const couchdb = require("../../db"); const MODEL_SCHEMA = { id: "foo", name: "Contact", key: "wutwut", fields: [ { name: "name", type: "string", constraints: { min: "", max: "" } }, { name: "age", type: "number", constraints: { min: 0, max: 100 } } ], validationRules: [ ] } exports.fetch = async function(ctx) { const db = couchdb.db.use(ctx.params.instanceId); const body = await db.view("database", "by_type", { include_docs: true, key: ["model"] }); ctx.body = body.rows; } exports.create = async function(ctx) { const db = couchdb.db.use(ctx.params.instanceId); const newModel = await db.insert(ctx.request.body); const designDoc = await db.get("_design/database"); designDoc.views = { ...designDoc.views, [`all_${}`]: { map: function(doc) { emit([doc.modelId], doc._id); } } }; await db.insert(designDoc, designDoc._id); ctx.body = { ...newModel, message: `Model ${} created successfully.`, status: 200, } } exports.update = async function(ctx) { } exports.destroy = async function(ctx) { const db = couchdb.db.use(ctx.params.instanceId) const model = await db.destroy(ctx.params.modelId, ctx.params.revId); const modelViewId = `all_${}` // Delete all records for that model const records = await db.view("database", modelViewId); await db.bulk({ docs: => ({ id:, _deleted: true })) }); // delete the "all" view const designDoc = await db.get("_design/database"); delete designDoc.views[modelViewId]; await db.insert(designDoc, designDoc._id); ctx.body = { message: `Model ${} deleted.`, status: 200 } }