(rows[0].description).toEqual("Row 1 description") expect(rows[1].name).toEqual("Row 2") expect(rows[1].description).toEqual("Row 2 description") await assertRowUsage(isInternal ? rowUsage + 2 : rowUsage) }) isInternal && it("should be able to update existing rows on bulkImport", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "name", }, description: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "description", }, }, }) ) const existingRow = await!, { name: "Existing row", description: "Existing description", }) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [ { name: "Row 1", description: "Row 1 description", }, { ...existingRow, name: "Updated existing row" }, { name: "Row 2", description: "Row 2 description", }, ], identifierFields: ["_id"], }) const rows = await config.api.row.fetch(table._id!) expect(rows.length).toEqual(3) rows.sort((a, b) => expect(rows[0].name).toEqual("Row 1") expect(rows[0].description).toEqual("Row 1 description") expect(rows[1].name).toEqual("Row 2") expect(rows[1].description).toEqual("Row 2 description") expect(rows[2].name).toEqual("Updated existing row") expect(rows[2].description).toEqual("Existing description") await assertRowUsage(rowUsage + 2) }) isInternal && it("should create new rows if not identifierFields are provided", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { name: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "name", }, description: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "description", }, }, }) ) const existingRow = await!, { name: "Existing row", description: "Existing description", }) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { rows: [ { name: "Row 1", description: "Row 1 description", }, { ...existingRow, name: "Updated existing row" }, { name: "Row 2", description: "Row 2 description", }, ], }) const rows = await config.api.row.fetch(table._id!) expect(rows.length).toEqual(4) rows.sort((a, b) => expect(rows[0].name).toEqual("Existing row") expect(rows[0].description).toEqual("Existing description") expect(rows[1].name).toEqual("Row 1") expect(rows[1].description).toEqual("Row 1 description") expect(rows[2].name).toEqual("Row 2") expect(rows[2].description).toEqual("Row 2 description") expect(rows[3].name).toEqual("Updated existing row") expect(rows[3].description).toEqual("Existing description") await assertRowUsage(rowUsage + 3) }) // Upserting isn't yet supported in MSSQL / Oracle, see: // !isMSSQL && !isOracle && it("should be able to update existing rows with bulkImport", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ primary: ["userId"], schema: { userId: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "userId", constraints: { presence: true, }, }, name: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "name", }, description: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "description", }, }, }) ) const row1 = await!, { userId: 1, name: "Row 1", description: "Row 1 description", }) const row2 = await!, { userId: 2, name: "Row 2", description: "Row 2 description", }) await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { identifierFields: ["userId"], rows: [ { userId: row1.userId, name: "Row 1 updated", description: "Row 1 description updated", }, { userId: row2.userId, name: "Row 2 updated", description: "Row 2 description updated", }, { userId: 3, name: "Row 3", description: "Row 3 description", }, ], }) const rows = await config.api.row.fetch(table._id!) expect(rows.length).toEqual(3) rows.sort((a, b) => expect(rows[0].name).toEqual("Row 1 updated") expect(rows[0].description).toEqual("Row 1 description updated") expect(rows[1].name).toEqual("Row 2 updated") expect(rows[1].description).toEqual("Row 2 description updated") expect(rows[2].name).toEqual("Row 3") expect(rows[2].description).toEqual("Row 3 description") }) // Upserting isn't yet supported in MSSQL or Oracle, see: // !isMSSQL && !isOracle && !isInternal && it("should be able to update existing rows with composite primary keys with bulkImport", async () => { const tableName = uuid.v4() await client?.schema.createTable(tableName, table => { table.integer("companyId") table.integer("userId") table.string("name") table.string("description") table.primary(["companyId", "userId"]) }) const resp = await config.api.datasource.fetchSchema({ datasourceId: datasource!._id!, }) const table = resp.datasource.entities![tableName] const row1 = await!, { companyId: 1, userId: 1, name: "Row 1", description: "Row 1 description", }) const row2 = await!, { companyId: 1, userId: 2, name: "Row 2", description: "Row 2 description", }) await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { identifierFields: ["companyId", "userId"], rows: [ { companyId: 1, userId: row1.userId, name: "Row 1 updated", description: "Row 1 description updated", }, { companyId: 1, userId: row2.userId, name: "Row 2 updated", description: "Row 2 description updated", }, { companyId: 1, userId: 3, name: "Row 3", description: "Row 3 description", }, ], }) const rows = await config.api.row.fetch(table._id!) expect(rows.length).toEqual(3) rows.sort((a, b) => expect(rows[0].name).toEqual("Row 1 