import { generator, mocks, structures } from "@budibase/backend-core/tests" // init the licensing mock import * as pro from "@budibase/pro" import { init as dbInit } from "../../db" import env from "../../environment" import { basicAutomation, basicAutomationResults, basicDatasource, basicLayout, basicQuery, basicRole, basicRow, basicScreen, basicTable, basicWebhook, } from "./structures" import { cache, constants, context, db as dbCore, encryption, env as coreEnv, roles, sessions, tenancy, utils, } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { app as appController, deploy as deployController, role as roleController, automation as automationController, webhook as webhookController, query as queryController, screen as screenController, layout as layoutController, view as viewController, } from "./controllers" import { cleanup } from "../../utilities/fileSystem" import { generateUserMetadataID } from "../../db/utils" import { startup } from "../../startup" import supertest from "supertest" import { App, AuthToken, Automation, CreateViewRequest, Datasource, FieldType, INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, Layout, Query, RelationshipFieldMetadata, RelationshipType, Row, Screen, RowSearchParams, SourceName, Table, TableSourceType, User, UserCtx, View, Webhook, WithRequired, DevInfo, } from "@budibase/types" import API from "./api" import jwt, { Secret } from "jsonwebtoken" import { Server } from "http" const newid = utils.newid mocks.licenses.init(pro) // use unlimited license by default mocks.licenses.useUnlimited() dbInit() export interface CreateAppRequest { appName: string url?: string snippets?: any[] } export interface TableToBuild extends Omit { sourceId?: string sourceType?: TableSourceType } export default class TestConfiguration { server?: Server request?: supertest.SuperTest started: boolean appId?: string allApps: App[] app?: App prodApp?: App prodAppId?: string user?: User userMetadataId?: string table?: Table automation?: Automation datasource?: Datasource tenantId?: string api: API csrfToken?: string temporaryHeaders?: Record constructor(openServer = true) { if (openServer) { // use a random port because it doesn't matter env.PORT = "0" this.server = require("../../app").getServer() // we need the request for logging in, involves cookies, hard to fake this.request = supertest(this.server) this.started = true } else { this.started = false } this.appId = undefined this.allApps = [] this.api = new API(this) } getRequest() { return this.request } getApp() { if (! { throw new Error("app has not been initialised, call config.init() first") } return } getProdApp() { if (!this.prodApp) { throw new Error( "prodApp has not been initialised, call config.init() first" ) } return this.prodApp } getAppId() { if (!this.appId) { throw new Error( "appId has not been initialised, call config.init() first" ) } return this.appId } getProdAppId() { if (!this.prodAppId) { throw new Error( "prodAppId has not been initialised, call config.init() first" ) } return this.prodAppId } getUser(): User { if (!this.user) { throw new Error("User has not been initialised, call config.init() first") } return this.user } getUserDetails() { const user = this.getUser() return { globalId: user._id!, email:, firstName: user.firstName, lastName: user.lastName, } } getAutomation() { if (!this.automation) { throw new Error( "automation has not been initialised, call config.init() first" ) } return this.automation } getDatasource() { if (!this.datasource) { throw new Error( "datasource has not been initialised, call config.init() first" ) } return this.datasource } async doInContext( appId: string | undefined, task: () => Promise ): Promise { const tenant = this.getTenantId() return tenancy.doInTenant(tenant, () => { if (!appId) { appId = this.appId } // check if already in a context if (context.getAppId() == null && appId) { return context.doInAppContext(appId, async () => { return task() }) } else { return task() } }) } // SETUP / TEARDOWN // use a new id as the name to avoid name collisions async init(appName = newid()) { if (!this.started) { await startup() } return this.newTenant(appName) } end() { if (!this) { return } if (this.server) { this.server.close() } else { require("../../app").getServer().close() } if (this.allApps) { cleanup( => app.appId)) } } async withUser(user: User, f: () => Promise): Promise { const oldUser = this.user this.user = user try { return await f() } finally { this.user = oldUser } } async withApp(app: App | string, f: () => Promise) { const oldAppId = this.appId this.appId = typeof app === "string" ? app : app.appId return await context.doInAppContext(this.appId, async () => { try { return await f() } finally { this.appId = oldAppId } }) } async withProdApp(f: () => Promise) { return await this.withApp(this.getProdAppId(), f) } // UTILS _req | void, Res>( handler: (ctx: UserCtx) => Promise, body?: Req, params?: Record ): Promise { // create a fake request ctx const request: any = {} const appId = this.appId request.appId = appId // fake cookies, we don't need them request.cookies = { set: () => {}, get: () => {} } request.user = { appId, tenantId: this.getTenantId() } request.query = {} request.request = { body, } if (params) { request.params = params } request.throw = (status: number, message: string) => { throw new Error(`Error ${status} - ${message}`) } return this.doInContext(appId, async () => { await handler(request) return request.body }) } // USER / AUTH async globalUser(config: Partial = {}): Promise { const { _id = `us_${newid()}`, firstName = generator.first(), lastName = generator.last(), builder = { global: true }, admin = { global: false }, email ={ domain: "" }), tenantId = this.getTenantId(), roles = {}, } = config const db = tenancy.getTenantDB(this.getTenantId()) let existing: Partial = {} try { existing = await db.get(_id) } catch (err) { // ignore } const user: User = { _id, ...existing, ...config, _rev: existing._rev, email, roles, tenantId, firstName, lastName, builder, admin, } await sessions.createASession(_id, { sessionId: this.sessionIdForUser(_id), tenantId: this.getTenantId(), csrfToken: this.csrfToken, email, }) const resp = await db.put(user) await cache.user.invalidateUser(_id) return { _rev: resp.rev, ...user, } } async createUser(user: Partial = {}): Promise { return await this.globalUser(user) } async createGroup(roleId: string = roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.BASIC) { return context.doInTenant(this.tenantId!, async () => { const baseGroup = structures.userGroups.userGroup() baseGroup.roles = { [this.getProdAppId()]: roleId, } const { id, rev } = await return { _id: id, _rev: rev, ...baseGroup, } }) } async addUserToGroup(groupId: string, userId: string) { return context.doInTenant(this.tenantId!, async () => { await pro.sdk.groups.addUsers(groupId, [userId]) }) } async removeUserFromGroup(groupId: string, userId: string) { return context.doInTenant(this.tenantId!, async () => { await pro.sdk.groups.removeUsers(groupId, [userId]) }) } sessionIdForUser(userId: string): string { return `sessionid-${userId}` } async login({ roleId, userId, builder, prodApp, }: { roleId?: string userId: string builder: boolean prodApp: boolean }) { const appId = prodApp ? this.getProdAppId() : this.getAppId() return context.doInAppContext(appId, async () => { userId = !userId ? `us_uuid1` : userId if (!this.request) { throw "Server has not been opened, cannot login." } // make sure the user exists in the global DB if (roleId !== roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.PUBLIC) { const user = await this.globalUser({ _id: userId, builder: { global: builder }, roles: { [appId]: roleId || roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.BASIC }, }) await sessions.createASession(userId, { sessionId: this.sessionIdForUser(userId), tenantId: this.getTenantId(), email:, }) } // have to fake this const authObj = { userId, sessionId: this.sessionIdForUser(userId), tenantId: this.getTenantId(), } const authToken = jwt.sign(authObj, coreEnv.JWT_SECRET as Secret) // returning necessary request headers await cache.user.invalidateUser(userId) return { Accept: "application/json", Cookie: [`${constants.Cookie.Auth}=${authToken}`], [constants.Header.APP_ID]: appId, ...this.temporaryHeaders, } }) } // HEADERS // sets the role for the headers, for the period of a callback async loginAsRole(roleId: string, cb: () => Promise) { const roleUser = await this.createUser({ roles: { [this.getProdAppId()]: roleId, }, builder: { global: false }, admin: { global: false }, }) await this.login({ roleId, userId: roleUser._id!, builder: false, prodApp: true, }) await this.withUser(roleUser, async () => { await cb() }) } async withHeaders( headers: Record, cb: () => Promise ) { this.temporaryHeaders = headers try { await cb() } finally { this.temporaryHeaders = undefined } } defaultHeaders( extras: Record = {}, prodApp = false ) { const tenantId = this.getTenantId() const user = this.getUser() const authObj: AuthToken = { userId: user._id!, sessionId: this.sessionIdForUser(user._id!), tenantId, } const authToken = jwt.sign(authObj, coreEnv.JWT_SECRET