const { makeExternalQuery } = require("./utils") const { DataSourceOperation, SortDirection, FieldTypes, } = require("../../../constants") const { getAllExternalTables } = require("../table/utils") const { breakExternalTableId, breakRowIdField, } = require("../../../integrations/utils") const { buildRelationships, buildFilters, inputProcessing, outputProcessing, generateIdForRow, buildFields, } = require("./externalUtils") const { processObjectSync } = require("@budibase/string-templates") async function handleRequest( appId, operation, tableId, { id, row, filters, sort, paginate, tables } = {} ) { let { datasourceId, tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) if (!tables) { tables = await getAllExternalTables(appId, datasourceId) } const table = tables[tableName] if (!table) { throw `Unable to process query, table "${tableName}" not defined.` } // clean up row on ingress using schema filters = buildFilters(id, filters, table) const relationships = buildRelationships(table, tables) const processed = inputProcessing(row, table, tables) row = processed.row if ( operation === DataSourceOperation.DELETE && (filters == null || Object.keys(filters).length === 0) ) { throw "Deletion must be filtered" } let json = { endpoint: { datasourceId, entityId: tableName, operation, }, resource: { // have to specify the fields to avoid column overlap fields: buildFields(table, tables), }, filters, sort, paginate, relationships, body: row, // pass an id filter into extra, purely for mysql/returning extra: { idFilter: buildFilters(id || generateIdForRow(row, table), {}, table), }, } // can't really use response right now const response = await makeExternalQuery(appId, json) // handle many to many relationships now if we know the ID (could be auto increment) if (processed.manyRelationships) { const promises = [] for (let toInsert of processed.manyRelationships) { const { tableName } = breakExternalTableId(toInsert.tableId) delete toInsert.tableId promises.push( makeExternalQuery(appId, { endpoint: { ...json.endpoint, entityId: tableName, }, // if we're doing many relationships then we're writing, only one response body: processObjectSync(toInsert, response[0]), }) ) } await Promise.all(promises) } const output = outputProcessing(response, table, relationships, tables) // if reading it'll just be an array of rows, return whole thing return operation === DataSourceOperation.READ && Array.isArray(response) ? output : { row: output[0], table } } exports.patch = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const inputs = ctx.request.body const tableId = ctx.params.tableId const id = breakRowIdField(inputs._id) // don't save the ID to db delete inputs._id return handleRequest(appId, DataSourceOperation.UPDATE, tableId, { id, row: inputs, }) } = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const inputs = ctx.request.body const tableId = ctx.params.tableId return handleRequest(appId, DataSourceOperation.CREATE, tableId, { row: inputs, }) } exports.fetchView = async ctx => { // there are no views in external data sources, shouldn't ever be called // for now just fetch ctx.params.tableId = ctx.params.viewName.split("all_")[1] return exports.fetch(ctx) } exports.fetch = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const tableId = ctx.params.tableId return handleRequest(appId, DataSourceOperation.READ, tableId) } exports.find = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const id = ctx.params.rowId const tableId = ctx.params.tableId const response = await handleRequest( appId, DataSourceOperation.READ, tableId, { id, } ) return response ? response[0] : response } exports.destroy = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const tableId = ctx.params.tableId const id = ctx.request.body._id const { row } = await handleRequest( appId, DataSourceOperation.DELETE, tableId, { id, } ) return { response: { ok: true }, row } } exports.bulkDestroy = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const { rows } = ctx.request.body const tableId = ctx.params.tableId let promises = [] for (let row of rows) { promises.push( handleRequest(appId, DataSourceOperation.DELETE, tableId, { id: breakRowIdField(row._id), }) ) } const responses = await Promise.all(promises) return { response: { ok: true }, rows: => resp.row) } } = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const tableId = ctx.params.tableId const { paginate, query, ...params } = ctx.request.body let { bookmark, limit } = params if (!bookmark && paginate) { bookmark = 1 } let paginateObj = {} if (paginate) { paginateObj = { // add one so we can track if there is another page limit: limit, page: bookmark, } } else if (params && limit) { paginateObj = { limit: limit, } } let sort if (params.sort) { const direction = params.sortOrder === "descending" ? SortDirection.DESCENDING : SortDirection.ASCENDING sort = { [params.sort]: direction, } } const rows = await handleRequest(appId, DataSourceOperation.READ, tableId, { filters: query, sort, paginate: paginateObj, }) let hasNextPage = false if (paginate && rows.length === limit) { const nextRows = await handleRequest( appId, DataSourceOperation.READ, tableId, { filters: query, sort, paginate: { limit: 1, page: bookmark * limit + 1, }, } ) hasNextPage = nextRows.length > 0 } // need wrapper object for bookmarks etc when paginating return { rows, hasNextPage, bookmark: bookmark + 1 } } exports.validate = async () => { // can't validate external right now - maybe in future return { valid: true } } exports.fetchEnrichedRow = async ctx => { const appId = ctx.appId const id = ctx.params.rowId const tableId = ctx.params.tableId const { datasourceId, tableName } = breakExternalTableId(tableId) const tables = await getAllExternalTables(appId, datasourceId) const response = await handleRequest( appId, DataSourceOperation.READ, tableId, { id, tables, } ) const table = tables[tableName] const row = response[0] // this seems like a lot of work, but basically we need to dig deeper for the enrich // for a single row, there is probably a better way to do this with some smart multi-layer joins for (let [fieldName, field] of Object.entries(table.schema)) { if ( field.type !== FieldTypes.LINK || !row[fieldName] || row[fieldName].length === 0 ) { continue } const links = row[fieldName] const linkedTableId = field.tableId const linkedTable = tables[breakExternalTableId(linkedTableId).tableName] // don't support composite keys right now const linkedIds = => breakRowIdField(link._id)[0]) row[fieldName] = await handleRequest( appId, DataSourceOperation.READ, linkedTableId, { tables, filters: { oneOf: { [linkedTable.primary]: linkedIds, }, }, } ) } return row }