updated") expect(rows[0].description).toEqual("Row 1 description updated") expect(rows[1].name).toEqual("Row 2 updated") expect(rows[1].description).toEqual("Row 2 description updated") expect(rows[2].name).toEqual("Row 3") expect(rows[2].description).toEqual("Row 3 description") }) // Upserting isn't yet supported in MSSQL/Oracle, see: // !isMSSQL && !isOracle && !isInternal && it("should be able to update existing rows an autoID primary key", async () => { const tableName = uuid.v4() await client!.schema.createTable(tableName, table => { table.increments("userId").primary() table.string("name") }) const resp = await config.api.datasource.fetchSchema({ datasourceId: datasource!._id!, }) const table = resp.datasource.entities![tableName] const row1 = await!, { name: "Clare", }) const row2 = await!, { name: "Jeff", }) await config.api.row.bulkImport(table._id!, { identifierFields: ["userId"], rows: [ { userId: row1.userId, name: "Clare updated", }, { userId: row2.userId, name: "Jeff updated", }, ], }) const rows = await config.api.row.fetch(table._id!) expect(rows.length).toEqual(2) rows.sort((a, b) => expect(rows[0].name).toEqual("Clare updated") expect(rows[1].name).toEqual("Jeff updated") }) it("should reject bulkImport date only fields with wrong format", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { date: { type: FieldType.DATETIME, dateOnly: true, name: "date", }, }, }) ) await config.api.row.bulkImport( table._id!, { rows: [ { date: "01.02.2024", }, ], }, { status: 400, body: { message: 'Invalid format for field "date": "01.02.2024". Date-only fields must be in the format "YYYY-MM-DD".', }, } ) }) it("should reject bulkImport date time fields with wrong format", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { date: { type: FieldType.DATETIME, name: "date", }, }, }) ) await config.api.row.bulkImport( table._id!, { rows: [ { date: "01.02.2024", }, ], }, { status: 400, body: { message: 'Invalid format for field "date": "01.02.2024". Datetime fields must be in ISO format, e.g. "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ".', }, } ) }) it("should reject bulkImport time fields with wrong format", async () => { const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { time: { type: FieldType.DATETIME, timeOnly: true, name: "time", }, }, }) ) await config.api.row.bulkImport( table._id!, { rows: [ { time: "3pm", }, ], }, { status: 400, body: { message: 'Invalid format for field "time": "3pm". Time-only fields must be in the format "HH:MM:SS".', }, } ) }) }) describe("enrich", () => { beforeAll(async () => { table = await }) it("should allow enriching some linked rows", async () => { const { linkedTable, firstRow, secondRow } = await tenancy.doInTenant( config.getTenantId(), async () => { const linkedTable = await defaultTable({ schema: { link: { name: "link", fieldName: "link", type: FieldType.LINK, relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, tableId: table._id!, }, }, }) ) const firstRow = await!, { name: "Test Contact", description: "original description", }) const secondRow = await!, { name: "Test 2", description: "og desc", link: [{ _id: firstRow._id }], }) return { linkedTable, firstRow, secondRow } } ) const rowUsage = await getRowUsage() // test basic enrichment const resBasic = await config.api.row.get( linkedTable._id!, secondRow._id! ) expect( expect([0]).toEqual({ _id: firstRow._id, primaryDisplay:, }) // test full enrichment const resEnriched = await config.api.row.getEnriched( linkedTable._id!, secondRow._id! ) expect( expect([0]._id).toBe(firstRow._id) expect([0].name).toBe("Test Contact") expect([0].description).toBe("original description") await assertRowUsage(rowUsage) }) }) isInternal && describe("attachments and signatures", () => { const coreAttachmentEnrichment = async ( schema: TableSchema, field: string, attachmentCfg: string | string[] ) => { const testTable = await defaultTable({ schema, }) ) const attachmentToStoreKey = (attachmentId: string) => { return { key: `${config.getAppId()}/attachments/${attachmentId}`, } } const draftRow = { name: "test", description: "test", [field]: typeof attachmentCfg === "string" ? attachmentToStoreKey(attachmentCfg) :, tableId: testTable._id, } const row = await!, draftRow) await withEnv({ SELF_HOSTED: "true" }, async () => { return context.doInAppContext(config.getAppId(), async () => { const enriched: Row[] = await outputProcessing(testTable, [row]) const [targetRow] = enriched const attachmentEntries = Array.isArray(targetRow[field]) ? targetRow[field] : [targetRow[field]] for (const entry of attachmentEntries) { const attachmentId = entry.key.split("/").pop() expect(entry.url.split("?")