import crypto from "crypto" import fs from "fs" import zlib from "zlib" import env from "../environment" import { join } from "path" const ALGO = "aes-256-ctr" const SEPARATOR = "-" const ITERATIONS = 10000 const STRETCH_LENGTH = 32 const SALT_LENGTH = 16 const IV_LENGTH = 16 export enum SecretOption { API = "api", ENCRYPTION = "encryption", } export function getSecret(secretOption: SecretOption): string { let secret, secretName switch (secretOption) { case SecretOption.ENCRYPTION: secret = env.ENCRYPTION_KEY secretName = "ENCRYPTION_KEY" break case SecretOption.API: default: secret = env.API_ENCRYPTION_KEY secretName = "API_ENCRYPTION_KEY" break } if (!secret) { throw new Error(`Secret "${secretName}" has not been set in environment.`) } return secret } function stretchString(secret: string, salt: Buffer) { return crypto.pbkdf2Sync(secret, salt, ITERATIONS, STRETCH_LENGTH, "sha512") } export function encrypt( input: string, secretOption: SecretOption = SecretOption.API ) { const salt = crypto.randomBytes(SALT_LENGTH) const stretched = stretchString(getSecret(secretOption), salt) const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(ALGO, stretched, salt) const base = cipher.update(input) const final = const encrypted = Buffer.concat([base, final]).toString("hex") return `${salt.toString("hex")}${SEPARATOR}${encrypted}` } export function decrypt( input: string, secretOption: SecretOption = SecretOption.API ) { const [salt, encrypted] = input.split(SEPARATOR) const saltBuffer = Buffer.from(salt, "hex") const stretched = stretchString(getSecret(secretOption), saltBuffer) const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(ALGO, stretched, saltBuffer) const base = decipher.update(Buffer.from(encrypted, "hex")) const final = return Buffer.concat([base, final]).toString() } export async function encryptFile( { dir, filename }: { dir: string; filename: string }, secret: string ) { const outputFileName = `${filename}.enc` const filePath = join(dir, filename) if (fs.lstatSync(filePath).isDirectory()) { throw new Error("Unable to encrypt directory") } const inputFile = fs.createReadStream(filePath) const outputFile = fs.createWriteStream(join(dir, outputFileName)) const salt = crypto.randomBytes(SALT_LENGTH) const iv = crypto.randomBytes(IV_LENGTH) const stretched = stretchString(secret, salt) const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv(ALGO, stretched, iv) outputFile.write(salt) outputFile.write(iv) inputFile.pipe(zlib.createGzip()).pipe(cipher).pipe(outputFile) return new Promise<{ filename: string; dir: string }>(r => { outputFile.on("finish", () => { r({ filename: outputFileName, dir, }) }) }) } async function getSaltAndIV(path: string) { const fileStream = fs.createReadStream(path) const salt = await readBytes(fileStream, SALT_LENGTH) const iv = await readBytes(fileStream, IV_LENGTH) fileStream.close() return { salt, iv } } export async function decryptFile( inputPath: string, outputPath: string, secret: string ) { if (fs.lstatSync(inputPath).isDirectory()) { throw new Error("Unable to encrypt directory") } const { salt, iv } = await getSaltAndIV(inputPath) const inputFile = fs.createReadStream(inputPath, { start: SALT_LENGTH + IV_LENGTH, }) const outputFile = fs.createWriteStream(outputPath) const stretched = stretchString(secret, salt) const decipher = crypto.createDecipheriv(ALGO, stretched, iv) const unzip = zlib.createGunzip() inputFile.pipe(decipher).pipe(unzip).pipe(outputFile) return new Promise((res, rej) => { outputFile.on("finish", () => { outputFile.close() res() }) inputFile.on("error", e => { outputFile.close() rej(e) }) decipher.on("error", e => { outputFile.close() rej(e) }) unzip.on("error", e => { outputFile.close() rej(e) }) outputFile.on("error", e => { outputFile.close() rej(e) }) }) } function readBytes(stream: fs.ReadStream, length: number) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let bytesRead = 0 const data: Buffer[] = [] stream.on("readable", () => { let chunk while ((chunk = - bytesRead)) !== null) { data.push(chunk) bytesRead += chunk.length } resolve(Buffer.concat(data)) }) stream.on("end", () => { reject(new Error("Insufficient data in the stream.")) }) stream.on("error", error => { reject(error) }) }) }