const fs = require("fs") const ENV_FILE_PATH = ".budibase/.env" exports.fetch = async function (ctx) { // Check if structure of call makes sense, if not, return error // Read File const fileContent = await getEnvironmentVariables() const keys = await extractKeys(fileContent) // Temporary while "real" infrastructure to store keys is created ctx.status = 200 ctx.message = "API Keys" ctx.body = { budibase: 'testFromBackEnd', sendgrid: 'testFromBackEnd' } } exports.update = async function (ctx) { // Do something with ctx.request.body: <{ value: value }> ctx.status = 200 ctx.message = `Updated ${ctx.params.key} API key succesfully.` ctx.body = { [ctx.params.key]: ctx.request.body.value } } async function getEnvironmentVariables() { const home = require('os').homedir(); const filePath = `${home}/${ENV_FILE_PATH}` return data = fs.readFileSync(filePath, 'utf8'); } async function extractKeys() { // Extract keys here return [] }