[0]).toBe( `/files/signed/prod-budi-app-assets/${config.getProdAppId()}/attachments/${attachmentId}` ) } }) }) } it("should allow enriching single attachment rows", async () => { await coreAttachmentEnrichment( { attachment: { type: FieldType.ATTACHMENT_SINGLE, name: "attachment", constraints: { presence: false }, }, }, "attachment", `${uuid.v4()}.csv` ) }) it("should allow enriching attachment list rows", async () => { await coreAttachmentEnrichment( { attachments: { type: FieldType.ATTACHMENTS, name: "attachments", constraints: { type: "array", presence: false }, }, }, "attachments", [`${uuid.v4()}.csv`] ) }) it("should allow enriching signature rows", async () => { await coreAttachmentEnrichment( { signature: { type: FieldType.SIGNATURE_SINGLE, name: "signature", constraints: { presence: false }, }, }, "signature", `${uuid.v4()}.png` ) }) }) describe("exportRows", () => { beforeEach(async () => { table = await }) isInternal && it("should not export internal couchdb fields", async () => { const existing = await!, { name: generator.guid(), description: generator.paragraph(), }) const res = await config.api.row.exportRows(table._id!, { rows: [existing._id!], }) const results = JSON.parse(res) expect(results.length).toEqual(1) const row = results[0] expect(Object.keys(row)).toEqual(["_id", "name", "description"]) }) !isInternal && it("should allow exporting all columns", async () => { const existing = await!, {}) const res = await config.api.row.exportRows(table._id!, { rows: [existing._id!], }) const results = JSON.parse(res) expect(results.length).toEqual(1) const row = results[0] // Ensure all original columns were exported expect(Object.keys(row).length).toBe(Object.keys(existing).length) Object.keys(existing).forEach(key => { expect(row[key]).toEqual(existing[key]) }) }) it("should allow exporting without filtering", async () => { const existing = await!, {}) const res = await config.api.row.exportRows(table._id!) const results = JSON.parse(res) expect(results.length).toEqual(1) const row = results[0] expect(row._id).toEqual(existing._id) }) it("should allow exporting only certain columns", async () => { const existing = await!, {}) const res = await config.api.row.exportRows(table._id!, { rows: [existing._id!], columns: ["_id"], }) const results = JSON.parse(res) expect(results.length).toEqual(1) const row = results[0] // Ensure only the _id column was exported expect(Object.keys(row).length).toEqual(1) expect(row._id).toEqual(existing._id) }) it("should handle single quotes in row filtering", async () => { const existing = await!, {}) const res = await config.api.row.exportRows(table._id!, { rows: [`['${existing._id!}']`], }) const results = JSON.parse(res) expect(results.length).toEqual(1) const row = results[0] expect(row._id).toEqual(existing._id) }) it("should return an error if no table is found", async () => { const existing = await!, {}) await config.api.row.exportRows( "1234567", { rows: [existing._id!] }, RowExportFormat.JSON, { status: 404 } ) }) // MSSQL needs a setting called IDENTITY_INSERT to be set to ON to allow writing // to identity columns. This is not something Budibase does currently. !isMSSQL && it("should handle filtering by composite primary keys", async () => { const tableRequest = saveTableRequest({ primary: ["number", "string"], schema: { string: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "string", }, number: { type: FieldType.NUMBER, name: "number", }, }, }) delete const table = await const toCreate = generator .unique(() => generator.integer({ min: 0, max: 10000 }), 10) .map(number => ({ number, string: generator.word({ length: 30 }), })) const rows = await Promise.all( =>!, d)) ) const res = await config.api.row.exportRows(table._id!, { rows: _.sampleSize(rows, 3).map(r => r._id!), }) const results = JSON.parse(res) expect(results.length).toEqual(3) }) describe("should allow exporting all column types", () => { let tableId: string let expectedRowData: Row beforeAll(async () => { const fullSchema = setup.structures.fullSchemaWithoutLinks({ allRequired: true, }) const table = await saveTableRequest({ ...setup.structures.basicTable(), schema: fullSchema, primary: ["string"], }) ) tableId = table._id! const rowValues: Record = { [FieldType.STRING]: generator.guid(), [FieldType.LONGFORM]: generator.paragraph(), [FieldType.OPTIONS]: "option 2", [FieldType.ARRAY]: ["options 2", "options 4"], [FieldType.NUMBER]: generator.natural(), [FieldType.BOOLEAN]: generator.bool(), [FieldType.DATETIME]:, 10), [FieldType.ATTACHMENTS]: [setup.structures.basicAttachment()], [FieldType.ATTACHMENT_SINGLE]: setup.structures.basicAttachment(), [FieldType.FORMULA]: undefined, // generated field [FieldType.AUTO]: undefined, // generated field [FieldType.AI]: "LLM Output", [FieldType.JSON]: { name: generator.guid() }, [FieldType.INTERNAL]: generator.guid(), [FieldType.BARCODEQR]: generator.guid(), [FieldType.SIGNATURE_SINGLE]: setup.structures.basicAttachment(), [FieldType.BIGINT]: generator.integer().toString(), [FieldType.BB_REFERENCE]: [{ _id: config.getUser()._id }], [FieldType.BB_REFERENCE_SINGLE]: { _id: config.getUser()._id }, } const row = await!, rowValues) expectedRowData = { _id: row._id, [FieldType.STRING]: rowValues[FieldType.STRING], [FieldType.LONGFORM]: rowValues[FieldType.LONGFORM], [FieldType.OPTIONS]: rowValues[FieldType.OPTIONS], [FieldType.ARRAY]: rowValues[FieldType.ARRAY], [FieldType.NUMBER]: rowValues[FieldType.NUMBER], [FieldType.BOOLEAN]: rowValues[FieldType.BOOLEAN], [FieldType.DATETIME]: rowValues[FieldType.DATETIME], [FieldType.ATTACHMENTS]: rowValues[FieldType.ATTACHMENTS].map( (a: any) => expect.objectContaining({ ...a, url: expect.any(String), }) ), [FieldType.ATTACHMENT_SINGLE]: expect.objectContaining({ ...rowValues[FieldType.ATTACHMENT_SINGLE], url: expect.any(String), }), [FieldType.FORMULA]: fullSchema[FieldType.FORMULA].formula, [FieldType.AUTO]: expect.any(Number), [FieldType.AI]: expect.any(String), [FieldType.JSON]: rowValues[FieldType.JSON], [FieldType.INTERNAL]: rowValues[FieldType.INTERNAL], [FieldType.BARCODEQR]: rowValues[FieldType.BARCODEQR], [FieldType.SIGNATURE_SINGLE]: expect.objectContaining({ ...rowValues[FieldType.SIGNATURE_SINGLE], url: expect.any(String), }), [FieldType.BIGINT]: rowValues[FieldType.BIGINT], [FieldType.BB_REFERENCE]: rowValues[FieldType.BB_REFERENCE].map( expect.objectContaining ), [FieldType.BB_REFERENCE_SINGLE]: expect.objectContaining( rowValues[FieldType.BB_REFERENCE_SINGLE] ), } }) it("as csv", async () => { const exportedValue = await config.api.row.exportRows( tableId, { query: {} }, RowExportFormat.CSV ) const jsonResult = await config.api.table.csvToJson({ csvString: exportedValue, }) const stringified = (value: string) => JSON.stringify(value) const matchingObject = ( key: string, value: any, isArray: boolean ) => { const objectMatcher = `{"${key}":"${value[key]}".*?}` if (isArray) { return expect.stringMatching( new RegExp(`^\\[${objectMatcher}\\]$`) ) } return expect.stringMatching(new RegExp(`^${objectMatcher}$`)) } expect(jsonResult).toEqual([ { ...expectedRowData, auto: expect.any(String), array: stringified(expectedRowData["array"]), attachment: matchingObject( "key", expectedRowData["attachment"][0].sample, true ), attachment_single: matchingObject( "key", expectedRowData["attachment_single"].sample, false ), boolean: stringified(expectedRowData["boolean"]), json: stringified(expectedRowData["json"]), number: stringified(expectedRowData["number"]), signature_single: matchingObject( "key", expectedRowData["signature_single"].sample, false ), bb_reference: matchingObject( "_id", expectedRowData["bb_reference"][0].sample, true ), bb_reference_single: matchingObject( "_id", expectedRowData["bb_reference_single"].sample, false ), ai: "LLM Output", }, ]) }) it("as json", async () => { const exportedValue = await config.api.row.exportRows( tableId, { query: {} }, RowExportFormat.JSON ) const json = JSON.parse(exportedValue) expect(json).toEqual([expectedRowData]) }) it("as json with schema", async () => { const exportedValue = await config.api.row.exportRows( tableId, { query: {} }, RowExportFormat.JSON_WITH_SCHEMA ) const json = JSON.parse(exportedValue) expect(json).toEqual({ schema: expect.any(Object), rows: [expectedRowData], }) }) it("can handle csv-special characters in strings", async () => { const badString = 'test":, wow", "test": "wow"' const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { string: { type: FieldType.STRING, name: "string", }, }, }) ) await!, { string: badString }) const exportedValue = await config.api.row.exportRows( table._id!, { query: {} }, RowExportFormat.CSV ) const json = await config.api.table.csvToJson( { csvString: exportedValue, }, { status: 200, } ) expect(json).toHaveLength(1) expect(json[0].string).toEqual(badString) }) it("exported data can be re-imported", async () => { // export all const exportedValue = await config.api.row.exportRows( tableId, { query: {} }, RowExportFormat.CSV ) // import all twice const rows = await config.api.table.csvToJson({ csvString: exportedValue, }) await config.api.row.bulkImport(tableId, { rows, }) await config.api.row.bulkImport(tableId, { rows, }) const { rows: allRows } = await const expectedRow = { ...expectedRowData, _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), type: "row", tableId: tableId, createdAt: new Date().toISOString(), updatedAt: new Date().toISOString(), } expect(allRows).toEqual([expectedRow, expectedRow, expectedRow]) }) }) }) let o2mTable: Table let m2mTable: Table beforeAll(async () => { o2mTable = await m2mTable = await }) describe.each([ [ "relationship fields", (): Record => ({ user: { name: "user", relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: o2mTable._id!, fieldName: "fk_o2m", }, users: { name: "users", relationshipType: RelationshipType.MANY_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: m2mTable._id!, fieldName: "fk_m2m", }, }), (tableId: string) =>, { name: uuid.v4(), description: generator.paragraph(), tableId, }), (row: Row) => ({ _id: row._id, primaryDisplay:, }), ], [ "bb reference fields", (): Record => ({ user: { name: "user", type: FieldType.BB_REFERENCE, subtype: BBReferenceFieldSubType.USER, }, users: { name: "users", type: FieldType.BB_REFERENCE, subtype: BBReferenceFieldSubType.USERS, }, }), () => config.createUser(), (row: Row) => ({ _id: row._id, primaryDisplay:, email:, firstName: row.firstName, lastName: row.lastName, }), ], ])("links - %s", (__, relSchema, dataGenerator, resultMapper) => { let tableId: string let o2mData: Row[] let m2mData: Row[] beforeAll(async () => { const table = await defaultTable({ schema: relSchema() }) ) tableId = table._id! o2mData = [ await