import * as email from "../../../utilities/email" import env from "../../../environment" import { googleCallbackUrl, oidcCallbackUrl } from "./auth" import { cache, configs, db as dbCore, env as coreEnv, events, objectStore, tenancy, } from "@budibase/backend-core" import { checkAnyUserExists } from "../../../utilities/users" import { Config, ConfigType, Ctx, GetPublicOIDCConfigResponse, GetPublicSettingsResponse, GoogleInnerConfig, isGoogleConfig, isOIDCConfig, isSettingsConfig, isSMTPConfig, OIDCConfigs, SettingsInnerConfig, SSOConfig, SSOConfigType, UserCtx, } from "@budibase/types" import * as pro from "@budibase/pro" const getEventFns = async (config: Config, existing?: Config) => { const fns = [] if (!existing) { if (isSMTPConfig(config)) { fns.push( } else if (isGoogleConfig(config)) { fns.push(() => events.auth.SSOCreated(ConfigType.GOOGLE)) if (config.config.activated) { fns.push(() => events.auth.SSOActivated(ConfigType.GOOGLE)) } } else if (isOIDCConfig(config)) { fns.push(() => events.auth.SSOCreated(ConfigType.OIDC)) if (config.config.configs[0].activated) { fns.push(() => events.auth.SSOActivated(ConfigType.OIDC)) } } else if (isSettingsConfig(config)) { // company const company = if (company && company !== "Budibase") { fns.push( } // logo const logoUrl = config.config.logoUrl if (logoUrl) { fns.push( } // platform url const platformUrl = config.config.platformUrl if ( platformUrl && platformUrl !== "http://localhost:10000" && env.SELF_HOSTED ) { fns.push( } } } else { if (isSMTPConfig(config)) { fns.push( } else if (isGoogleConfig(config)) { fns.push(() => events.auth.SSOUpdated(ConfigType.GOOGLE)) if (!existing.config.activated && config.config.activated) { fns.push(() => events.auth.SSOActivated(ConfigType.GOOGLE)) } else if (existing.config.activated && !config.config.activated) { fns.push(() => events.auth.SSODeactivated(ConfigType.GOOGLE)) } } else if (isOIDCConfig(config)) { fns.push(() => events.auth.SSOUpdated(ConfigType.OIDC)) if ( !existing.config.configs[0].activated && config.config.configs[0].activated ) { fns.push(() => events.auth.SSOActivated(ConfigType.OIDC)) } else if ( existing.config.configs[0].activated && !config.config.configs[0].activated ) { fns.push(() => events.auth.SSODeactivated(ConfigType.OIDC)) } } else if (isSettingsConfig(config)) { // company const existingCompany = const company = if (company && company !== "Budibase" && existingCompany !== company) { fns.push( } // logo const existingLogoUrl = existing.config.logoUrl const logoUrl = config.config.logoUrl if (logoUrl && existingLogoUrl !== logoUrl) { fns.push( } // platform url const existingPlatformUrl = existing.config.platformUrl const platformUrl = config.config.platformUrl if ( platformUrl && platformUrl !== "http://localhost:10000" && existingPlatformUrl !== platformUrl && env.SELF_HOSTED ) { fns.push( } } } return fns } type SSOConfigs = { [key in SSOConfigType]: SSOConfig | undefined } async function getSSOConfigs(): Promise { const google = await configs.getGoogleConfig() const oidc = await configs.getOIDCConfig() return { [ConfigType.GOOGLE]: google, [ConfigType.OIDC]: oidc, } } async function hasActivatedConfig(ssoConfigs?: SSOConfigs) { if (!ssoConfigs) { ssoConfigs = await getSSOConfigs() } return !!Object.values(ssoConfigs).find(c => c?.activated) } async function verifySettingsConfig(config: SettingsInnerConfig) { if (config.isSSOEnforced) { const valid = await hasActivatedConfig() if (!valid) { throw new Error("Cannot enforce SSO without an activated configuration") } } } async function verifySSOConfig(type: SSOConfigType, config: SSOConfig) { const settings = await configs.getSettingsConfig() if (settings.isSSOEnforced && !config.activated) { // config is being saved as deactivated // ensure there is at least one other activated sso config const ssoConfigs = await getSSOConfigs() // overwrite the config being updated // to reflect the desired state ssoConfigs[type] = config const activated = await hasActivatedConfig(ssoConfigs) if (!activated) { throw new Error( "Configuration cannot be deactivated while SSO is enforced" ) } } } async function verifyGoogleConfig(config: GoogleInnerConfig) { await verifySSOConfig(ConfigType.GOOGLE, config) } async function verifyOIDCConfig(config: OIDCConfigs) { await verifySSOConfig(ConfigType.OIDC, config.configs[0]) } export async function save(ctx: UserCtx) { const body = ctx.request.body const type = body.type const config = body.config const existingConfig = await configs.getConfig(type) let eventFns = await getEventFns(ctx.request.body, existingConfig) if (existingConfig) { body._rev = existingConfig._rev } try { // verify the configuration switch (type) { case ConfigType.SMTP: await email.verifyConfig(config) break case ConfigType.SETTINGS: await verifySettingsConfig(config) break case ConfigType.GOOGLE: await verifyGoogleConfig(config) break