as Secret) const headers: any = { Accept: "application/json", Cookie: [`${constants.Cookie.Auth}=${authToken}`], [constants.Header.CSRF_TOKEN]: this.csrfToken, Host: this.tenantHost(), ...extras, } if (prodApp) { headers[constants.Header.APP_ID] = this.prodAppId } else if (this.appId) { headers[constants.Header.APP_ID] = this.appId } return { ...headers, ...this.temporaryHeaders, } } publicHeaders({ prodApp = true, extras = {}, }: { prodApp?: boolean; extras?: Record } = {}) { const appId = prodApp ? this.prodAppId : this.appId const headers: Record = { Accept: "application/json", Cookie: "", } if (appId) { headers[constants.Header.APP_ID] = appId } headers[constants.Header.TENANT_ID] = this.getTenantId() return { ...headers, ...this.temporaryHeaders, ...extras, } } async basicRoleHeaders() { return await this.roleHeaders({ email:{ domain: "" }), builder: false, prodApp: true, roleId: roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.BASIC, }) } async roleHeaders({ email ={ domain: "" }), roleId = roles.BUILTIN_ROLE_IDS.ADMIN, builder = false, prodApp = true, } = {}) { return this.login({ userId: email, roleId, builder, prodApp }) } browserUserAgent() { return "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36" } // TENANCY tenantHost() { const tenantId = this.getTenantId() const platformHost = new URL(coreEnv.PLATFORM_URL).host.split(":")[0] return `${tenantId}.${platformHost}` } getTenantId() { if (!this.tenantId) { throw new Error("no test tenant id - init has not been called") } return this.tenantId } async newTenant(appName = newid()): Promise { this.csrfToken = generator.hash() this.tenantId = this.user = await this.globalUser() this.userMetadataId = generateUserMetadataID(this.user._id!) return this.createApp(appName) } doInTenant(task: () => T) { return context.doInTenant(this.getTenantId(), task) } // API async generateApiKey(userId?: string) { const user = this.getUser() if (!userId) { userId = user._id! } const db = tenancy.getTenantDB(this.getTenantId()) const id = dbCore.generateDevInfoID(userId) const devInfo = await db.tryGet(id) if (devInfo && devInfo.apiKey) { return devInfo.apiKey } const apiKey = encryption.encrypt( `${this.getTenantId()}${dbCore.SEPARATOR}${newid()}` ) const newDevInfo: DevInfo = { _id: id, userId, apiKey } await db.put(newDevInfo) return apiKey } // APP async createApp(appName: string, url?: string): Promise { this.appId = undefined = await context.doInTenant( this.tenantId!, async () => (await this._req(appController.create, { name: appName, url, })) as App ) this.appId = return await context.doInAppContext(!, async () => { // create production app this.prodApp = await this.publish() this.allApps.push(this.prodApp) this.allApps.push(!) return! }) } async publish() { await this._req(deployController.publishApp) // @ts-ignore const prodAppId = this.getAppId().replace("_dev", "") this.prodAppId = prodAppId return context.doInAppContext(prodAppId, async () => { const db = context.getProdAppDB() return await db.get(dbCore.DocumentType.APP_METADATA) }) } async unpublish() { const response = await this._req(appController.unpublish, undefined, { appId: this.appId, }) this.prodAppId = undefined this.prodApp = undefined return response } // TABLE async upsertTable( config?: TableToBuild, { skipReassigning } = { skipReassigning: false } ): Promise { config = config || basicTable() const response = await{ ...config, sourceType: config.sourceType || TableSourceType.INTERNAL, sourceId: config.sourceId || INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID, }) if (!skipReassigning) { this.table = response } return response } async createTable( config?: TableToBuild, options = { skipReassigning: false } ) { if (config != null && config._id) { delete config._id } config = config || basicTable() if (!config.sourceId) { config.sourceId = INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID } return this.upsertTable(config, options) } async createExternalTable( config?: TableToBuild, options = { skipReassigning: false } ) { if (config != null && config._id) { delete config._id } config = config || basicTable() if (this.datasource?._id) { config.sourceId = this.datasource._id config.sourceType = TableSourceType.EXTERNAL } return this.upsertTable(config, options) } async getTable(tableId?: string) { tableId = tableId || this.table!._id! return this.api.table.get(tableId) } async createLinkedTable( relationshipType = RelationshipType.ONE_TO_MANY, links: any = ["link"], config?: TableToBuild ) { if (!this.table) { throw "Must have created a