dataGenerator(o2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(o2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(o2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(o2mTable._id!), ] m2mData = [ await dataGenerator(m2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(m2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(m2mTable._id!), await dataGenerator(m2mTable._id!), ] }) it("can save a row when relationship fields are empty", async () => { const row = await, { name: "foo", description: "bar", }) expect(row).toEqual({ _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), type: isInternal ? "row" : undefined, name: "foo", description: "bar", tableId, createdAt: isInternal ? new Date().toISOString() : undefined, updatedAt: isInternal ? new Date().toISOString() : undefined, }) }) it("can save a row with a single relationship field", async () => { const user = _.sample(o2mData)! const row = await, { name: "foo", description: "bar", user: [user], }) expect(row).toEqual({ name: "foo", description: "bar", tableId, user: [user].map(u => resultMapper(u)), _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), type: isInternal ? "row" : undefined, [`fk_${}_fk_o2m`]: isInternal ? undefined :, createdAt: isInternal ? new Date().toISOString() : undefined, updatedAt: isInternal ? new Date().toISOString() : undefined, }) }) it("can save a row with a multiple relationship field", async () => { const selectedUsers = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 2) const row = await, { name: "foo", description: "bar", users: selectedUsers, }) expect(row).toEqual({ name: "foo", description: "bar", tableId, users: expect.arrayContaining( => resultMapper(u)) ), _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), type: isInternal ? "row" : undefined, createdAt: isInternal ? new Date().toISOString() : undefined, updatedAt: isInternal ? new Date().toISOString() : undefined, }) }) it("can retrieve rows with no populated relationships", async () => { const row = await, { name: "foo", description: "bar", }) const retrieved = await config.api.row.get(tableId, row._id!) expect(retrieved).toEqual({ name: "foo", description: "bar", tableId, user: undefined, users: undefined, _id: row._id, _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), ...defaultRowFields, }) }) it("can retrieve rows with populated relationships", async () => { const user1 = _.sample(o2mData)! const [user2, user3] = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 2) const row = await, { name: "foo", description: "bar", users: [user2, user3], user: [user1], }) const retrieved = await config.api.row.get(tableId, row._id!) expect(retrieved).toEqual({ name: "foo", description: "bar", tableId, user: expect.arrayContaining([user1].map(u => resultMapper(u))), users: expect.arrayContaining( [user2, user3].map(u => resultMapper(u)) ), _id: row._id, _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), [`fk_${}_fk_o2m`]: isInternal ? undefined :, ...defaultRowFields, }) }) it("can update an existing populated row", async () => { const user = _.sample(o2mData)! const [users1, users2, users3] = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 3) const row = await, { name: "foo", description: "bar", users: [users1, users2], }) const updatedRow = await, { ...row, user: [user], users: [users3, users1], }) expect(updatedRow).toEqual({ name: "foo", description: "bar", tableId, user: expect.arrayContaining([user].map(u => resultMapper(u))), users: expect.arrayContaining( [users3, users1].map(u => resultMapper(u)) ), _id: row._id, _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), type: isInternal ? "row" : undefined, [`fk_${}_fk_o2m`]: isInternal ? undefined :, createdAt: isInternal ? new Date().toISOString() : undefined, updatedAt: isInternal ? new Date().toISOString() : undefined, }) }) it("can wipe an existing populated relationships in row", async () => { const [user1, user2] = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 2) const row = await, { name: "foo", description: "bar", users: [user1, user2], }) const updatedRow = await, { ...row, user: null, users: null, }) expect(updatedRow.user).toBeUndefined() expect(updatedRow.users).toBeUndefined() }) it("fetch all will populate the relationships", async () => { const [user1] = _.sampleSize(o2mData, 1) const [users1, users2, users3] = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 3) const rows = [ { name:, description:, users: [users1, users2], }, { name:, description:, user: [user1], users: [users1, users3], }, { name:, description:, users: [users3], }, ] await, rows[0]) await, rows[1]) await, rows[2]) const res = await config.api.row.fetch(tableId) expect(res).