case ConfigType.OIDC: await verifyOIDCConfig(config) break } } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(400, err) } try { body._id = configs.generateConfigID(type) const response = await await cache.bustCache(cache.CacheKey.CHECKLIST) await cache.bustCache(cache.CacheKey.ANALYTICS_ENABLED) for (const fn of eventFns) { await fn() } ctx.body = { type, _id:, _rev: response.rev, } } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(400, err) } } export async function find(ctx: UserCtx) { try { // Find the config with the most granular scope based on context const type = ctx.params.type const scopedConfig = await configs.getConfig(type) if (scopedConfig) { ctx.body = scopedConfig } else { // don't throw an error, there simply is nothing to return ctx.body = {} } } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(err?.status || 400, err) } } export async function publicOidc(ctx: Ctx) { try { // Find the config with the most granular scope based on context const config = await configs.getOIDCConfig() if (!config) { ctx.body = [] } else { ctx.body = [ { logo: config.logo, name:, uuid: config.uuid, }, ] } } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(err.status, err) } } export async function publicSettings( ctx: Ctx ) { try { // settings const configDoc = await configs.getSettingsConfigDoc() const config = configDoc.config // enrich the logo url - empty url means deleted if (config.logoUrl && config.logoUrl !== "") { config.logoUrl = objectStore.getGlobalFileUrl( "settings", "logoUrl", config.logoUrlEtag ) } if (config.faviconUrl && config.faviconUrl !== "") { config.faviconUrl = objectStore.getGlobalFileUrl( "settings", "faviconUrl", config.faviconUrl ) } // google const googleConfig = await configs.getGoogleConfig() const preActivated = googleConfig && googleConfig.activated == null const google = preActivated || !!googleConfig?.activated const _googleCallbackUrl = await googleCallbackUrl(googleConfig) // oidc const oidcConfig = await configs.getOIDCConfig() const oidc = oidcConfig?.activated || false const _oidcCallbackUrl = await oidcCallbackUrl() // sso enforced const isSSOEnforced = await pro.features.isSSOEnforced({ config }) ctx.body = { type: ConfigType.SETTINGS, _id: configDoc._id, _rev: configDoc._rev, config: { ...config, google, oidc, isSSOEnforced, oidcCallbackUrl: _oidcCallbackUrl, googleCallbackUrl: _googleCallbackUrl, }, } } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(err.status, err) } } export async function upload(ctx: UserCtx) { if (ctx.request.files == null || Array.isArray(ctx.request.files.file)) { ctx.throw(400, "One file must be uploaded.") } const file = ctx.request.files.file as any const { type, name } = ctx.params let bucket = coreEnv.GLOBAL_BUCKET_NAME const key = objectStore.getGlobalFileS3Key(type, name) const result = await objectStore.upload({ bucket, filename: key, path: file.path, type: file.type, }) // add to configuration structure let config = await configs.getConfig(type) if (!config) { config = { _id: configs.generateConfigID(type), type, config: {}, } } // save the Etag for cache bursting const etag = result.ETag if (etag) { config.config[`${name}Etag`] = etag.replace(/"/g, "") } // save the file key config.config[`${name}`] = key // write back to db await ctx.body = { message: "File has been uploaded and url stored to config.", url: objectStore.getGlobalFileUrl(type, name, etag), } } export async function destroy(ctx: UserCtx) { const db = tenancy.getGlobalDB() const { id, rev } = ctx.params try { await db.remove(id, rev) await cache.destroy(cache.CacheKey.CHECKLIST) ctx.body = { message: "Config deleted successfully" } } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(err.status, err) } } export async function configChecklist(ctx: Ctx) { const tenantId = tenancy.getTenantId() try { ctx.body = await cache.withCache( cache.CacheKey.CHECKLIST, env.CHECKLIST_CACHE_TTL, async () => { let apps = [] if (!env.MULTI_TENANCY || tenantId) { // Apps exist apps = await dbCore.getAllApps({ idsOnly: true, efficient: true }) } // They have set up SMTP const smtpConfig = await configs.getSMTPConfig() // They have set up Google Auth const googleConfig = await configs.getGoogleConfig() // They have set up OIDC const oidcConfig = await configs.getOIDCConfig() // They have set up a global user const userExists = await checkAnyUserExists() return { apps: { checked: apps.length > 0, label: "Create your first app", link: "/builder/portal/apps", }, smtp: { checked: !!smtpConfig, label: "Set up email", link: "/builder/portal/manage/email", }, adminUser: { checked: userExists, label: "Create your first user", link: "/builder/portal/manage/users", }, sso: { checked: !!googleConfig || !!oidcConfig, label: "Set up single sign-on", link: "/builder/portal/manage/auth", }, } } ) } catch (err: any) { ctx.throw(err.status, err) } }