table first." } const tableConfig = config || basicTable() if (!tableConfig.sourceId) { tableConfig.sourceId = INTERNAL_TABLE_SOURCE_ID } tableConfig.primaryDisplay = "name" for (let link of links) { tableConfig.schema[link] = { type: FieldType.LINK, fieldName: link, tableId: this.table._id!, name: link, relationshipType, } as RelationshipFieldMetadata } if (this.datasource?._id) { tableConfig.sourceId = this.datasource._id tableConfig.sourceType = TableSourceType.EXTERNAL } return await this.createTable(tableConfig) } async createAttachmentTable() { const table: any = basicTable() table.schema.attachment = { type: "attachment", } return this.createTable(table) } // ROW async createRow(config?: Row): Promise { if (!this.table) { throw "Test requires table to be configured." } const tableId = (config && config.tableId) || this.table._id! config = config || basicRow(tableId!) return, config) } async getRows(tableId: string) { if (!tableId && this.table) { tableId = this.table._id! } return this.api.row.fetch(tableId) } async searchRows(tableId: string, searchParams?: RowSearchParams) { if (!tableId && this.table) { tableId = this.table._id! } return, searchParams) } // ROLE async createRole(config?: any) { return this._req(, config || basicRole()) } // VIEW async createLegacyView(config?: View) { if (!this.table && !config) { throw "Test requires table to be configured." } const view = config || { tableId: this.table!._id, name: generator.guid(), } return this._req(, view) } async createView( config?: Omit & { name?: string tableId?: string } ) { if (!this.table && !config?.tableId) { throw "Test requires table to be configured." } const view: CreateViewRequest = { ...config, tableId: config?.tableId || this.table!._id!, name: config?.name || generator.word(), } return await this.api.viewV2.create(view) } // AUTOMATION async createAutomation(config?: Automation) { config = config || basicAutomation() if (config._rev) { delete config._rev } const res = await this._req(automationController.create, config) this.automation = res.automation return this.automation } async getAllAutomations() { return this._req(automationController.fetch) } async deleteAutomation(automation?: Automation) { automation = automation || this.automation if (!automation) { return } return this._req(automationController.destroy, undefined, { id: automation._id, rev: automation._rev, }) } async createWebhook(config?: Webhook) { if (!this.automation) { throw "Must create an automation before creating webhook." } config = config || basicWebhook(this.automation._id!) return (await this._req(, config)).webhook } // DATASOURCE async createDatasource(config?: { datasource: Datasource }): Promise> { config = config || basicDatasource() const response = await this.api.datasource.create(config.datasource) this.datasource = response return { ...this.datasource, _id: this.datasource!._id! } } async updateDatasource( datasource: Datasource ): Promise> { const response = await this.api.datasource.update(datasource) this.datasource = response return { ...this.datasource, _id: this.datasource!._id! } } async restDatasource(cfg?: Record) { return this.createDatasource({ datasource: { ...basicDatasource().datasource, source: SourceName.REST, config: cfg || {}, }, }) } async dynamicVariableDatasource() { let datasource = await this.restDatasource() const basedOnQuery = await this.createQuery({ ...basicQuery(datasource._id!), fields: { path: "", }, }) datasource = await this.updateDatasource({ ...datasource, config: { dynamicVariables: [ { queryId: basedOnQuery._id, name: "variable3", value: "{{ data.0.[value] }}", }, ], }, }) return { datasource, query: basedOnQuery } } // AUTOMATION LOG async createAutomationLog(automation: Automation, appId?: string) { appId = appId || this.getProdAppId() return await context.doInAppContext(appId!, async () => { return await pro.sdk.automations.logs.storeLog( automation, basicAutomationResults(automation._id!) ) }) } async getAutomationLogs() { return context.doInAppContext(this.getAppId(), async () => { const now = new Date() return await pro.sdk.automations.logs.logSearch({ startDate: new Date(now.getTime() - 100000).toISOString(), }) }) } // QUERY async createQuery(config?: Query) { return this._req(, config || basicQuery(this.getDatasource()._id!) ) } // SCREEN async createScreen(config?: Screen) { config = config || basicScreen() return this._req(, config) } // LAYOUT async createLayout(config?: Layout) { config = config || basicLayout() return await this._req(, config) } } module.exports = TestConfiguration