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining( => ({ name:, description: r.description, tableId, user: r.user?.map(u => resultMapper(u)), users: r.users?.length ? expect.arrayContaining(r.users?.map(u => resultMapper(u))) : undefined, _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), [`fk_${}_fk_o2m`]: isInternal || !r.user?.length ? undefined : r.user[0].id, ...defaultRowFields, })) ) ) }) it("search all will populate the relationships", async () => { const [user1] = _.sampleSize(o2mData, 1) const [users1, users2, users3] = _.sampleSize(m2mData, 3) const rows = [ { name:, description:, users: [users1, users2], }, { name:, description:, user: [user1], users: [users1, users3], }, { name:, description:, users: [users3], }, ] await, rows[0]) await, rows[1]) await, rows[2]) const res = await expect(res).toEqual({ rows: expect.arrayContaining( => ({ name:, description: r.description, tableId, user: r.user?.map(u => resultMapper(u)), users: r.users?.length ? expect.arrayContaining(r.users?.map(u => resultMapper(u))) : undefined, _id: expect.any(String), _rev: expect.any(String), id: isInternal ? undefined : expect.any(Number), [`fk_${}_fk_o2m`]: isInternal || !r.user?.length ? undefined : r.user[0].id, ...defaultRowFields, })) ), ...(isInternal ? {} : { hasNextPage: false, }), }) }) }) // Upserting isn't yet supported in MSSQL or Oracle, see: // !isMSSQL && !isOracle && describe("relationships", () => { let tableId: string let viewId: string let auxData: Row[] = [] beforeAll(async () => { const aux2Table = await const aux2Data = await!, {}) const auxTable = await saveTableRequest({ primaryDisplay: "name", schema: { name: { name: "name", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: true }, }, age: { name: "age", type: FieldType.NUMBER, constraints: { presence: true }, }, address: { name: "address", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: true }, visible: false, }, link: { name: "link", type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: aux2Table._id!, relationshipType: RelationshipType.MANY_TO_MANY, fieldName: "fk_aux", constraints: { presence: true }, }, formula: { name: "formula", type: FieldType.FORMULA, formula: "{{ any }}", constraints: { presence: true }, }, }, }) ) const auxTableId = auxTable._id! for (const name of generator.unique(() =>, 10)) { auxData.push( await, { name, age: generator.age(), address: generator.address(), link: [aux2Data], }) ) } const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { title: { name: "title", type: FieldType.STRING, constraints: { presence: true }, }, relWithNoSchema: { name: "relWithNoSchema", relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: auxTableId, fieldName: "fk_relWithNoSchema", constraints: { presence: true }, }, relWithEmptySchema: { name: "relWithEmptySchema", relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: auxTableId, fieldName: "fk_relWithEmptySchema", constraints: { presence: true }, }, relWithFullSchema: { name: "relWithFullSchema", relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: auxTableId, fieldName: "fk_relWithFullSchema", constraints: { presence: true }, }, relWithHalfSchema: { name: "relWithHalfSchema", relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: auxTableId, fieldName: "fk_relWithHalfSchema", constraints: { presence: true }, }, relWithIllegalSchema: { name: "relWithIllegalSchema", relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: auxTableId, fieldName: "fk_relWithIllegalSchema", constraints: { presence: true }, }, }, }) ) tableId = table._id! const view = await config.api.viewV2.create({ name: generator.guid(), tableId, schema: { title: { visible: true, }, relWithNoSchema: { visible: true, }, relWithEmptySchema: { visible: true, columns: {}, }, relWithFullSchema: { visible: true, columns: Object.keys(auxTable.schema).reduce< Record >((acc, c) => ({ ...acc, [c]: { visible: true } }), {}), }, relWithHalfSchema: { visible: true, columns: { name: { visible: true }, age: { visible: false, readonly: true }, }, }, relWithIllegalSchema: { visible: true, columns: { name: { visible: true }, address: { visible: true }, unexisting: { visible: true }, }, }, }, }) viewId = }) const testScenarios: [string, (row: Row) => Promise | Row][] = [ ["get row", (row: Row) => config.api.row.get(viewId, row._id!)], [ "from view search", async (row: Row) => { const { rows } = await return rows.find(r => r._id === row._id!) }, ], ["from original saved row", (row: Row) => row], [ "from updated row", (row: Row) =>, row), ], ] it.each(testScenarios)( "can retrieve rows with populated relationships (via %s)", async (__, retrieveDelegate) => { const otherRows = _.sampleSize(auxData, 5) const row = await, { title: generator.word(), relWithNoSchema: [otherRows[0]], relWithEmptySchema: [otherRows[1]], relWithFullSchema: [otherRows[2]], relWithHalfSchema: [otherRows[3]], relWithIllegalSchema: [otherRows[4]], }) const retrieved = await retrieveDelegate(row) expect(retrieved).