	"_lib": "./dist/index.js",
	"_templates" : {
		"saveRecordButton" : {
			"description": "Save record button",
			"component": "button"
	"button" : {
		"name": "Button",
		"description": "an html <button />",
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				"padding": "10px",
				"background": "#fff",
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			"error": {
				"contentText": "ERROR",
				"color": "red", 
				"padding": "10px",
				"border": "1px solid red"
	"login" : {
		"name": "Login Control",
		"description": "A control that accepts username, password an also handles password resets",
		"props" : {
			"logo": "asset",
			"loginRedirect": "string",
			"usernameLabel": {"type":"string", "default": "Username"},
			"passwordLabel": {"type":"string", "default": "Password"},
			"loginButtonLabel": {"type":"string", "default": "Login"},
			"buttonClass": "string",
			"inputClass": "string"
		"tags": ["login", "credentials", "password", "logon"]
	"input" : {
		"name": "Input",
		"description": "An HTML input",
		"props" : {
			"value": "string",
			"type": {
					"text", "password", "checkbox", "color", 
					"date", "datetime-local", "email", 
					"file", "hidden", "image", "month", "number",
					"radio", "range", "reset", "search", "submit",
					"tel", "time", "week"],
			"onChange": "event",
			"className": "string"
		"tags": ["form"]
	"select" : {
		"name": "Select",
		"description": "An HTML <select> (dropdown)",
		"props" : {
			"value": "string",
			"className": "string"
	"option" : {
		"name": "Option",
		"description": "An HTML <option>, to be used with <select>",
		"children": false,
		"props" : {
			"value": "string",
			"text": "string"
	"text": {
		"name": "Text",
		"description": "stylable block of text",
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			"formattingTag": {
				"type": "options", 
				"options": [
					"<b> - bold",
					"<strong> - important",
					"<i> - italic",
					"<em> - emphasized",
					"<mark> - marked text",
					"<small> - small",
					"<del> - deleted",
					"<ins> - inserted",
					"<sub> - subscript",
					"<sup> - superscript"
		"tags": ["div", "container"]
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		"description": "an HTML anchor <a> tag",
		"props": {
			"url": "string",
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			"text": "string",
			"color": "string",
			"hoverColor": "string",
			"underline": "bool",
			"fontSize": "string"
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		"description": "an HTML <img> tag",
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			"url": "string",
			"className": "string",
			"description": "string",
			"height": "string",
			"width": "string"
	"container": {
		"name": "Container",
		"description": "An element that contains and lays out other elements. e.g. <div>, <header> etc",
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				"type": "options", 
				"options": [
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			"color": "string",
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		"tags": ["div", "container", "layout"]
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		"name": "Heading",
		"description": "An HTML H1 - H6 tag",
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			"type": {
				"type": "options",
				"default": "h1",
				"options": ["h1","h2","h3","h4","h5","h6"]
		"tags": []
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		"name": "TableHead",
		"description": "an HTML <thead> tab",
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		"name": "TableBody",
		"description": "an HTML <tbody> tab",
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