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ title: row.title, relWithNoSchema: [ { _id: otherRows[0]._id, primaryDisplay: otherRows[0].name, }, ], relWithEmptySchema: [ { _id: otherRows[1]._id, primaryDisplay: otherRows[1].name, }, ], relWithFullSchema: [ { _id: otherRows[2]._id, primaryDisplay: otherRows[2].name, name: otherRows[2].name, age: otherRows[2].age, id: otherRows[2].id, }, ], relWithHalfSchema: [ { _id: otherRows[3]._id, primaryDisplay: otherRows[3].name, name: otherRows[3].name, }, ], relWithIllegalSchema: [ { _id: otherRows[4]._id, primaryDisplay: otherRows[4].name, name: otherRows[4].name, }, ], }) ) } ) it.each([ [ "from table fetch", async (row: Row) => { const rows = await config.api.row.fetch(tableId) return rows.find(r => r._id === row._id!) }, ], [ "from table search", async (row: Row) => { const { rows } = await return rows.find(r => r._id === row._id!) }, ], ])( "does not enrich when fetching from the table (via %s)", async (__, retrieveDelegate) => { const otherRows = _.sampleSize(auxData, 5) const row = await, { title: generator.word(), relWithNoSchema: [otherRows[0]], relWithEmptySchema: [otherRows[1]], relWithFullSchema: [otherRows[2]], relWithHalfSchema: [otherRows[3]], relWithIllegalSchema: [otherRows[4]], }) const retrieved = await retrieveDelegate(row) expect(retrieved).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ title: row.title, relWithNoSchema: [ { _id: otherRows[0]._id, primaryDisplay: otherRows[0].name, }, ], relWithEmptySchema: [ { _id: otherRows[1]._id, primaryDisplay: otherRows[1].name, }, ], relWithFullSchema: [ { _id: otherRows[2]._id, primaryDisplay: otherRows[2].name, }, ], relWithHalfSchema: [ { _id: otherRows[3]._id, primaryDisplay: otherRows[3].name, }, ], relWithIllegalSchema: [ { _id: otherRows[4]._id, primaryDisplay: otherRows[4].name, }, ], }) ) } ) }) isInternal && describe("AI fields", () => { let table: Table let envCleanup: () => void beforeAll(async () => { mocks.licenses.useBudibaseAI() mocks.licenses.useAICustomConfigs() envCleanup = setEnv({ OPENAI_API_KEY: "sk-abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890abcd", }) mockChatGPTResponse("Mock LLM Response") table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { ai: { name: "ai", type: FieldType.AI, operation: AIOperationEnum.PROMPT, prompt: "Convert the following to German: '{{ product }}'", }, product: { name: "product", type: FieldType.STRING, }, }, }) ) await!, { product: generator.word(), }) }) afterAll(() => { nock.cleanAll() envCleanup() mocks.licenses.useCloudFree() }) it("should be able to save a row with an AI column", async () => { const { rows } = await!) expect(rows.length).toBe(1) expect(rows[0].ai).toEqual("Mock LLM Response") }) it("should be able to update a row with an AI column", async () => { const { rows } = await!) expect(rows.length).toBe(1) await!, { product: generator.word(), ...rows[0], }) expect(rows.length).toBe(1) expect(rows[0].ai).toEqual("Mock LLM Response") }) }) describe("Formula fields", () => { let table: Table let otherTable: Table let relatedRow: Row, mainRow: Row beforeAll(async () => { otherTable = await table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { links: { name: "links", fieldName: "links", type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: otherTable._id!, relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, }, formula: { name: "formula", type: FieldType.FORMULA, formula: "{{ }}", formulaType: FormulaType.DYNAMIC, }, }, }) ) relatedRow = await!, { name: generator.word(), description: generator.paragraph(), }) mainRow = await!, { name: generator.word(), description: generator.paragraph(), tableId: table._id!, links: [relatedRow._id], }) }) async function updateFormulaColumn( formula: string, opts?: { responseType?: FormulaResponseType formulaType?: FormulaType } ) { table = await{ ...table, schema: { ...table.schema, formula: { name: "formula", type: FieldType.FORMULA, formula, responseType: opts?.responseType, formulaType: opts?.formulaType || FormulaType.DYNAMIC, }, }, }) } it("should be able to search for rows containing formulas", async () => { const { rows } = await!) expect(rows.length).toBe(1) expect(rows[0].links.length).toBe(1) const row = rows[0] expect(row.formula).toBe( }) it("should coerce - number response type", async () => { await updateFormulaColumn(encodeJS("return 1"), { responseType: FieldType.NUMBER, }) const { rows } = await!) expect(rows[0].formula).toBe(1) }) it("should coerce - boolean response type", async () => { await updateFormulaColumn(encodeJS("return true"), { responseType: FieldType.BOOLEAN, }) const { rows } = await!) expect(rows[0].formula).toBe(true) }) it("should coerce - datetime response type", async () => { await updateFormulaColumn(encodeJS("return new Date()"), { responseType: FieldType.DATETIME, }) const { rows } = await!) expect(isDate(rows[0].formula)).toBe(true) }) it("should coerce - datetime with invalid value", async () => { await updateFormulaColumn(encodeJS("return 'a'"), { responseType: FieldType.DATETIME, }) const { rows } = await!) expect(rows[0].formula).toBeUndefined() }) it("should coerce handlebars", async () => { await updateFormulaColumn("{{ add 1 1 }}", { responseType: FieldType.NUMBER, }) const { rows } = await!) expect(rows[0].formula).toBe(2) }) it("should coerce handlebars to string (default)", async () => { await updateFormulaColumn("{{ add 1 1 }}", { responseType: FieldType.STRING, }) const { rows } = await!) expect(rows[0].formula).toBe("2") }) isInternal && it("should coerce a static handlebars formula", async () => { await updateFormulaColumn(encodeJS("return 1"), { responseType: FieldType.NUMBER, formulaType: FormulaType.STATIC, }) // save the row to store the static value await!, mainRow) const { rows } = await!) expect(rows[0].formula).toBe(1) }) }) describe("Formula JS protection", () => { it("should time out JS execution if a single cell takes too long", async () => { await withEnv({ JS_PER_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT_MS: 40 }, async () => { const js = encodeJS( ` let i = 0; while (true) { i++; } return i; ` ) const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { text: { name: "text", type: FieldType.STRING, }, formula: { name: "formula", type: FieldType.FORMULA, formula: js, formulaType: FormulaType.DYNAMIC, }, }, }) ) await!, { text: "foo" }) const { rows } = await!) expect(rows).toHaveLength(1) const row = rows[0] expect(row.text).toBe("foo") expect(row.formula).toBe("Timed out while executing JS") }) }) it("should time out JS execution if a multiple cells take too long", async () => { await withEnv( { JS_PER_INVOCATION_TIMEOUT_MS: 40, JS_PER_REQUEST_TIMEOUT_MS: 80, }, async () => { const js = encodeJS( ` let i = 0; while (true) { i++; } return i; ` ) const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { text: { name: "text", type: FieldType.STRING, }, formula: { name: "formula", type: FieldType.FORMULA, formula: js, formulaType: FormulaType.DYNAMIC, }, }, }) ) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await!, { text: "foo" }) } // Run this test 3 times to make sure that there's no cross-request // pollution of the execution time tracking. for (let reqs = 0; reqs < 3; reqs++) { const { rows } = await!) expect(rows).toHaveLength(10) let i = 0 for (; i < 10; i++) { const row = rows[i] if (row.formula !== JsTimeoutError.message) { break } } // Given the execution times are not deterministic, we can't be sure // of the exact number of rows that were executed before the timeout // but it should absolutely be at least 1. expect(i).toBeGreaterThan(0) expect(i).toBeLessThan(5) for (; i < 10; i++) { const row = rows[i] expect(row.text).toBe("foo") expect(row.formula).toStartWith("CPU time limit exceeded ") } } } ) }) it("should not carry over context between formulas", async () => { const js = encodeJS(`return $("[text]");`) const table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { text: { name: "text", type: FieldType.STRING, }, formula: { name: "formula", type: FieldType.FORMULA, formula: js, formulaType: FormulaType.DYNAMIC, }, }, }) ) for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) { await!, { text: `foo${i}` }) } const { rows } = await!) expect(rows).toHaveLength(10) const formulaValues = => r.formula) expect(formulaValues).toEqual( expect.arrayContaining([ "foo0", "foo1", "foo2", "foo3", "foo4", "foo5", "foo6", "foo7", "foo8", "foo9", ]) ) }) }) if (isInternal || isMSSQL) { describe("Fields with spaces", () => { let table: Table let otherTable: Table let relatedRow: Row beforeAll(async () => { otherTable = await table = await saveTableRequest({ schema: { links: { name: "links", fieldName: "links", type: FieldType.LINK, tableId: otherTable._id!, relationshipType: RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, }, "nameWithSpace ": { name: "nameWithSpace ", type: FieldType.STRING, }, }, }) ) relatedRow = await!, { name: generator.word(), description: generator.paragraph(), }) await!, { "nameWithSpace ": generator.word(), tableId: table._id!, links: [relatedRow._id], }) }) it("Successfully returns rows that have spaces in their field names", async () => { const { rows } = await!) expect(rows.length).toBe(1) const row = rows[0] expect(row["nameWithSpace "]).toBeDefined() }) }) } if (!isInternal && !isOracle) { describe("bigint ids", () => { let table1: Table, table2: Table let table1Name: string, table2Name: string beforeAll(async () => { table1Name = `table1-${generator.guid().substring(0, 5)}` await client!.schema.createTable(table1Name, table => { table.bigInteger("table1Id").primary() }) table2Name = `table2-${generator.guid().substring(0, 5)}` await client!.schema.createTable(table2Name, table => { table.bigInteger("table2Id").primary() table .bigInteger("table1Ref") .references("table1Id") .inTable(table1Name) }) const resp = await config.api.datasource.fetchSchema({ datasourceId: datasource!._id!, }) const tables = Object.values(resp.datasource.entities || {}) table1 = tables.find(t => === table1Name)! table2 = tables.find(t => === table2Name)! await config.api.datasource.addExistingRelationship({ one: { tableId: table2._id!, relationshipName: "one", foreignKey: "table1Ref", }, many: { tableId: table1._id!, relationshipName: "many", primaryKey: "table1Id", }, }) }) it("should be able to fetch rows with related bigint ids", async () => { const row = await!, { table1Id: "1", }) await!, { table2Id: "2", table1Ref: row.table1Id, }) let resp = await!) expect(resp.rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(resp.rows[0]._id).toBe("%5B'1'%5D") expect(resp.rows[0].many).toHaveLength(1) expect(resp.rows[0].many[0]._id).toBe("%5B'2'%5D") resp = await!) expect(resp.rows).toHaveLength(1) expect(resp.rows[0]._id).toBe("%5B'2'%5D") expect(resp.rows[0].one).toHaveLength(1) expect(resp.rows[0].one[0]._id).toBe("%5B'1'%5D") }) }) } } ) }